Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Ooh, I haven't been here in a while! Again, I apologize, guys :p But when I heard about the s7 spoilers If felt the need to drop in and say hello :D I saw the music video CBS released and they looked so cute together :p

Ooh, thread names? I have one- "And the Winner Is..." from To Halve And To Hold

:lol: Twelve-inch penetration :lol: You guys... :p :devil:
Yeah, I would be pulling a Tom Cruise right along with you if we got a kiss! That would be like, the best thing EVER!
Twelve-inch penetration :lol: You guys... :devil:
Lol, I know huh...isn't that fabulous! :lol: :devil:

Lol, I love that..."pulling a Tom Cruise"...I was SO gonna say that exact same thing! And yay that you're gonna be right there with, me, Lynn, Kels...we'll all be jumping for joy on our couches! And yeah a kiss would be the BEST ever!!
Thanks you Ali!!! :D

Yeah, you kinda gotta give us your LJ. *nods* and yes, a big TOLD YOU SO will be coming your way!

well well well if it isn't Ann .. You def need to visit more.

Aww, those are nice catnip thread suggestions. Gutters there too. :devil:

LOL that is hilarious. pulling a tom!. But yeah, we will all be doing that when that happens *winks* what come on yall know its a when!
Lol, yeah Lynn it's TOTALLY a "when" and not an "if"!! Heehee, totally! :D

And yeah Aud I gotta say, after reading your D/L can for sure write Catnip...take it from me...well me and Lynny here ;) can definitely write Catnip! :lol:
I really believe Auda can do it. She just gets shy about these things, but she knows she can do it, she knows we got her back ;)

Its a total when and not if man. Its going to happen!
Yeah we definitely got her back! Hear that Aud honey? We totally got your worries! Now go write that ficcie and prove us right! :lol: Heehee! :D

And yeah Lynn totally a matter of when! It's Catnip after all...I mean hello, it's bound to happen!

Kels where is you? :confused: :D

Yay!! Heehee, I gotta a new banner and avie! And I found a program that pretty much makes the avies for me, now that's fun! :lol: :lol:
Moriel remember I'm in a different timezone, I was sleeping while you guys were having fun. :D

Did I hear CatNip fic, audacity you have to write it, I'm sure it'll be great.

You wouldn't be able to shut me up forever, it would so make up for the one that got cut, you just know that after all that hot dancing that the kiss would be hot too.

The season premier is getting even closer, I can't wait. :D

You guys are blaming me for the gutter thread suggestions, but Cath said them, therefore I say she's worse than me. :devil:

Moriel nice banner and avi.
Hey guys, I'm back :D *hides from her corner* I was so busy with school and I didn't forgot you but I had not much time for my computer :( Well, i've seen the promo pictures and it make me so HAPPY! :p Can't wait for season 7 :D
Ahhh, my bad Kels I did totally forget that! :D **Hugs to you!** Sleep is good...glad you're here now! ;)
Lol, Aud honey, you totally have to write a Catnip ficcie now...we're all gonna gang up on you until you do, Fluffy!Twin :lol:

Oh yeah Kels, if there was a would totally be HOT especially after all that close hot dancing...oh yeah baby, it'd be good....yummy! :devil: And I agree, it would make up for the one that got show it to us already dang it! :lol: Lol!
You guys are blaming me for the gutter thread suggestions, but Cath said them, therefore I say she's worse than me.
Lol, good point Kels Cath is pretty guttery...heehee! :lol: Then again, can you blame her with Nick around all the time? :devil: I'd be having guttery thoughts all the time too! :D
*hugs* Moriel

That has to be the official CatNip song after we see this episode. I feel like someone's going to pinch me and tell me that our spoiler is just a dream, I still can't beleive it's our ship that's getting so lucky.

You can't really blame her, if I was with Nick I'd definately have guttery thoughts all the time too, how could you not. :devil:
RIPTimSpeedle the only fanfic place I know of is I'm know there are others here who have a great idea where to find what you're looking for! :D

**HUGS!** Kels right back! :D
Yeah Kels I totally agree...this should definitely be the official Catnip song...I know everytime I hear it now I will totally be thinking of Catnip! And yeah this spoiler better not be a dream or I will be hurting someone (TPTB!) very badly! I'm so excited for our spoiler, it will be fabulous! :D

Oh and speaking of WOTWTC....guess what the ringtone for my phone is now?!! Yeah it's cool is that?! I found it and since I like the song anyway...I thought it'd be cool! Fun huh! :D I know, I'm a dork... :lol:
i'd bug goober. she loves angst and she loves catnip. she also has a really cool song fic you should read.

wow, you guys are close to a new thread. you need a really sexy/smutty title to go with your dancing clips.

and yes, moriel, you are a dork (goober made me do it)
wow, you guys are close to a new thread. you need a really sexy/smutty title to go with your dancing clips.
Lol, very true coolcatz hmmmm, Lynn, Kels got any ideas...? Ohhhhh I go with our lovely about...
Cath & Nicky #5: "Always Up for a Dip!"- Catnip :devil: :lol:

And yeah c.c. I totally am a dork! :lol: Can't deny it...don't want's just too fun! :D
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