Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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omg Jue that was so hilarious! You should go try write some humor ficlet! I can totally imagine how Catherine and Sara talked in that conversation, so hot :D and who cares if it's NC 17 :lol:

So all the while the fights are just...pretending acts? We should have guess! :cool:

thanks kaylyne, for putting up that pic, they just looked amazingly hot, and more bonus points for those matching necklaces :devil:
hey guys...a Sandle fan named Hui posted this interview link on the "Re: Sara/Greg #9 - The Fannysmackin' Effect forum", some media had an interview with Jorja, talking about CSI and other stuff, there's a part in it regarding Cath and Sara that I thought you all might be interested...

Excerpt of the interview:

You've said that the CSI writers and producers are really kind. That if there's someplace you don't really want to go with the character, you can talk to them, and generally they'll change the course or direction. When was a time that you brought up a path w/the producers that you didn't feel comfortable with for Sara?

Jorja: There have been a couple of times over the years. The first one that comes to mind -- very early in the show, the writers had wanted to create a real solid tension between Catherine Willows and Sara Sidle. They started off right away that we would lock horns and that this would be a theme that would go throughout the show. Marg [Helgenberger, who plays Catherine] and I talked about it and we both felt that, since we were the only women on the show at that time, to have [us] fighting each other and jockeying for position was an area that we were hoping that [we didn't have] to go. We wanted actually to work well together – we could still disagree on things from time to time. Certainly Sara and Catherine are very different people and they go about things differently but we didn't want to set a tone that would last throughout the show. We went to the writers and they were kind enough to pull back on that which was great.

I felt more passionately about potential for camaraderie coming from these two women being so different instead of the opposite. They've done the opposite too – several times, actors have gone in with story ideas that they were excited about and writers have gone and written that script. So they do that for us, too. I think it's quite rare on TV and it's a really wonderful thing...

the full interview here


so what do you guys think? Would it be better that we do have had a real solid tension between Cath and Sara all the while? Or is it better now? For now it seems like it's an on and off thingy between the two...*secretly whisper to self: hopefully some nice fanfic people would get some inspiration from this interview thing, and do more cath/sara fics... :p*
I've heard Jorja mention that a number of times - how she & Marg both fought the writers to not make the ladies adversaries, but actual friends who clash every now & again.
I'm very glad that they pulled back on that storyline and have just the occasional "blow up" like in Nesting Dolls. That way we get to have the wonderful moments like "wanna get a beer" in Crash & Burn. I wish we'd see more of the "sweeter" moments between the two. Then again, right now, I'd take ANY scene that actually has the two ladies working together. I don't remember them actually working together since Secrets & Flies in early Season 6. I really miss that.
I'm glad the writers decided to not make them enemies. I'm hoping that they can get a closer friendship over the rest of the season.
Cath and Sara are two different women with two differnt backgrounds, lifestlyes, etc.
I'm glad they didn't make them enimies but they aren't super best friends either.

I think they appreciate each other for who they are.
I figure this is as good as place as any to ask. I need a Cath/Sara fanfic fix. Like whoa. :lol: Problem is, I think I've read all there is. Or I'm pretty darn close.

I'm sorta tapped dry on inspiration, or else, I'd write my own. :p Any suggestions? I miss my two fav gals! Is it too much to hope that they'll actually share a passing glance next week?? :lol:
Been there. :D Haha, but thanks for suggesting it! That website updates fairly frequently, so maybe I'll give it another go and see if there's anything new.

Or I'll reread some of my favs.
True enough, being "friends and colleagues with different views" seems more feasible in Cath/Sara's case, if they are constantly hating/fighting each other all these years, I guess the tops would have done something about it long ago, maybe even spliting them up, coz it's really unhealthy for the workplace. *imagine catfight, chaos and blood everywhere :lol:*

But I do like the fact that Marg and Jorja talked about this issue, and they both wanted to work well together, it just make me smile when I thought of that. I guess I am bit mixed-up with the real world and TV world now, but seriously, I don't care, as long as my fav pair of gals appear on TV together, and yes, Kaylyne, I do miss them working together, it's been quite sometime already, hopefully TPTB can fix that soon. :)

PS: Hey Erin, not sure if you have check out this website "" , they do have some cath/sara fic here, along with other femslash fics. Though sometimes I find it's kinda difficult to navigate around there, coz they sort by dates, different TV series of femslash together, but it's an additional inspiration fixture, hope you like it, and be able to get your muse back, and we get more Cath/Sara stories. :D
edog, I've gotten into writing more Cath/Sara stories on so I can PM you some links if you'd like :p (but I'm sure was probably one of the first places you went :lol:).

And I'm also happy that the writers pulled back on the tension between the ladies. I love when there's a little bit of hostility between them but what I like even more is when they're getting along and joking/playing around with eachother. The scene in Crash and Burn, for instance. You can't beat that.

QTR, That's one of my all-time favorite scenes - the girls going off to get a beer. Here is another of my favorites. I like the scene because the ladies both seem to have no clue as to what the waitress is trying to tell them when she starts talking in sports lingo:
jue said:

PS: Hey Erin, not sure if you have check out this website "" , they do have some cath/sara fic here, along with other femslash fics. Though sometimes I find it's kinda difficult to navigate around there, coz they sort by dates, different TV series of femslash together, but it's an additional inspiration fixture, hope you like it, and be able to get your muse back, and we get more Cath/Sara stories. :D

I want to write more! I'm still looking for my muse. Thanks for the link. I'll bookmark it and give it a look-see.

quoth_the_raven said:
edog, I've gotten into writing more Cath/Sara stories on so I can PM you some links if you'd like :p (but I'm sure was probably one of the first places you went :lol:).

Haha, yes, I went there. Still, I'll pm you.

My dreammatch! Sara and Catherine are the hottest match on CSI.. I just know Sara likes at least Catherine. Just doesn't dare to show it so she runs to spooky Grissom

well, they are THE best match if I have to believe the musicvideos and fanfics I've been reading. :D including my own
Tuffel21 here is the Cath/Sara thread.

They do work together well despite all their differences.

I like watching them too.
Yeah I do too... And a friend of mine has been so nice to send me some manipulated Cath/Sara images.. I am working on getting them up here.

For now.. I have some Cath/Sara vids. Send me a PM for the links. Got a lot of fanfics too...:D
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