Catherine Family issue

Wow that was some great updates. I can understand the pain issue that Lindsey was having ... it was like that when i got the arthritis in my right knee, i couldn't walk on it and my dad had to carry me to the vechile to take me to the hospital, then i had to sit with my leg elevated at school until the swelling went down. I can understand how irratating peeing all the time could be, not cause i have been pregnant but because of when i have high bloodsugars with my diabetes, your body dehydrates easily so you drink alot and well it just goes rate through. I can't wait for more update soon
Part Fifty-Six
Catherine set at home work on some cases paperwork when her cellphone start ring. She picks up the cellphone to see who is call and see that it is Nick number, she flips open her phone and takes the call.

Catherine: Willows speaking
Nick: Hi Cath night shift need over at the Book house at 417 Flamingo road there been a 410-Reckless Driver/413B-Person With Other Deadly Weapon/419-Dead Body.
Catherine: What happen?
Nick: A teenage driver his new mustang into the front of the Book house, the passenger’s in the car are hurt and the five- year- old who was set in the couch was tv dead, Jim thinks the impact from the car killed her.
Catherine: What about the drive of the car?
Nick: Not even a cut or bruise. He talking to Jim Brass and Sofia right now. This is a all heads on deck Cath.
Catherine: Ok, I’m on my way Nick.

Catherine pulls up to the crime scene and parks her SUV next to Sarah and Gil SUV. The first thing she sees is the red mustang back end stick out of the front of the two story house and David lean over the body of the five-year-old check her body temperature for the time of death. She look over at Sarah and see she is cry and nothing Gil is say to her is help. Catherine walks over to Sarah and gives her a hug.

Catherine: Gil why don’t you go talk to Jim, I stay and calm Sarah down.
Gil: Ok, Cath.

Gil walks off and heads over to where Jim Brass and Sofia are stand talking to the boy that drive his car through the front of the house.

Catherine: (Still hug Sarah) Sarah, talk to me what wrong hun?
Sarah: The girl was so young and she did nothing wrong Cath she was just watch tv and that sixteen year-old boy killed her.
Catherine: I know Sarah, But god must of deiced it was her time to join him in heaven.
Sarah: let go work the scene, so we can put him behind bars for kill her.
Catherine: Sounds good to me.

Sarah and Catherine head over to where Gil, Brass and Sofia are, which is now talk to David.
aww poor Sara. Please post again, I wanna see if they figure out what happened. Well they usually do but you know what I mean.
Part Fifty-Seven
The sight that Catherine and Sara see when their walk into the house through the front wall. Is the five lay on the floor by the wall across from them and that her head creak open and brain matter everywhere.

David: She been dead since 6:30p.m.
Sarah: Thanks David.
David: Can I take her to the coroners’ lab now?
Gil: Yeah, we get the Picture of her at the scene already.

As David loads the girl into the van. Sarah, Catherine, Nick, Gil, Warrick, Greg start process the scene. Even though, the already know that the drive going to jail for kill her. See that he was also over the legal blood alcohol level. Sarah swabs the blood off the car bump and takes some paint samples. Gil collect the brain matters into biohazard bags, while Catherine, Nick and Gil collect blood swabs from the blood pools. So Wendy can make sure it matches it to the blood of the car bumper. Sofia had gone to the hospital to get pictures of the injury the passengers in the car had. Catherine walks over next to Sarah and looks at her.

Sarah: Cath, Is everything ok?
Catherine: It just the boy that did this is sixteen years old, Lindsey almost the some age, I’m just could she only pregnant and not drink and drive and crush her car into house.
Sarah: Cath, you pager is going off.
Catherine: Great it the nurse number at Lindsey school!

Catherine pulls her cellphone off her hip and dial the number on her pager. After three rings the school nurse picks up.

Catherine: What wrong with Lindsey?
Nurse Micky: Lindsey is fine.
Catherine: Then why are you call me?
Nurse Micky: I was just pagers because I could not get a hold on the house phone or you cellphone and Katie want me to let you know she was going home because she start her period and has really bad cramps.
Catherine: I thanks for let me know.
Sarah: is Lindsey ok?
Catherine: she fine, Katie has really bad cramps and going home is all
Part Fifty-Eight
Catherine and Sarah are in the evidence room look over the pictures of the crime scene, when Catherine cellphone starts ring, and it the ring tone Lindsey number is set on. Catherine grabs her cellphone and flips it open think I wonder what Lindsey calling about?

Catherine: Hi Linds what up?
Lindsey: I wait outside the school to be pick up for my OBGYN check up.
Catherine: I forget I had to go into, I will be there in five.
Lindsey: Ok
Sarah: You need to go?
Catherine: Yeah Lindsey has a check up.
Sarah: Ok, I can hold this.
Catherine: Thanks.

Lindsey and Catherine get to Dr. Moonstar office just on time for Lindsey appointment. The first thing the nurse does when Lindsey get back to the examine room is drew some blood.

Lindsey: Where are you take blood for?
Nurse Rose: to test for Gestation diabetes
Lindsey: We I find out before the end of the appointment?
Nurse Rose: Yeah I put a rush on the blood work for you.

Dr. Moonstar comes into the room and check Lindsey out and finds everything seem normal beside she did not gain the sixteen pounds that she ask her too.

Dr. Moonstar: Lindsey have you been eat like you should?
Lindsey: Yeah, three meals a day and snack in between meals if I am hunger.

Just then nurse Rose come back into the room and head Dr. Moonstar paperwork, she then walks out of the room.

Dr. Moonstar: You have Gestation diabetes Type A1, which means you have to monitor you diabetes. I want you to start eat more fruit, vegetables and eat less jack food. Also check you blood sugar in the morning and evening.
Lindsey: Ok, anything else I need to know?
Dr. Moonstar: No
I hope she's okay. Had a cousin that had that once. Can be tricky but manageable. When the baby's born, it gets tested too.
OIY diabetes sucks ass ... trust me I know *cough cough* I have had diabetes millitus for twelve going on thirteen years now and I have to always test my sugars and give myself insulin injections ... it can take alot out of you. Just yesturday I had a low blood sugar for forty five minutes, i was afraid i would go into a diabetic severe low, i had had twelve glucose tabs (pure sugar tabs to highten bloodsugars) and had gone from 3.1 to 3.4 and that was it. It really sucks, but i think you will have a really good story line with the diabetes
Part Fifty-Nine
Catherine drops Lindsey back off at school after her check. Then Catherine head back to work. Lindsey was set in her family plan class stare at the chapter in the textbook that she was supposed to be fellow along with the student in the class read out loud and that each students are taking turns read part of the chapter out loud, but she could not focus on the read. She kept thinking about Dr. Moonstar told her she has Gestation diabetes Type A1. Kevin keeps looking over at Lindsey know that she thinking about having Gestation diabetes, because he been thinking about it since Lindsey got back to school and tell him about it. Lindsey also has the printout that Dr. Moonstar had give her on Gestation diabetes type A1 set on the page of her textbook and keep looking at it. She keeps read over the part that say it very important to not eat a lot of jack food, because it could raise you blood glucose levels too high and too high of level could lead to lager babies. That some risk of Complications.
For Mother
* Hypertension
* Preeclampsia
* Increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes
For Baby
* Macrosomia (macrosomia can also increase the likelihood of a caesarean-section delivery)
* Hypoglycemia
* Jaundice
* Low calcium and magnesium
* Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
* Increased risk for childhood and adult obesity
* Increased risk of type 2 diabetes later in life.

Mrs. Johnson: Lindsey’s it you turn to read part of the chapter out loud.
Lindsey: I am not sure where we are at in the chapter Mrs. Johnson?
Mrs. Johnson: Page 456 at the very top.

Lindsey starts read and gets as far as the three line when the bell rings for seventh hour. Lindsey and Kiven gather up they book and puts then in their book bags then hops to second hour on their crutch. Meanwhile, back at the lab Catherine just get the DUI results for the diver of the red mustang he had a blood alcohol level of 1.55 and the legal limit is 0.08, and been he is only sixteen he not even old enough to be drink alcohol. The CSI confirms The Driver of the red mustang David Cools is at fault for kill the five- year-old Sam Books. Catherine hands in her case paperwork for the case to Gil, then heads home to get some sleep, before she has to come back in for the night shift.
That was a great update but you have some of ur r facts mixed up, with gestational Diabetes the child can not rate away get type 2 diabetes. It can happen later in life due to the complication of obesity. A child can not get type two diabetes because its an adult form of diabetes. If the child was to get diabetes that young in life it would be a type 1 diabetes. I just wanted to clear that up seeing as I am diabetic and well would know. i don't mean to sound rude or concieted, but it makes me irrational when facts about diabetes are not correct. please 4give me.
I heard that some older kids are in fact getting type 2 at younger ages...wonder if that's true. But you're right about babies, it probably would be type 1.
MacsGirlMel said:
I heard that some older kids are in fact getting type 2 at younger ages...wonder if that's true. But you're right about babies, it probably would be type 1.

From the info I find it just list thing that the babies could be at risk of get later in life not when their are first born. (* Increased risk of type 2 diabetes later in life.)
sarahSidle1981 said:
Part Seventeen
Lindsey and Catherine sit in the wait area of the obgyn that Lindsey is going to. Catherine look over at her daughter and she look worry over something and that she keep look at the picture of pregnant women that are on the walls.
Catherine: Lindsey is something wrong?
Lindsey: what is the doctor gonna to do to me?
Catherine: You know about the normal yearly check I get form my gyn.
Lindsey: yeah
Catherine: she do one of them, then she will listen to the baby heartbeat.
Just then Lindsey name is call and the two lady go in for Lindsey first check up.
At the end of the appointment Lindsey and Catherine walk out to the crime lab SUV and get in.
Lindsey: Mom
Catherine: what honey
Lindsay: Did I hear the doctor right she find three heartbeats?
Catherine: yes Lindsey
Lindsey: I was just use have one baby, now I have to take care of three.
Catherine: do you really want to keep the babies?
Lindsey: Yeah, I can’t give them up after hear the heart beat. I can’t want to the twenty week check up when I can find out the sex.
Catherine: you don’t want to wait to they born to find out?
Lindsey: No, I want to know as soon as I can.
Catherine: I was the some way.
They pull back up in front of Las Vegas High and Lindsey get out of the Suv and grab her book bag then hang back into school. Catherine get back to the Quartz house fifteen minute later. Sarah look up when she see Catherine walk into the house with a shock look on her face. Grissom walk into the room.
Grissom: good you back we are just finish up. Cath is something wrong?
Catherine: No, But Lindsey having Triplets
Sarah and Grissom: What did you just Say?
Catherine: The doctor find three heartbeats.
Grissom: How Lindsey handle the news?
Catherine: Fine, she can’t want to find out if they are girls or boys.
Sarah: Cath something wrong.
Catherine: no not real, It just I was still get use to the fact my daughter was gonna to be a teenage mom, and I was gonna to be a grandma at 44, now I find out I’m going to have three grandchildren.
Catherine help Sarah and Grissom carry the evidence out to the SUV and then they head back to the lab. Once back at the lab they start process the evidence. In could the sexual Arrest kit that a nurse did on Juliet that Catherine swing by the hospital to pick on her way back to the Quartz house.
when I say I was just getting used to be a grandma at 44. I might to say I was just get used to being a grandma at 48.