Cath & Nicky #4: Since You're Already Dirty - CatNip

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She looks at it thinking what she'll be doing with it later :devil:

Hopefully they'll give us what we want this year.

I know it seems so far away still, I want it to be now.

I can see them being flirty with each other too, they're going to look so hot together, I'm so pleased we're getting that, just a shame poor Cath's going to go through so much after it, but as long as Nicky's there to comfort her.
ha. We all know what she'sdoing with it later. I bet Nicky even thinks about it alot!

They better. Or I'm gonna be more angsty then usual.

I think it'll be a good season. I have a better feeling, then what I did last season.

Nick will be there to comfort her, no way are the writers that cruel not to let Nicky take care of her. We already know she pushes Warrick away, so lets hope she don't Nick
Nicky probably thinks about it all the time. :devil:

They better then or I'm running and hiding from you. :lol:

I have a really good feeling about this Season, last Season was disappointing, they have so much to make up for.

She wants Nick to be the one to comfort her. As far as we know Sara is the only one that knows about what Cath thinks might have happened to her, but if Nick does find out he's going to be there for her.
I really believe that they both think about it all the time, well at least they can go to her office! :D

Aww, Ain't scared of me, are you, Kels? *bats my eyes innocently*

They really do. CatNip used to have scenes like crazy. So I'm just blaming it on the fact that Marg was doing a movie, and the writers are going to make it up to us this season. :D When they do get a scene together. They just sparkle.. Chemistry is what they have!

Kill the guy too. He'll find him, hunt him down and kill him for hurting Cath..but yeah, my shipper heart is thinking that Cath panics, but Nick's in the bathroom

Since we're on a new page. I'm posting the episode list again, along with the banner Kels made. (using her link too cause I'm lazy to upload)

* Episodes List

*Crow's Feet (how could you resist make a muscle, nicky!)
*Revenge Is Best Served Cold (racing completely rules)
*Boom {the hug, people the hug. very cute and Cath taking on Nicky's case}
*Assume Nothing (their smiles, its just cute)
*Cool Change (we claim this, why you may ask, look how close they are in the beginning!!)
*We claim the Pilot for no other reason then the fact that the unaired pilot is ours as well!
*Scuba Doobie Doo (I still wanna say something else)
*Slaves of Las Vegas (Catnip and latex, what can I say?)
*Friends & Lovers (you just know their doing it in that episode)
*Table Stakes (they eat together, w/Brass/Sara. but their sitting together!)
*Face Lift (points at CSI_Willows siggy. Thats why)
*After the Show (I claim the moment when their digging up her body and Cath leans on Nicky)
*Paper or Plastic (computer and eye sex, how could we not?)
*Bad Words (how'd we miss that, is so cute..Cath/Nicky jumpsuits, need I say more?)
*Bloodlines (mostly because I wrote a fic off of that..Also, in the blooper he makes her laugh!)
*The Accused is Entitled (she fixes his tie!)
* Abra Cadaver (doing what they do best, Ass checks!)
*Got Murder? (I believe this is the ep name. Cath moves away from Sara, to get in the middle of them to stand beside Nicky)
*Lady Heather's Box (besides LH, N/C have some scenes together)
*Precious Metal (come on she flips her hair when she turns to him. haha)
*Formalities (Cath touches Nick's ass..*points at my icon*)
*Mea Culpa (and our Blooper people.. we mostly get our blooper though)
*Snakes (the head rub)
*4x4 (she looks at his ass...)
*Nesting Dolls (beginning, close together)
*Iced (its nice.. catnip walking down the stairs together)
*We claim our part in Grave Danger. Yes. Part two. She takes off her glove to hold his hand when their in the ambulance. Its been proven. Warrick keeps his on, but Cath takes hers off to hold him.
*Unbearable (look at the way he looks at her!)
*What's Eating Gilbert Grissom (this is the right one, right Kels?.. She puts herhand on his shoulder, He doesn't flinch, he likes her to touch him
*Coming of Rage (Nick looks for Cath to help him with his case, he gives her the cutest smile)
*You've Got Male (CatNip and A Lake)
*Overload (He told her his secret, and nobody else!)
*Shooting Stars (Nick's scared to go into the bunker and Cath notices)
*Daddy's Little Girl (They have a few scenes in this one)
*Rashomama (Nick checks Cath's ass, then the back rub and playful hit)
*Time of Your Death (He got lucky with a blonde, oh that he did)
Top 10


Poll History

Round One - Crow's Feet VS Revenge is Best Served Cold winner was Crow's Feet
Crow's feet then took us into Round Two against Snakes, Crow's Feet proved to be the winner. and went onto round three where it took on Boom although a close race, Crow's feet took home the win. and went onto round four where it meet its match in The Unaired Pilot TUP took home its first win, and went onto its Round two/Round 5 with its second win against Rashomama although the hand on back scene was a hot one, it wasn't hot enough, TUP took home the win. In its third round up against Scuba Doobie Doo but the "Nicky" couldn't win it, and TUP took it home again. Then in it fourth round it put it up against the braclet scene/the he got lucky with a blond scenes in Time of Your Death, and TUP took home the win. On its fifth round, TUP went up against the Mea Culpa blooper, and MCB tookhome its first win, then it went up against the orginal episode and took home its second win.

Now we see the Mea Culpa Blooper is up against Assume Nothing Blooper. Who will win? You be the judge.

Note: The episodes can't be used again until we use all of the episodes/bloopers that we know of, and then we can use them again.. thats more of a note to self, then it is to you all.
Cath's office comes in very handy :devil:

Nah, I'm not scare of you, I know you'd never take it out on me. :D

Although we didn't get many scenes, look at the ones we did get, especially the ones from Rashomama and TOYD. Those are the scenes that stand out from last season, we also got Daddy's Little Girl which had a few scenes. But I want loads more this Season. When you think of the scenes we've had in the past, Season 6 was probably not the best for CatNip scenes. But we're getting our spoiler which I think will be up there with Crow's Feet and RIBSC as favourite scenes.

Nick would go nuts if he found the guy that did it, but I'm with you I don't want to think about that until I really have to so we'll go with Nick's in the bathroom.

When you look at that list you realise how many great scenes we've had.

I had to go with the Mea Culpa blooper, makes me laugh so hard everytime I see it. The Assume Nothing one is funny too, and Marg finds George funny, but them being naughty just does it for me. :lol:
I had to do einie-meanie-minie-moe to pick. It was to hard to pick one otherwise. I ending up with the Assume Nothing Blooper.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure your safe, Kels, she usually goes after me.

Season Six was definatly not the best CatNip season, but I agree, the moments we did get were definatly worth it. And yes our spoilers will definatly be up there with Crow's Feet and Boom.
I went with the Assume Nothing one. Just because I wanted to. Really. Oh well. Their both great ones! :D

Yeah Kels, No worries. I go after meimei. :D

They really will be up there with Boom, Crow's Feet and RIBSC. Those are our great episodes. and hopefully once everyone sees our spoiler, they'll know we're a kickass ship and not one they can call, "Predictable"
one of my favorite CatNip scene's was in Who Shot Sherlock, when Catherine said to nick 'Watch it wiggle see it jiggle, i get it' it made me laugh really hard because Nick was just looking at her so innocently.

another one would have to be...i think in Big Middle when Catherine asked Nick if he liked her being her boss and he said whatever, i think he was really dissapointed, because now he can't date Catherine. *pouts* but then the whole team got back together and Catherine's not exactly his boss no more, now they can whatever they want together...:devil:

I'm glad I'm safe Lynn :D

Our spoiler is going to prove what a great ship we have and how hot our ship is together.

I love that scene in Who Shot Sherlock?, Nick gives Cath a great smile in that scene. I also like the end part when she says she's the boss :lol:

That's probably why he reacted like that, but there's nothing stoping them now, maybe that's why they waited until after Grave Danger to get back together.
Their together and nothings gonna stop them... *pushes bubble* Nice bubble. See its sturdy. Not gonna break. or bust. Get that pen away from my bubble, Liv!

I love it when she says she's the boss. Nick's like, yeah baby your the boss!

I think he was just upset by it all, because they probably weren't able to be together as much as they used to before she got the "boss" part...
pen...what, pen? *whistels* i see no...pen...Lynn. but i agree with the whole boss thing. although i think Cath would like to be ya know, dominated once in awhile and Nick can do that...oh look! the noises in the closet started up again!

i just thought of another favorite scene! in Sex, Lies and Larvae, Nick complains about their not being anything to eat and Catherine just tosses an apple behind her back. i just thought that was so adorable the way she knew how close he was behind her. *squee*

ok, my three fav catnip momoments.

1)ribsc...the car race. loved that scene, so fun. so hot.
2)stripper murder ep (help on name). cath steps up in both ecklie and gil's face and makes sure nick gets a fair investigation
3)rashomama. the car comment. that was soooooo funnny.
Lynn, I like that bubble. :D

Cath's not just the boss at work.

I take that scene with the apple to the gutter, I can't help it. :devil:

I love the racing scene.
The second one is Boom, I love the way Cath takes on his case.
The car scene is funny.
Yeah sure, thats how you get outta it Liv. Make me go to the closet. Not falling for it. Besides. I have cameras.

It is very adorable how she knew he was close behind her ;) and yeah, Kels took that one to the gutter. haha nice Kels :devil:

My Squishy loves number 1 :D I do too, RIBSC was a nice ep :D
Seconds Boom: I agree with Kels.I love how she took on his case. Protective... I'm sure meimei will add something on that ;)

*points at Kels banner* Need I say more. Funny. and the arm on back, and the little pat :D
i love the tears and hug in Boom. Nick and Catherine both look so releaved. and Catherine never looked so happy to put someone away in her life.

whatcha talking about Lynn? i'm not making it up! this is Catherine and Nick we're talking about...what do you think their doing in that closet? playing duck duck goose? ... oh dear, gutter mind...going places where one should not...oh well. :devil:

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