Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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I thought it was going to be 9 because it's going up against Grey's Anatomy.

Moriel if you haven't seen the John Mayer video, here's the link - WOTWTC the link was posting in the LV thread, so should be okay here too.

I'm in love with that sing now, I'm glad it's looking like we're getting that one. I love the dip at the end, can't wait to see what happens when he brings her back up.
Good 9 works for me, then I can watch QAF. Bristin is Love.

I love your banner, btw. and my avi. haha, which you already knew when I stole it. Anyways, According to your banner, She looks like he's gonna dip her longer, lol. She stays dipped for a few minute, it looks like instead of going down and coming back up... So he might get a close up on that one.... if you don't take that to the gutter, I fear I worry about you

If we get any fakers, Can I knock them out, really, can I??
You don't have to worry about me, I took that straight to the gutter. I could say more about the dip, but due to this being a PG-13 board I'll keep my thoughts to myself. I love the avi/banner too, can't stop looking at them, CatNip dancing's hot.

Lynn you can. :D
Hiya Kels hon! **Hugs!!** Thanks for the link to the music vid, I haven't seen it yet...Yay, I'm totally excited to see it now! Wohoo!! :D

Yeah Lynn CSI's gonna be showing at 9 cuz it's going up against Grey's Anatomy...which I think was really stupid of ABC....(do they not know CSI is the most popular show in the world....literally!) Lol! :lol:

That's a good vid, wow! I like it! Can I just say though...poor Cath! I mean I knew this season was gonna whomp on her for a while, but actually seeing even those few clips of her...crying, and getting hit in the car with Linds, and then crying in the shower...Poor Cath! (That shower scene though is pretty hot! :devil:) But still poor Cath! But yeah the dancing...loved it! Yay for the dip, and yeah she stays dipped for a while and when she comes up she'll be pretty darn close to him...I'm liking the kiss potential here! Lovely! Cannot wait for cannot wait!!
Mo its a wild ride, huh?

I'm glad you took that to the gutter, Kels. The dancing from the vid that I saw was really hot, and from the banner/avi, I'm really really happy this is MY pairing doing that!

I am so glad I get to watch CatNip then Bristin! :D

I get to whack them? Yay! Come on fakers, post. so I can whack you. :D

Where is Katie?!?

I'm dropping 'Texas' fic---I can't do Nick and Cath justice---she's so classy and he's *NICK*---hot,hot,hot...I don't know maybe they could go line dancing while in Texas---do people still line dance in country bars? Hmmm... :confused:

I'm so excited for this season...I hope to see more care and concern...and down right fun from CatNip...we need lots of CatNip scenes...and smut! :devil:
Hi *Waves*

First off, I would like to say that I love that song! That was so good! I feel bad for Catherine though! With the whole car thing and then her crying! I just wanted to give her a giant hug! Awww She and Nicky looked so cute when they were dancing though. I love then end when he dips her. That's the cutest part.
Mo its a wild ride, huh?
Lol, it totally is Lynn, but then again I really wouldn't have it any other way! ;) :D (Maybe a little less Cath whumping!) And Lynny who's Bristin? :confused:

I can't do Nick and Cath justice
Aud Hi Fluffy Twin! Of course you can do them justice! If I can do D/L and Smacked justice you can totally do Catnip justice! :D Really! And line dancing...ohhh I like it! Go for it...hey anything with Catnip is hot! :devil: :lol: (Psstt, have I told you I love your avie yet Aud? Well I do! :D )

I know didn't you just want to wrap Cath up in a huge hug and protect her from all the whumping that was going on? Then again, that's why Nick's there! So that's good! And yeah the dip at the end was the bestest! Love that! So cannot wait to see this ep!!
aww auda you can do them justice. I'll even be all for you writing some weird fluffy fic that you do... *nods*. Please? You know you wanna write it. *pouts at you*

Auda and Pet needs to visit us more, don't they, Mo?

The twirl, the twirl was just as hot. *points at Avi* CatNip is looking hot in those dancing clips man. *points at Kels banner* damn!... I feel sorry for Cath though, I agree with pet, you just wanna give her a hug!

I wouldn't have it any other way either, Mo!.. Bristin - Brian/Justin (ship on QAF)
Yup Lyn...Aud & Smiliee definitely do need to visit us more! You know you want to honeys... :D

Aud...Lynn's right! You can totally do them justice hon...I have faith in you! And hey you know we'll read it no matter what! :lol:

Lol, no worries Lynn....the twirl is hot too, for sure! Heck Catnip's's all HOT! Lol...I SOOO hope we get a kiss out of this! Wouldn't that be the BEST!!
*nods* See Aud you can do it love!.. and yes, my dears, you know you want to!

What would happen if we kiss?[/i]]I think if they kissed, I would die!. Its highly possible for it to happen, really. They'd be close together, and you know when he raises her up after the dip its going to bring her close to him.
Awwww...thanks you guys...if I ever finish my CatNip fic, I'll post it on my underused!

Yes, anything with CatNip is so hot...they just look good together. Nick and Cath have simmering chemistry as well!

The more I see these two together on reruns, the more I just love 'em!

Simmering Chemistry, Nice one, Auds!.. Got any thread suggestions for us?

Me too. I hearts the reruns that have CatNip.
I know I don't stop by too often but audacity you should write your fic. :)
The spoiler seems really nice. I'm sure it'll make Lynn really happy!
Um, yeah if there really was a kiss...I'm right there with you Lynn, I really think I would die! Well that or I would jump right up on my couch and shriek and jump up and down like a total dork for the rest of the night! Oh I so hope we get a'd fit really really would!!

Yeah Aud you should write the ficcie...finish it and then post it...but first you gotta give Lynn and me your LJ addy! :lol: So we can read it and tell you "I told you so!" when it turns out great! :D

Simmering Chemistry, Nice one
Lol, that is good Aud!
Thread suggestions huh Lynn...what have we got so far....?
Cath & Nicky #5: "She's Tucking Him In!"- Catnip
Cath & Nicky #5: "You Hungry Nick?"-Catnip
Cath & Nicky #5: "More power, no extra weight, every girls dream!"- Catnip
Cath & Nicky #5: "That is a twelve inch penetration!"- Catnip (Lol, I love this one...good one Kels!)
Ohh how about...from Aud...
Cath & Nicky #5:"Catnip...Simmering Chemistry!"
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