Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Haha I knew this was around here somewhere.
I've never been a shipper of this, but I like the relationship they have, and I agree, they really do need each other. :p
The girls FINALLY working a case together again!!

Oh tonight's eppy was so refreshing :D One of the things I was looking forward to the most was Cath and Sara getting to work together again! *happy sigh* Thanks for posting the caps, kaylyne. I just loved the scene in the beginning where Cath keeps going on and on about Lady H and Sara's trying to act like she's not listening and then the look she shoots her when she says the fantasy line :lol:

*sigh* I miss these eps. I love seeing the girls work together.
I had no idea they were working together, but what a pleasant surprise when I saw that they were! I actually missed the first few minutes, but I came in right at the "My fantasy def doesn't include sawdust! What about you?" LOL. Priceless.

Its been so long since they were working together. Nice to see my two chicks getting back together again.

Gris, move over.. Catherine is coming to get your girl!
Hey there guys I been lurking thot I'd make myself known :D I totally loved that scene between Sara an Cath about the fantasy, the scene would have been much better if they had just had there way with each other right then and there :devil: but wishful thinking never does any harm.
I've been watching a lot of the eppys on Spike this week and I've noticed how good the chemistry between these two actually is. They're probably the only two girls I'd ship together ut of all the shows because they flow so, so well together. I'm a newbie to the show, but I'm lovin' every minute of it. I've got about 80 ships for this show already- no lie.
he he I was exagerrating but i think with show there are a lot. Way more than the other ones. This is one of my many ships on LV... better? :lol:
Sure, better. I was just curious haha.

I have only one ship on LV and its this one.

I have one more but it involves a crossover so its less likely but its Sara & Stella :D Guess you could call it BonaSidle I just made the nickname up
The more I disbelieve in GSR the more I'm rooting for this ship. I actually had a dream about these two the other night, but I'm NOT going into it, for graphic reasons, :lol:
omg, loki, I totally had a dream with them in it too! Haha, it was sooo strange. Most of the CSI cast was in it, but Cath and Sara were front and center for most of it. and I'll stop there to keep it PG, but it was soo strange.

A lot of the dream was replaying the last episode, just a bit more twisted. LOL. Anyway, just found that amusing.
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