Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

Yay YoBling! (I haven't posted for over a month! I am a BAD Yobling shipper!)

Umm, what was i going to say? i don't remember. I really hope that Warrick and Cath get more screen time than they have been. I don't remember which eppy it was, but sometime this season i spent like the whole episode going "Where's Warrick?"

Can somebody post a list of significant Yobling eps? I would appreciate it!

Gillian Sara Grissom
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

1CSIMfan said:
Hey guys. I have edited your thread title to remove the 'tm'. The 'tm' and copyright symbols cannot be used anymore in thread titles. This applies to all the shipper threads. If anyone has a question about this, please feel free to pm me about this.


Bummer. I liked the TM and the copyright signs. Thought they added more fun to the thread titles. However, if that was the mods' decision, well then... :D

Lizzy! I almost forgot that you shipped C/W. LOL. I'm not that loyal myself, but still, welcome back. :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

Hey I'm new here, my name's Kate and I absolutely adore the possibilty of Cath/Warrick.....well, not possibility, more like destiny!
So I really like that picture! So much hottness in one scene!
There was a TM next to the title? AWESOME. Too bad it's gone. Oh well.
Anyway, here I am.....shipping Yo!Bling
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

Welcome Ziva__David! I hope you enjoy sailing with us on the ship that we call YoBling. :)

GillianSGrissom said:
Can somebody post a list of significant Yobling eps? I would appreciate it!

Here's a list of the episodes that have Cath/Warrick moments. I may have forgotten one or two :eek:, but the important ones are all here. Not all the episodes are super-exciting or sexually charged :(, but hey, even a small YoBling moment is better than none at all. ;)

Season 1:
Crate n' Burial
Sex, Lies & Larvae

Season 2:
Chaos Theory
Bully for You
The Finger
Felonius Monk

Season 3:
A Little Murder - this is one of my faves
High and Low

Season 4:
Assume Nothing
Invisible Evidence
Turn of the Screws

Season 5:
Big Middle - Another hot one...
Down the Drain - Probably the ultimate YoBling

Season 6:
Bodies in Motion - the episode all YoBlingers love/hate
Secrets & Flies

Season 7 (so far...):
Built to Kill, Part 2

You can also go to this site and get Cath/Warrick quotes from the various seasons courtesy of AngelEyez
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

Thank you One1Red! I greatly appreciate the list!

This is too short and i apologize but i'm out of time!

Gillian Sara Grissom
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

Trust One1Red to give out the yobling list of eps. :D

We only had a short yobling scene in Happenstance, but it was the most interesting one imo cuz we got to know a bit more about Doc's personal life, we learned about the twins and Warrick and Cath were there--bonus!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

Yeah and they were looking mighty fine. Yay, Cath's hair was awesome -she seems like she's back to the season 5 style. She was totally gorgeous.

I did find the ep kinda disappointing YoBling-wise though. I was expect more. Oh well... maybe next time.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

Yeah I found it disappointing as well. But at least they were together for a short amount of time! (I wonder what would happen AFTER the case.... :devil:)

Yes, I LOVED Cath's hair. So pretty! Although I also liked it last season when it was straight, bu this style is more Cath. :D
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

AngelEyez said:
I did find the ep kinda disappointing YoBling-wise though. I was expect more. Oh well... maybe next time.
LOL I thought you told me any scene with Catherine and Warrick could be Yo!Bling now considering their very little screen time together. :D I sort of understand the feeling because of you-know-what-happened-to-my-main-ship. :lol: Anyway, Living Legend seems promising. I hope Catherine and Warrick are going to get some quality time together. :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hottie_Cath said:
^^From the promo vid, they'll be have a scene together in next week's ep, 7x08 Happenstance and then from the promo pics they'll be working together in 7x09 Living Legend. And Sydney "Lips of an Angel" was sung by Hinder.

Holy Hotness!!! :eek: :eek: there is a HOT Yobling a Picture on the Season 7 Picture Thread posted by Erica.. I'll bring it over here:

EricaSJ said:
Oooooh finally!

Catherine/Warrick from 7x09 Living Legend :D
Love their outfit and their sunglasses, they so match and they exude so much hotness just by standing beside each other.

ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! The one episode I miss.. they have a hot picture togetther... WHY DOES GOD HATE ME SOO MUCH! was there any good yobling action btw?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

EricaSJ said:
LOL I thought you told me any scene with Catherine and Warrick could be Yo!Bling now considering their very little screen time together. :D I sort of understand the feeling because of you-know-what-happened-to-my-main-ship. :lol: Anyway, Living Legend seems promising. I hope Catherine and Warrick are going to get some quality time together. :)

:lol: Well yes but let's face it they didn't do much more than stand in the same room.

The promo has them walking together (for about 2 seconds) so yeah... let's hope for more YoBling... in the same room.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

iilovecsii said:
EricaSJ said:
Oooooh finally!

Catherine/Warrick from 7x09 Living Legend :D

ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! The one episode I miss.. they have a hot picture togetther... WHY DOES GOD HATE ME SOO MUCH! was there any good yobling action btw?
Oh that promo picture is from 709 Living Legend and it will air on November 23.. so dont forget to watch/set your DVR on Thursday! :D
As for 708 Happenstance, you didn't miss anything.. lol! Just like what AngelEyez said they just stood in the room together, lol.. they had a one minute scene together with Doc Robbins, they were just discussing the case with Doc but they were hot as usual. :D
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Aaah...Living Legend...I am curious to see what happens. (I totally love Roger Daltrey :cool: I guess that dates me. Yep, really showing my age... :eek:)

I did see a flash of Cath and Warrick on the preview at :D, which is a good thing, but I have a sneaking suspicion that TPTB are going to drag this out for a while. :( I am trying to remain spoiler-free. Yeah, that will last for about a minute... ;)

I'm a patient woman, but I'm not sure how much more of the "let's put them in a room together and not have any sexy interaction/flirting" torture I can take. There are only so many bread crumbs I can gather before I want steak! :lol: The least they could do is bring back some of the sexual tension for us angst-lovers.

Yep, YoBling angst - it's like oxygen to me. (Okay, okay, so maybe that's a bit melodramatic :rolleyes:, but you get the general gist) In fact my starvation has gotten so bad, that my creative fount has dried up. I haven't had the inspiration to write anything in my fanfic for weeks. :( Perhaps I will have to do a few Snickers chapters to see if my muse returns...

All this aside, you will find me here, in the Great White North, silently keeping the faith. I have been with YoBling from their first episodes, and I'm not about to abandon them just yet! :)

**sits quietly waiting for the YoBling sparks to fly**

**...still waiting...** :p

**...a girl could get old waiting...**
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

OOOOOO thank god... but I didn't see that part.. but o well I feel better no that I know I didn't miss any yobling happenings. =D
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

:eek: Hey guys, long time no see. I'm still shipping YoBling, though it's real tough since they don't give us writer's much to work with. My poor muse was in a coma after last season's finalle.

Anyway I wrote a new fanfic, plenty YoBling and Gofia with the girls going after a serial killer who shot their men.

Ladies' Night

It's all writtened so I can actually post regular updates.
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