Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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^^^LOL. They're on crack I tell ya.

Btw, welcome One1Red. Yeah the first time I learned about "shipping", I was surprised too that I wasn't the only one crazy enough that squeals whenever my faves speaks to each other. LMAO.

AngelEyez, in that pic Gary looks like he's begging or something. And Marg got this cute expression. It looks like courtship heh :D
love the pics everyone..
AngelEyez im looking for the B.F. pic from the People's Choice Awards. :devil: The one where the photographers asked Gary to distance himself a bit more from Marg. I think he so wants more yobling in the promo pics.

ETA: ooow i found it!

Hottie_Cath said:
The one where the photographers asked Gary to distance himself a bit more from Marg.
The photographers are dumb. They should know they asked something impossible :lol: Thank you for the pic, Rissa :)
Hottie_Cath said:
AngelEyez im looking for the B.F. pic from the People's Choice Awards. :devil: The one where the photographers asked Gary to distance himself a bit more from Marg. I think he so wants more yobling in the promo pics.

ETA: ooow i found it!

Oh yeah this is a cool one. I got several of that *moment* in my gallery. Like this one. :D
AngelEyez said:
Hottie_Cath said:
AngelEyez im looking for the B.F. pic from the People's Choice Awards. :devil: The one where the photographers asked Gary to distance himself a bit more from Marg. I think he so wants more yobling in the promo pics.

ETA: ooow i found it!

Oh yeah this is a cool one. I got several of that *moment* in my gallery. Like this one. :D

Wow awesome gallery! Damn those two look good together and appear really close from those pics too!
I have just come up for air between fanfic Yobling stories to say "Thanks for the welcome!"

OMG I had NO idea of what I was getting myself into...After reading a few stories I need to go back and watch every Yobling episode there has ever been... :eek:

This is just making my obsession 100 times worse. Don't get me wrong, I am so not complaining, but there aren't enough hours in the day!!! :lol:

What the hey, who needs food, a job or a paycheck?

As for TPTB, I figure they owe us big time, given that there was maybe 10 minutes of Yobling during the whole of season 6...

Yobling, Yobling, Yobling - Sorry, I can't help myself - I never knew there was such a happy word in the English language :lol:

I went yobling crazy! Yay. I've been obsessively making icons, as I just got photoshop... I've done some Thongs and some Sandles and some GSR and now I've made a bunch of Yobling! Check em out at my lj- - and be sure to give me advice. Be gentle though, I've only been doing this for a couple weeks :D
My advice? Make more. ^.^ I didn't know you shipped YoBling, Ziggy. Although, by the looks of things, you ship everything. :lol: So do I. Kinda.
Yyyeah. Warrick? Get a divorce. You and Catherine can "bond" over that experience. ;) I like Tina, she seems nice. I just don't like A, that she's working with the ex, and B, that she's married to Warrick. WARRICK. It's outrageous. Hopefully, Brass's near-death experience will shake Warrick up enough to realize that yeah, life is short, but you have to spend it with the right people to make it worthwhile. Right, Pocket Catherine?
Pocket Catherine: Right! Ooooh, look... He's taking his shirt off...
My advice? Make more. ^.^ I didn't know you shipped YoBling, Ziggy. Although, by the looks of things, you ship everything. So do I. Kinda.
Yay, it's Crys! I can't believe you're a police officer already! I am making more. Like I said, I'm addicted ;) I don't necessarily ship everything.. it's hard to explain. I mainly just ship GSR and Yobling seriously, but I totally get where Sandles and Thongs are coming from, and I see the chemistry there as well. Plus those couples are so damn cute, how could I not? Mainly I just have nothing against any ship and will make icons for anybody. I'm a peaceful person and I don't like ship-wars. I love our mod Fogi too much to cause problems for her :D

Anyway, back on topic (sorry!)
I haven't seen enough of Tina to form an opinion of her. From what has been said about her, and the way she's been portrayed, my initial reaction is to not like her. And I mean, obviously I'd prefer Warrick with Catherine. But maybe Tina volunteers with the homeless on her weekends and rescues kittens from trees when we're not watching her, right? Doesn't mean she should be married to Warrick. ;)
I was watching Burden Of Proof and when the house explodes Warrick shields Catherine.
ineverysunflower said:
AngelEyez said:

Like this one. :D

:eek: they are very close in that pic...i love it! thanks for posting it- nice gallery too!

Thank you!

Now that the season's over, I can't help but return to earlier seasons. Moments when they used to be close, when they gave each other the looks and so on. The ones that were completely missing in s6. And those YoBling moments urged me to make some more icons, like this one;


If you're interested, you can check 'em out HERE .
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