Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex Pioneers

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Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hottie_Cath said:
There was a promo vid of the next four episodes on and yay! There was a scene shown of Cath and Warrick.. it was for 7x08 Happenstance. And then spoilers also say that they will most likely work together in 7x09 Living Legend.. wow Im glad we will get yobling one after the other.

Oh yeah, sounds like heaven after s6, does it not? :lol: Can't wait. I definitely like s7 better than s6 -YoBling wise.

And yep, Happy Birthday, RC! :D
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Grandma here! ;) Giving thanks for the birthday wishes and hoping I'm granted forgiveness for not being around too much. :D

Its def not for a lack of YoBling in season 7. I've been pretty happy with the season for our ship so far but I'm staying cautious. I'd like to point out one thing though...

Season 6 started with a serious YoBling eppy Bodies in Motion then pretty much just fell off the YoBling ship. :rolleyes: Season 7 started with NO YoBling in the premiere... (I dont think there was even mention of probs with Tina though I do take Brass' speech with Warrick over the "Would you put a poster on the wall of the dumbest thing you ever did? *cough*Tina*cough* as YoBling related :D ) but has been giving us quality moments however brief since. :) So I'm riding on that high, hoping we'll actually finish the year with a great YoBling ep! KEEP HOPE ALIVE
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Hey guys, just thought I'd let you know that for the next week, Cath/Warrick will be the featured ship. :)
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Yay! That rules! :D Thank you!

Guess we should point it out then that it's really about time for YoBling to happen.
:lol: We've been waiting way too long... and yes I got that "complicated is the whole point" but... I want simple now. :p
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

HeeeYy! Featured ship of the week.

I'm actually into Cath and 'Rick though I hardly show it. The whole point to why I like 'em is due to the way they handle the way they are attracted to each other. Sometimes when I see them interacting so awkwardly around each other, I just have to laugh 'cos these two can be so lost at love sometimes :lol:!

And they are beautiful people to say the least. The last thing you'd expect out of two beautiful people is that they would be terrible in relationships. The whole seasons I have seen this rollercoaster ride of Cath and War. I'm getting queasy..

And that whole deal with Warrick being married. I ain't buying it. It was so hurried. And he might be married but that dosen't seem to stop Cath. Ohhh, fiesty. :lol:

Cath and 'Rick should get together. It'd be wrong if they don't. And very weird because you'll see them prancing around each other but both doing nothing about it :p.

Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Yay *does the dance of joy* Featured, featured! Hey you think they dressed up last night? What do you see them as? And then Cath can unwrap her sweet treat afterward <g>

*is happy about what's to come (see spoilers above)*
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Congratulations, girls! Featured ship of the week, yay.
I'm not exactly known for my YoBling preference...*cough*Swarrick*cough* but I do like the couple and wish that they would get together already. They have been dancing around each other long enough, his marriage is bogus and I want them both to be happy. I think they would balance each other out in a pretty good way.
So, once again congratulations on the featuring thing and I guess I came out of the closet as being a YoBling shipper myself too. (well, a secret one that is) :D

*Runs before Swarrick girls see me in here*
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Yay, my internet is back in time to enjoy yobling being the featured ship :D! How totally awesome is this. In all the time I've posted here I never had one of my ships be featured, now 2 in one month! sweet.

So do we have any news on future yobling interactions? I'm finding the season very enjoyable thus far, but lacking in the cath/warrick action. hopefully we'll get some soon!
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

New spoilers on YTDAW do...but there's also tension :( He wants to work the inside and Cath wants him on the perimeter.And it's said she's 'treating him like a rookie'. The spoiler link iis up in the LV spoiler lab thread.

And welcome Joy, don't be shy, I'm known for multishipping myself. Just ask the CatNip crowd LOL.
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Mel, the script just said that Warrick "reacted to her rookie instructions". The script didn't really specify what kind of reaction Warrick will give her.. and I think it will depend on how the director will let that scene play out. Besides I think Warrick is just jealous, lol.. :D From the sides I've read it seems that Warrick is not fond of Liv Schreiber's character, Michael Keppler. But Catherine will be working the crime scene with Michael Keppler instead of Warrick. Just look at this excerpt from that scene: ******CATHERINE: No, Keppler and I have it covered. You take the perimeter. Get a diagram started. WARRICK: Thanks, I've done this before.***** --> see that's jealous!Warrick. He's jealous cuz she'll be working with Keppler instead of him. hehe. :D But anyways Im happy that they'll be working together in 7x08, 7x09 and 7x12 so I'll definitely be watching those.

AngelEyez said:
Yay! That rules! :D Thank you!

Guess we should point it out then that it's really about time for YoBling to happen.
:lol: We've been waiting way too long... and yes I got that "complicated is the whole point" but... I want simple now. :p
Me too. :p
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Yeah I agree with Rissa.

Warrick's also gonna have some tension with Brass. Warrick really can't stand Keppler and we'll need to see it to be able to decide but... after all the warming up again this season, I doubt Cath and War would go nasty on each other. From what I got, Cath is gonna work with Keppler for the most part. Now, aside the fact that Warrick really can't stand him, seeing that Cath is working with him and gives him (Warrick) just little attention, I wouldn't be surprised to see him snap. There's another scene with Cath and Nick where Warrick walks in and greets them but all Cath says is to Nick to take Warrick with him on the assignment. So long story short, 7x12 is gonna show us a restless/annoyed Warrick. Now we just gotta see why; if it's just the mere presense of the guy, if Keppler has an attitude he doesn't like and/or if additional reasons connected to Cath are present.

Anyway... this pretty much seems like continueing with 'complicated'. :lol:
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

I was wondering if maybe the guy that takes Grissom's place might show some interest in Cath? Ummm...and possibly that could bother Warrick. I don't know...just guessing here. WHy else would Warrick not like the guy?
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

Well, Waiting, that's a good point. Or maybe Warrick is just... choosey :p or he doesn't trust people at once. So far Warrick has seemed to care about Catherine, especially on BTK 1-2. But we never know, his wedding ring was really BRIGHT on DC *eye-roll* And yeah, I also guess it will be complicated. IMO Grissom's miss will temporary mess up each ship *big cough*
Re: Cath & Warrick #8 YoBling: Eye-Sex™ Pioneers

AngelEyez said:
Yeah I agree with Rissa.

Warrick's also gonna have some tension with Brass. Warrick really can't stand Keppler and we'll need to see it to be able to decide but... after all the warming up again this season, I doubt Cath and War would go nasty on each other. From what I got, Cath is gonna work with Keppler for the most part. Now, aside the fact that Warrick really can't stand him, seeing that Cath is working with him and gives him (Warrick) just little attention, I wouldn't be surprised to see him snap. There's another scene with Cath and Nick where Warrick walks in and greets them but all Cath says is to Nick to take Warrick with him on the assignment. So long story short, 7x12 is gonna show us a restless/annoyed Warrick. Now we just gotta see why; if it's just the mere presense of the guy, if Keppler has an attitude he doesn't like and/or if additional reasons connected to Cath are present.

Anyway... this pretty much seems like continueing with 'complicated'. :lol:

Yeah well yeah it seems to me that Warrick feels hes getting cold shoulder.. now I haven't gotten to read anything except for these spoilers for the upcoming episodes.. but do you maybe think that they probally had a moment that they dont show but then have Catherine and Warrick talk about what happened? I don't know if that makes sense, but if it doesn't tell me and I'll refrase. But I have seen a few shows that do that recently, and maybe the director sees this and says "Hey lets give it a shot" correct me if I'm wrong.. which I probally am.. but its a theory.

Are there any spoiler clips out there that I could get a link to?
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