Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hey Guys, can I ask you all something? I don't really whatch CSI the original, but did Cath and Warrick have a thing going on? Because I remember her saying she had a thing for him in one episode. Remember? When she found out he was getting married? Well have they ever been close? I mean really, really close?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Not to anyone's concrete knowledge, no. alas. There's been a bunch of heavy flirting between them, and they have tons of chemistry, but it's never been outright said on the show that they are anything more than just friends. I think that was the point of Catherine's speech in last year's premiere when she found out Warrick was married was that she had always fantasised about the possibility of them hooking up, and now that fantasy was unlikely to come true. But we keep on wishin' and hopin' that something will spark, and with Warrick's marriage on a decline it's easy to keep our hopes up! :D hope that helps.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Weren't we supposed to see more trouble for Warrick this season? And more gambling....I wonder where that will turn up. Hopefully, Cath will be there to help him :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I think that Catherine asking Warrick to do the perimeter, while she and Liev work inside, might be her way of 'actively ignoring' Warrick, or trying to make him jealous. And his response might be played like Warrick is jealous of Liev, rather than mad about being asked to do a lower-level job. Note that Sara was also asked to work the perimeter by Grissom in Butterflied. So it's clearly a job you give someone when you don't want to be around them, but not necessarily because you dislike them. In Catherine's case, I think she may have finally made some time to think about Warrick after the incident with her daughter and then her father, and she is most likely unaware of how in trouble his marriage is. I think they may set up Liev's character to try and hit up on Catherine - at which point we may see some quality jealousy.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

ziggystarduzt said:. I think that was the point of Catherine's speech in last year's premiere when she found out Warrick was married was that she had always fantasised about the possibility of them hooking up, and now that fantasy was unlikely to come true.
the fantasy is still alive, and now hotter than effer seeing as if consists of an affair :D i still dont think it will be an affair WHEN they do get together, i think rick n tina will have broke up, i dont c cath wanting to be the other woman. but i could see a kiss happening and then cath saying this is wrong, and that rick needs to sort out what he wants, and then he and tina break up and he tells cath he knows what he wants :D

and because i've been such a bad shipper lately, i come baring gifts.

W: *she's still got it*
C: * course i do* Busted

UTT goodness
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

the fantasy is still alive, and now hotter than effer seeing as if consists of an affair
Oh, I totally agree. what I meant was that that was likely what Catherine was thinking during that speech. All us yoblingers know damn well that there will always be something there, and it's liklier than ever to start happening :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I love the picutres Heartgram69 and your little captions they made me totally laugh. I really hope that Warrick gets jelous.!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

sarahvma said:
I think that Catherine asking Warrick to do the perimeter, while she and Liev work inside, might be her way of 'actively ignoring' Warrick, or trying to make him jealous.

I seriously doubt that Cath would intentionally try to make him jealous. She did the thing that SHOULD be natural for everyone; she stepped back when she found out he was married. Most disgusting thing on earth is to interefere anyone else's relationship. I respect people who realize that 'no means no' even though it should be natural... but alas... it's not. I honestly hope Warrick is gonna be jealous aside his natural dislike for Keppler. But I def think Cath at this point is just moving on. I just hope Warrick will come to his senses in time. But I also hope Catherine won't be the type who immediately falls into his arms. When the Grissom overload is over and he leaves, that may give us some more focus on YoBling. I wouldn't mind more scenes where Warrick comments on her being a good mother. (Cause yeah... any scenes referring to Catherine being a mother rocks. Mainly if it involves Warrick. :))
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

ziggystarduzt said:
Not to anyone's concrete knowledge, no. alas. There's been a bunch of heavy flirting between them, and they have tons of chemistry, but it's never been outright said on the show that they are anything more than just friends. I think that was the point of Catherine's speech in last year's premiere when she found out Warrick was married was that she had always fantasised about the possibility of them hooking up, and now that fantasy was unlikely to come true. But we keep on wishin' and hopin' that something will spark, and with Warrick's marriage on a decline it's easy to keep our hopes up! :D hope that helps.
Thanks for clearing that up. :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

man the other nites episode was pretty much between the detective, only sofia,brass, and grissom were the only main characters fer that one cath and warrick were like more behind the scenes?how are we supposed to get yobling if they have no screen time?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hi guys!Once upon a time...I was 'RickandCath'...than I disappeared! Now.....I'm back.New personality.X)
I just wanna say:Cath and Warrick rulez!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I'm not saying that she'd TRY to make him jealous. A lot of the things people do when they like someone are done unconsciously. Jane Austen noted in Pride and Prejudice when Miss Bingley was trying to get Elizabeth away from Darcy, that often one does the worst thing possible when they're trying to attract someone. Also, it must be very hard for Catherine. She obviously doesn't condone adultery, after what Eddie did to her, so no matter how in trouble Warrick's marraige, I can see her having a hard time with trying to actively break them up. Therefore, flirting would be almost out of the question. So instead I think she's frustrated. And perhaps by making Warrick work a job away from her, and focusing on Liev, she's trying to give herself some time. And having Warrick working beside her won't give her a lot of objective time to think.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

man come on guys where are the yobling supporteers. i couldn't even find tyhe yobling page on i had to find it through google. so how do you think catherines coping these days i mean she lost her father,her ex husband,was almost raped, almost lost her daughter she thinks she lost the man of her dreams that gotta be hard on her.hopefully warrick has put things into a different perspective as well. seeing how he almost lost catherine and lindsey. he thinks of himself as their protector after what happened to holly gribbs, he mite think he's not doing his job and blame himself. could be yet another reason his marriage is failing. wenever i hear the song on the radio "lip of an angel" i always thing of yobling. I know there is anothe froum fer this but i just wanna quote a couple lyrics. "Well, my girl's in the next room
,Sometimes I wish she was you,I guess we never really moved on" maybe warricks finally clued in that he has picked the wrong girl to be with fer the rest of his life. Thoughts?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Wow you guys this thread has really been hopping. I was looking around and duh finally saw tonight that it was the featured ship. I kept on going where the heck is our thread. Thanks for the scoop Rissa. You always have interesting stuff. I'll have to check out those promos on CBS. heartagram lol you had me laughing with the pics and expressions. I love the pics. I always thought that about those pics from Iced ;) BTW Happy Belated Birthday RC :) :) Sorry for not showing up sooner.

Take Care,
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