Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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^^ Did she seriously wake her up? Cause a while back I read a fanfic that started exactly like that but then......... well this is pg-13 right? Probs not best to say here :lol: I don't wanna get hit by Jayne's "pg-13 o-meter" :D

Hmmmm Now my mind is in smut land! Must go find that fic......
What about 'wee bit'. And 'Hoi'. :lol: I say them all the time.

I have Irish friends who say 'wee bit'... but for these kinda things you should really ask the Irish posters.. I always pretend to know these things, because I desperately want to know these things.. Now for the word "hoi" = most definitely Dutch :D

Yeah do some research on the necklaces LadySara!! :) I'm off again.. this friggin' headache has been terrorising me for the past 3 days now.. ok, so I know going to watch 'The Usual Suspects' isn't really going to make it better.. :rolleyes:
^^ "wee bit" Is most definitely 100% Irish! "Hoi" however is not.........I have never actaully heard of it before!
i have a present..


Cath: Ya know... the strippers are down the hall...
Sara: You read my mind!
JangoBear said:
Cath was so sexy leaning in the doorway calling Sara's name to wake her up. :p :devil: :p
I know, my slash sense went buzzing when I saw that scene.. it was so cute.

Cath: Sara.. Sara.. Wake up.. Sorry for wearing you out last night. :p (kidding, thats not the script)

And then Cath went all territorial when the suspect was looking for Sara:
Suspect: Where's that Sara chick?
Cath: Oh Romeo I don't think you have time for romance you're being charged...

Oh me likes territorial Cath. Plus both Sara and Cath had the same round pendant in this episode.
Aww... What a cute scene. Cath has this great way of showing her emotions through her expressions. Such as when her brows rose in surprise. Or when her lips purse when she's thinking. So lucidly. Maybe that is why I like her best in CSI Vegas. The most impassive one would have to be Grissom. :lol:
:eek: YEAH!! And Cath is doing the hand-on-hip pose!! :eek: That is the most obvious invitation ever!! Go for it, Sara!!

Thanks for posting those, Hottie.. :D
And thankies for dropping in Sydney.. I think you're becoming a real thong-shipper.. :p Now, there's no point denying that!
Can someone with more brain power please explain to me what exactly the writers are doing?

The entire internet is buzzing with rumours about the rise of GSR and then they write two scenes like these for us. Those sneaky little bastards, they're having and eating their cake. Pleasing every shipper there is out there...but then again perhaps I shouldn't complain seeing how I loved it.

Ah well, off back to lurkerdom I go, to ponder a nice little fic as to what exactly went on in Cath's head when he asked where the Sara-chick were. :D
Ooh!! Great Manips!

Hmmmm someone should make the manips into a wallpaper *cough*hinthint*cough* or should I say *cough*nodnod*cough* (That's hint hint in Irish!)
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