Caution: **Spoiler Lab** Ahead - Season 7

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The fact we never see Tara consuming those pills leaves me doubtuful about the whole situation.
As someone mentioned before, I do think it has something to do with someone else &, maybe she's actually covering for him/her.
The more I think about this, the more I think that it will have nothing to do with Tara at all. It seems very late in the season to bring on this type of story arc for a character we barely know.
I'm leaning towards the idea that someone on the team is the one who is taking them - they could have lifted the pills from the morgue, took some, & then put them back; & when Tara saw that they mysteriously showed back up, she could've then thought it was someone on the team, & put them in her pocket to avoid anyone looking into the teammembers.

If she had gone to Horatio & told him that they just magically showed back up in the morgue then he'd immediatly suspect that it was a teammember, & Tara is new so she may not have wanted to stir up that kind of suspicion. She may be covering but not know who she is actually covering for. I go back to the look on her face when she put them in her pocket. It wasn't really a look of guilt - she didn't look around corners or appear sneaky - she simply poured a few out (as if she counted & noticed some were missing) let out a sigh, & placed them in her pocket.

As for possible "suspects" we can eliminate already Horatio, Kyle, Julia, & Ryan (he wouldn't ask about them if he was the one using) - that leaves us with Eric, Calleigh or Natalia. Frank is just doubtful all together, lol.
Natalia: Possible situation considering she had a broken arm, & had the small issue in 'Deep Freeze' - however it's been a while since then so I'm not real convinced that she would need the pills now.
Calleigh: Unless there are problems she's having due to her lungs, I couldn't at all see a reason why she would need pain relievers.
Now Eric Delko...geeez, the list goes on. We've already gotten a small clue in 'Deluca Motel' that he takes prescription pills, & it's pretty obvious TPTB still slightly play on his injury - it wouldn't be far fetched to believe that a man in his state would need to take pills.

Then again, "using" doesn't always mean "addicted" - if anyone is taking these pills it could lead to a medical problem that we are just unaware of. But for Eric, I could see it becoming a bigger problem since we already know what his story is medically. Just a thought to chew on. *shrugs*
The more I think about this, the more I think that it will have nothing to do with Tara at all. It seems very late in the season to bring on this type of story arc for a character we barely know.
I'm leaning towards the idea that someone on the team is the one who is taking them - they could have lifted the pills from the morgue, took some, & then put them back; & when Tara saw that they mysteriously showed back up, she could've then thought it was someone on the team, & put them in her pocket to avoid anyone looking into the teammembers.
Honestly, I just can't see her using them just because of her old shoulder injury. I mean I didn't see her suffering from it during the whole episode, she was contracting her face muscles as if she were in pain. She was just the usual Tara.
Not to mention that they could have used this storyline immediatly. Plus if they wanted to make her addicted, well she wouldn't be a regular character on the show, would she?

If she had gone to Horatio & told him that they just magically showed back up in the morgue then he'd immediatly suspect that it was a teammember, & Tara is new so she may not have wanted to stir up that kind of suspicion. She may be covering but not know who she is actually covering for. I go back to the look on her face when she put them in her pocket. It wasn't really a look of guilt - she didn't look around corners or appear sneaky - she simply poured a few out (as if she counted & noticed some were missing) let out a sigh, & placed them in her pocket.
She's been in the MDPD for what? 6 months? I just don't see her that confident to say everything to H.
I don't think she knows who's the owner, I do think she may understood it wasn't Julia as she said to H when he questioned her.
As for the moment when she took them, she wasn't suspicious at all. If she had been addicted or a drug user, she would have been suspicious.

Remember when the spoilers told us 2 member of our team would become darker??? Well all this drug stuff could be easily related to that spoiler.

Natalia: Possible situation considering she had a broken arm, & had the small issue in 'Deep Freeze' - however it's been a while since then so I'm not real convinced that she would need the pills now.
Sorry but I just can't see Natalia taking any kind of drug :lol:. Though, it would be really nice & it would mean some sort of continuity.

Calleigh: Unless there are problems she's having due to her lungs, I couldn't at all see a reason why she would need pain relievers.
Let's say the her lung problem has never been mentioned since "Smoke gets in your CSIs" and they promised they would go on with this stuff. Not to mention that they used her running in "power trip". She meust have problems due to her lung (I still think she lost one in that attic or in the interrogation room :lol:) So yeah I think her having a lungs problem can be an option & I would like to see it. Otherwise, I can't really understand the purpose of "Smoke gets in your CSIs".

Now Eric Delko...geeez, the list goes on. We've already gotten a small clue in 'Deluca Motel' that he takes prescription pills, & it's pretty obvious TPTB still slightly play on his injury - it wouldn't be far fetched to believe that a man in his state would need to take pills.
I do think that Eric would be way too obvious, though I still think it's time to show how Eric can't go on working as if nothing happened more than 2 years ago.

Then again, "using" doesn't always mean "addicted" - if anyone is taking these pills it could lead to a medical problem that we are just unaware of. But for Eric, I could see it becoming a bigger problem since we already know what his story is medically. Just a thought to chew on. *shrugs*
Well I do think it's about an "addicted" person. I mean that person (whoever was) stole some pills from a yeah that person isn't just using, he/she is addicted ;)
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Wow. It is very likely tara could be covering for someone... Hmmmmm. Maybe it's just some obscure character who works in the morgue?
Wow. It is very likely tara could be covering for someone... Hmmmmm. Maybe it's just some obscure character who works in the morgue?

Yeah, maybe she's got a romance going with one of her assistants. After all, she did tell Horatio that her assistants did have access to the vic's belongings. Hmm... Maybe the who isn't important, but it's how she deals with the person's addiction. Maybe she noticed the person took the pills and she found them in their stuff and removed them so as not to enable their habit.
Originally Posted by mjszud
Calleigh: Unless there are problems she's having due to her lungs, I couldn't at all see a reason why she would need pain relievers.

Let's say the her lung problem has never been mentioned since "Smoke gets in your CSIs" and they promised they would go on with this stuff. Not to mention that they used her running in "power trip". She meust have problems due to her lung (I still think she lost one in that attic or in the interrogation room :lol:) So yeah I think her having a lungs problem can be an option & I would like to see it. Otherwise, I can't really understand the purpose of "Smoke gets in your CSIs".
Well, I can't see it being Calleigh for 2 reasons.
1. If she has any kind of problems, she would be able to get meds easily given that it recently happened - she wouldn't need to steal them.
2. If this person is addicted then it's probably someone who's been taking the drugs for a prolonged period of time, & Calleigh hasn't likely had enough time for the drug to be habit forming.

Remember when the spoilers told us 2 member of our team would become darker??? Well all this drug stuff could be easily related to that spoiler.
Exactly why I was thinking of this. ;) Yes, Eric seems to be pretty predictable at this point, but it would still make sense.
We'll see.

Yeah, maybe she's got a romance going with one of her assistants. After all, she did tell Horatio that her assistants did have access to the vic's belongings. Hmm... Maybe the who isn't important, but it's how she deals with the person's addiction. Maybe she noticed the person took the pills and she found them in their stuff and removed them so as not to enable their habit.
I personally think it's too early for her character to have that much going on this late in the season. That's a big can of worms to be opened (delving into an affair, or family member with drug abuse, ect.), & I really think it will somehow blend with what will happen near finale with the characters we already know.
As for possible "suspects" we can eliminate already Horatio, Kyle, Julia, & Ryan
Why eliminate Julia or Kyle? It's very possible that it was Julia, although I don't see why Tara wouldn't just tell H that it was her. The more I think about it, the more I think it could be Kyle. No one ever questioned if he took them--they just assumed that he didn't. Grant it, I don't know why he would take them. But I can picture Tara trying to protect him. She seemed to like him and she probably doesn't want H's son to get in more trouble.
if he did take them it was to control his crazy mom? maybe but I doubt he's that sneaky although a year of living with Julia the con artist might have changed that...
Then again, "using" doesn't always mean "addicted" - if anyone is taking these pills it could lead to a medical problem that we are just unaware of. But for Eric, I could see it becoming a bigger problem since we already know what his story is medically. Just a thought to chew on. *shrugs*

Technically I'm "using" right now. I have a severe sinus infection that requires me to be on Amoxicilin. It's not addictive, but I have to take the full 'script for me to be clear of the infection, even though I fell fine as of now.

So "using" as someone put it, is very subjective. I'm interested in seeing where this Oxy and Tara thing pans out. Could she have given into the temptation to take some because she was in so much pai or is she covering for someone? I'm in the mind that she took them, hersef, simply to relieve the obviuos pain she was feeling in her shoulder. Oxy, I understand, is easy to become depedant on, so maybe she didn't forsee an issue and it got away from her.Tara comes across as far too smart to have a drug habit, but innocent enough for it to have dependancy sneak up on her and take hold.
The fact that Ryan later confronts Tara about the drugs suggest me that the incident that we saw of her taking the drugs is not an isolated incident.But we will have to wait and see how this plays out.

I guess eveyone in the team could be an addict but if I have to choose one It would be someone that already showed an addictive personality(like Ryan and we know he is the one asking Tara).Eric could be posible if his head injury had resulted in intractable pain.But what he had is memory loss so I assume that he takes cerebral oxygenators , or similar medications.Calleigh is in the same situation becouse what she would need to take for a lung injury are also not painkillers.Natalia storyline was pain related but we didn't saw anything at that time.And Horatio would stop being super H with a storyline like that.So my money is on Tara.
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I don't think it was Kyle. I think the fact he already 'tainted' evidence by using a dead guy's cell puts him on the spot, and since I know the writers of Miami love to surprise us, him being an 'obvious' choice makes him not a choice at all.
Does that make any sense..?:confused:
Well, I can't see it being Calleigh for 2 reasons.
1. If she has any kind of problems, she would be able to get meds easily given that it recently happened - she wouldn't need to steal them.
2. If this person is addicted then it's probably someone who's been taking the drugs for a prolonged period of time, & Calleigh hasn't likely had enough time for the drug to be habit forming.
Considering Miami health service, I highly doubt she's able to get meds :lol:. Sorry but the idea of the heath serivce in Miami they showed, it's not good at all, IMHO.
Anyway I still think it's too soon to exclude her.

I personally think it's too early for her character to have that much going on this late in the season. That's a big can of worms to be opened (delving into an affair, or family member with drug abuse, ect.), & I really think it will somehow blend with what will happen near finale with the characters we already know.
I don't think it's someone related to Tara. I just can't see her having an important storyline with a man, or any other possible romance.
Not to mention, that it's too late for this season. Unless they want to end with a Tara's cliffhanger. Nah I don't think it's the case to write a cliffhanger for Tara :shifty:

I tend to exclude also Kyle just b/c he's not like his mother. You can see on his face, that despite having lived with Julia, he's a kind person and just a normal guy ;). IDK, that's what I saw at the end of the episode :)
and since I know the writers of Miami love to surprise us, him being an 'obvious' choice makes him not a choice at all.
Does that make any sense..?:confused:
Yes, it makes sense. :p That's why I tend to think it's anyone but the ones they actually showed already within the story (Tara/Julia/Kyle).
I mean, if it's Kyle then why not just show Kyle taking them at the end?!
& TPTB (sneaky devils) wanted us to first think it was Julia, then think it's Tara, so going back to Julia would be lame. :confused:

Besides, I DO NOT want it to be Kyle. In my eyes, he's still a recurring cast member & the offspring of Horatio Caine - not a CSI. They've started sorta cleaning him up too since all the juvi drama so I feel like it would be a total waste to have him back in trouble again. Regardless if it was for his psycho Mother (which I tend to doubt), Horatio will be enormously ticked off & disappointed if it were him. I would hate to go down that road again...too repetitive.

Considering Miami health service, I highly doubt she's able to get meds :lol:
Oh please!! With Dr. Alexx Woods as a big wig at Miami Dade whatever the heck it's called Hospital, surely she could get medication if she needed it. :lol:

I'm in the mind that she took them, hersef, simply to relieve the obviuos pain she was feeling in her shoulder. Oxy, I understand, is easy to become depedant on, so maybe she didn't forsee an issue and it got away from her.Tara comes across as far too smart to have a drug habit, but innocent enough for it to have dependancy sneak up on her and take hold.
I do get what you're saying, but I just didn't get the impression that she was in a lot of pain, & even if she was....why not some Tylenol, or Aleve to ease it?! She's a doctor, & surely when that board hit her she was looked at, so why wouldn't she have just asked the Doctors for a few pain relievers for herself considering she just had the accident - she had easy access for some pain relief right there.

It just seems like whoever took the Oxy was pretty desperate in needing something to ease whatever pain they're in, & to me it would likely be someone who's also wanting to HIDE whatever pain they're having. Even if the meds were taken by Tara for someone else, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me for this to surface at this time in the season.
Who knows...maybe it's Stetler stirring the pot & trying to pin a drug thief on everybody else :lol: (sorry HNStetlerfan:p) I kid, I kid....
I'm all torn up with the whole Tara taking meds deal. Her character seems very professional, at this time, doesn't seem that she would risk losing her job for some oxy. Although her character also seems very stubborn.
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