Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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Don't you think you have enough ships, Liv?. :lol:

yes, Kels. I love torturing you. Thats why I put two of your other favorite episodes up against each other. hehehe. You gotta admit you love the challenge of my polls, ppl ;)

Anyone have another thread suggestions for the poll, even though we kinda have an idea of what we want.
You always put my favourites up against each other.

A few pics from Overload

A few quotes I like:

NICK: And you were okay sharing your problems with a complete stranger?
CATHERINE: Rather I tell them to you?


CATHERINE: You're racing me, Nick. We're driving the same car.


My gutter suggestions for the new thread title:
* You hungry Nick?
* More power, no extra weight, every girls dream.
* That is a twelve inch penetration.

Blame Catherine for these, she said them.
I don't always put your favorites together.. I could put our spoiler against Crow's Feet..but I already used CF. Darn!. They make round 1 again! :devil: :laugh:

I think Cath tells Nicky her problems now. :D

aww, their driving the same car. ;)

Catherine is just, if not worser, then us when it comes to guttery thoughts, and everyone wonders why we have guttery minds. Its Cath's fault. I bet Nicky likes it though ;) Talking to dirty to him. I like those suggestions, Kels! I'll be sure to add them with the few I have. Anyone else?
You have a few times, mean. :p

At least wait until we see the spoiler before you put our other hot episodes up against it. :D

I think she would too, and Nick tells her his.

Our gutter thought are mainly Catherine's fault, look at all the lines she's given us up to now. Nick's not complaining.

Aww Lynn you've got Catherine's old job. :D

I was going to make a comment on the driving the same car, but I'll keep my gutter thoughts to myself :devil:
Yup. I recruited Catherine, Nick, Danny, Mac and Flackie all to be my minions while I'm in charge of Swing Shift. :lol:

I'm sure they tell each other everything. Nick will automatically, he trusts Cath, and Cath knows she can trust him too.

Chemistry. Is Us. *nods*

Nick's not complaining. He loves her guttery mind. ;)

Guttery thoughts with that hmm?..Oh wait. I have it too. Tnx! :devil:
You recruited all the hotties. :D

They would trust each other with their secrets, among other things. :devil:

*agrees* Chemistry is us.

Who wouldn't love a guttery mind like that, we've certainly learned from a great teacher. :lol:

I knew you'd get that too, you're just as bad as me. :devil:
Considering their keeping the biggest secret of all. Hiding their relationship, which CatNip's been up to that on and off for years.

Yup. I've recruited all the hotties. :D

Catherine is a very great teacher with the guttery thoughts. Its their fault!

I really am. :devil:
They like that secret. They've had to learn to do it without getting caught and they have been on and off since the start. Sometimes it's more obvious than others.

The only person you missed that I would want too would be Greg.

It is their fault. I was innocent before I shipped CatNip. Ok, maybe not innocent, but not as bad as I am now. :lol:

At least you admit it. :D
Like in TOYD with the He Got Lucky with the blonde thing and the braclet scene, and the Hand on back longer then expected in Rashomama, and our spoiler. *nods*

The second I'd take Greg, meimei would just steal him. so I figured I'd leave Sara, Warrick, Grissom, Sofia and Greg for her. I think I'll take Calleigh and Ryan and maybe H too. :D Ryan for sure.

Can you imagine all of the CSI's {including NCIS} in a crossover??

I wasn't innocent because of Bangel{us} but. I'm not so innocent since meeting you and CatNip :D

Unlike some :p
Look at our last three thread titles:
*Since you're already dirty.
*He got lucky with a blonde.
*Make a muscle Nicky.

All Catherine's fault, she said them.

I love the hand on the back in Rashomama, way too long to be a friend. Our spoilers hot too.

Ooh Ryan, he's hot, can't forget about him. :D

All the CSI's plus NCIS would kick ass.

You make that sound like I had a part to play in your gutterness. :lol: Am I really that bad?
Nicky needs to give us something naughty to use one time. Cath's always giving out her guttery thoughts, and Nicky's the one that gets caught!

I know! (on both counts) Our spoilers really hot. Showin' Chemistry between them. Thats more then something just friends will do, and same with the hand on back. She lingered that way longer then a friend would.

Nope, Can't forget him :D

For the NCIS to come out. (am I the only one that noticed NC in that. ;) ) it has to be something military, which could bring Mac out as well, Depends on where we're putting it. In LV. well this is LV standards.

A Military guy shot and killed in LV. (was using this for my fic too)
Gibbs is called. Mac is called because the guy has a note on him for Mac. *nods*
So thats NCIS and NY in LV..Now how do we get Miami? The suspect started in Miami and came to LV?.. That could work.

*Nods* I think I gave them a storyline.

Kels. You are so bad with the gutter.
You'd think with him getting caught all the time that he'd give us something. He must have, I just can't think of anything just now.

There's no way they're just friends in our spoiler.

I like that storyline for NCIS, could see that.

I am, but I do admit it. :D
I'm sure he did, we just gotta find it. Maybe with words, he's not as guttery as she is, but maybe during our spoiler, he'll give us something guttery.

I don't think their just friends in that spoiler. That vid that youtube shows is very hot.

You could? Yay!

Proud of you, Kels.
Nick looks at Cath in a guttery way, he just doesn't say as much as she does. We definately have to see if we can find anything that he's said. Catherine's the one that get's caught saying stuff, and Nick's the one that get's caught looking. :D

That vid is definately hot, especially the very end part with them. ;)

I still want a Vegas/NY crossover, but if they throw in NCIS too I'd be happy with that.
I don't think I want NCIS there without Kate... But Vegas/NY could work out fine. It'd be hilarious, Nick would call Danny, Thumpy G! :lol:

I think thats how they balance each other out with the guttery. Cath says it, Nick does it. ;)

Yeah. They won. ...Anyways Dipping, twirling, touching. You know their going to have flirting!. Come on, when does CatNip not have flirting? NEVER! Exactly.
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