Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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I'd want Kate there too, I like her. It would be weird having Catherine, Nick and Danny in the same scene, you'd keep expecting them to call him Thumpy G :lol:

It seems to work out pretty well for them. :D

There's definately going to be flirting, look at the way they're looking at each other in the pics we got. And that's so true, you can always rely on CatNip for flirting.
You really would, It'd be hilarious if they did and Danny would be all, "Uhhh wasn't me"

I think Waiting on the world to change is our song, its in both vids, and JM has released the song on the radio saying that he sings that song on CSI while C/N dances. So I'm really thinking thats our song. They lookin love in those pics though
I think it will be too, especially seeing as it's in that music video, it's that song they're dancing too, the other song is really slow, the ho can have that one with Nick, I don't really like it the same, I prefer Waiting on the World to Change, probably due to the fact that it's grown on me from watching the video about 100 times.

And where is Moriel she's not been here for days. :(
I like the lyrics to Slow Dancing In A Burning Room, but I also like Waiting On The World (amazing how you can start liking a singer after he does something like this) too. I haven't heard Slow Dancing, but Waiting is sort of a slow song that is great for dancing CatNip
She hasn't been in Smacked or D/L either. *I'm getting worried about Mo*

I think its Waiting on the world to Change (wotwtc) What? I had to do something. I'm getting tired of typing the whole thing all the time, this way yall know what I mean. Anyways...It seems perfect and slow enough for them to dance. and he dips her and twirls her. So he can look at her ass, and check out under gutter. Nice place to be. Go CatNip!
I'm getting worried too.

WOTWTC, thank god I dont have to type the whole title any more. It's a perfect song, I love the twirl and the dip. We already saw that he touches her ass so why not look at it too, and you just know he'll be trying to sneak a peek. CatNip are always in the gutter, along with us.
I was watching the video, again, and just reliezed that I am mad at it (because I am extremly slow today), Cath wraps her arms around him, and gets real close then they switch screens. Could we be getting a kiss this time? They probably had one and the stupid people who didn't liek it last time said that they didn't want it, so they cut it out.
Explain that one? She gets close to him?? close enough to kiss?? hmmm, who knows maybe we do get a kiss outta it... Meimei, I know what you mean. those idiots better not cut it if we did!
They get real close. She wraps her arms around, and it looks like their noses are touching, that's how close. RIght before Cath goes and talks to Sam the first time.
It's not Cath in that scene, the girl has straight hair and Cath's is curly when they're dancing. That had better not be Nick though because if it is Cath will kick the ho's ass for dancing so close to Nick. Let's just hope that it's just a random couple dancing when Cath and Nick are. From one of our promo pics I'd say it looks like they're about to kiss so I still say we might get at least an almost kiss from the way they're looking at each other. They both want it, let's just hope we get one this time. When Nick dips her, we don't see her coming righ back up, but I can see there being a moment there.
Hello, Hello, Hello!!! **Moriel grins and giggles....waving as she pops in...finally!!** Awww, Kels, Lynn you two are too cute! I ADORE you both! **hugs to both my Catnip Gutter Buddies!** Thanks for being worried about me...but no worries, I'm okay! I just had a pretty crazy week...a friends long crazy wedding, family stuff, and a long Labor Day at the lake...but I am back now! Finally! Yay! **More hugs to everyone...cuz I'm just SO glad to be back!!**

So there's alot of stuff going on What's this about being able to see our it a clip, promo...what? Please tell me where to go to see it, I'm dying to see it!!! I would LOVE that!!! Sounds even hotter then I was thinking...sweet deal!! :D :D

Kels love the new avie...gorgeous! ;) And Lynny my dear, your avie is awesome! I love it! :D

My gutter suggestions for the new thread title:
* You hungry Nick?
* More power, no extra weight, every girls dream.
* That is a twelve inch penetration.
Kels OMG!! :devil: When I read these I had water in my mouth and let's just say I had some cleaning up to, seriously spit it everywhere! :lol: :lol: Those are freaking hilarious...and bad! :devil: You are the queen of gutter suggestions..I love it! Especially that last one...holy cow, that was bad...and I love it! :devil: :lol:

Awww, it's so nice to be back here...I missed y'all...and my lovely Catnip! :D

YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY!!!!!!!!!! I saw the clip!!!!
YAY! The clip I saw didn't show a whole lot...but I saw them dance for 2 seconds...I CANNOT wait for our spoiler, Gah it can't come soon enough! And it looked like they had another case together too...well they were side by side outside over a ya know I assumed ;) , lol! :lol: Gah I'm so excited now!!!!!
Dude, I didn't see that clip, they were side by side over a body? Really???...and I don't think thats CatNip in that clip thats dancing close. It didn't look like either of them, I say its that couple that beside C/N dancing...because if thats that ho dancing that close to Nick, Cath will kill her and him.

Mo I've missed you! *hugs*
Mo I've missed you! *hugs*
"Mo"...I love that Lynn! And thanks Hon, I've missed you too! **huggles to you!**
I'm pretty sure the only couple I saw dancing was Catnip! As for the scene of them the promo I saw, I swear it's Cath and Nick...they're standing next to a car, I think, over a body I'm pretty sure, and then Nick looks away and Cath is looking down at the body. I'm almost positive that's what I saw! And Nicky has his hair really it's new I think! I saw it on the innertube check there!
Yay Moriel you're back, we missed you *hugs*

I think that's Cath and Grissom looking over a dead body, if it's the same scene I think you're talking about. Moriel have you not seen the John Mayer music video yet, you so have to see that, you see loads more of them dancing.

You can always rely on me for the gutter suggestions. :devil:

It's Sofia standing next to Nick looking over the body, just watched the clip again.
You really can always count on you for gutter suggestions. *nods*

You know, I hope CSI doesn't premiere at 10.. :( QAF is showing season 1 at 10. and I didn't see Bristin in the pilot! *cries* if it does show at 10, hopefully the spoiler is during the beginning and not in the middle so I don't miss much of both.

Its a nice Vid, Mo you should watch it. Dancing baby Dancing!
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