Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Its only midnite but after the day I had, it might as well b 6a. And have to agree... That was friggin hysterical Cofi :lol:

The only thing better would b if he'd call her Yoko :D
Hehe Tania!
I have a feeling that Season 7 is going to be one the best- just a gut feeling - I also think Warrick's marriage is pretty much over.
Aww poor Warrick- nasty Tina, never mind Warrick... you just go see your nice co-worker Catherine because she has been through a divorce too. You can "bond" over shared-experiences :D
LOL if Rick called Tina Yoko that would be a classic moment. Much better if he does it in front of Cath. Oh can you imagine the smirk/smile/grin on Cath's face if she heard him..
lmao love the UTT ones, thanks!

BTW, does Cath know that they called her Yoko at all? I still can't get over the fact that they actually called Tina that ON the show. :lol: Boy I adore Greg.


It's been a while and I'm suffering from YoBling withdrawal so I was browsing through my dvds when I found the s5 extras. And I thought those who don't own the DVDs might like to know what they said about a year ago.

(Makes me wonder what they will say on the s6 DVDs :rolleyes: )

Carol ’Missing’ Mendelsohn: We were always aware of Warrick and Catherine’s chemistry and they certainly played it in a lot of scenes. So we thought… you know, what the heck… it’s season 5, shall we just amp it up a little.

Naren “Promises, Promises” Shankar: There was a significant amount of controversy in even amongst ourselves about how long we should play that moment.

Ken Fink: The thing is when you do those kinda moments you want them to seem fleeting like they just, like the accidental way in which things happen.

Gary: You know when they wrote it in, and I was reading the script originally and I was like; we come out of the sewer and we start getting sexy…something ain’t right. But when we were shooting it and it came about it did feel natural so we kept on running with it

Marg: It didn’t really… it was never… consummated and you know I don’t know if it ever will be but it certainly was fun to play that scene and certainly was fun to flirt with… Warrick Brown. You know.. I mean Gary Dourdan… it doesn’t get much hotter than that.

Gary: Catherine and Warrick have always had a little flirt going on anyway so I guess it was just time to start playing with it. And it’s just good to play the obvious stuff that’s going on, to play the moment. That’s always fun.
AngelEyez said:
BTW, does Cath know that they called her Yoko at all? I still can't get over the fact that they actually called Tina that ON the show. :lol: Boy I adore Greg.
Based on the ep, I dont think Cath knows but something tells me its not the only time 'Yoko' has been mentioned. :devil: -I'm sure between Greg/Nick and Sara, Cath's been let in on the joke. I think they'd REALLY want her to know. :lol:

AngelEyez said:
(Makes me wonder what they will say on the s6 DVDs)
Oh I expect them to say they couldnt possibly put Cath and Warrick into too many scenes together in season 6 or it woulda just quickly emphasized how STUPID it was to marry him off. :mad: And then they'd just tell us to wait to see what happens next season kinda like they said before. :rolleyes:

Dying to hear the explanation over WHY they chose marraige, why they had the 'Dont flirt' and 'pie' scene. But that's about my enthusiasm for the season 6 extras.
Buy them? They're lucky I'll rent them. Just call me Arrrr C


*looks at Gary and Marg's quotes re: Down the Drain*

Just imagine how good it will be when it IS consummated! :devil:
Consummate. Riiight ;). That's the g-rated version. I'm remembering quite few convos peppered with less kid-friendly language, lol.

Dang Z, now I've gotta go watch the season five extras.
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