Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

CatNip going to NY? you mean, Meimei

Yeah that's what I meant

Hehe. I'm sure Cath gave Nicky a special present when they were home.


according to Cath was born in Bozeman, MT

Isn't that were Lindsay is from, they could have known each other.

N: Montana!
L: What?
D: hehe. cat fight. *gets glared at* Oops.
Mac: Lynn!
Me: For once in my life, it was actually all him!


Random Person: Hey Mo, where'd you get the bruises.
Mo: This one time, in the CatNip thread, I suggested a thread title.
Random Person: And that got you whacked?
Mo: Well. the title was.
Random Person: oh, Worth it?
Mo: Very!


Being naughty is more fun, espeically where CatNip's concerned

And it is so much easier

Yeah, i agree. Since you know their not gonna have ALL of Ny come to LV. CatNip should go to NY. They'll enjoy the trip and get away from LV. and maybe Macky and Danny can whack them into admitting their together

Yeah. (I'll give up Greg to see this, I'm sure they'll call back to the lab and show him at least once) think CatNip'd wanna do the bungee thing from PWM? They both like thrills....*giggle* And if Nicky is naughty, Cath can use the Robospanker on him *grin*

:devil: I can't comment on that one

You know if they have another kid, their secret will have to come out. That'll be a nice way. "Oh guys, I'm pregnant" .. the question is: Do we want Nicky to find out with the team that she's pregnant, or do we want him to find out first, and then she tells the team she's pregnant and then, "Aren't we, Nicky?"

I think they should make her have morning sickness at a crime scene and then found out after going to the doctors (Grissom's orders probably, because she'd insist she was fine and that she didn't have to go) to see whats wrong with her. And then her finding out that way. That way it would be more realistic then just have her peachy keen throughout her pregency

But they won't do that and we know they won't so I'd want Nicky to find out first, she'd take him out for lunch or something and tell him. Then they would have to tell them about the marriage and stuff
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hello, hello my lovely Gutter!Buddies! :D **Mo snuggles her fellow Gutter residents!**
I must admit, I do like that title but no...not gonna be able to use it.
Sad day!! :( So can we use any of it? Or is just to naughty?! :devil:
BTW, I'm stealing Danny and taking him home with me. Poor boy's getting tired running from thread to thread.
Hey!!! Rhonda! I know you're the mod, and you're FABULOUS at it...but hon....Danny...he's MINE!! :p :lol:
**Mo hands Rhonda Flackie on a platter with whipped cream and then grabs Danny and runs! :lol: **
You know if they have another kid, their secret will have to come out. That'll be a nice way. "Oh guys, I'm pregnant" .. the question is: Do we want Nicky to find out with the team that she's pregnant, or do we want him to find out first, and then she tells the team she's pregnant and then, "Aren't we, Nicky?"
Awwww, yeah I want them to be pregnant again! I'd LOVE that!! But Nicky totally has to find out before everyone, I like the "Aren't we Nicky?" Can you just imagine the looks they'd get from everyone in the lab, that would ROCK!! :lol:
think they should make her have morning sickness at a crime scene and then found out after going to the doctors (Grissom's orders probably, because she'd insist she was fine and that she didn't have to go) to see whats wrong with her. And then her finding out that way. That way it would be more realistic then just have her peachy keen throughout her pregency
Ohhhh, I like that! And Nicky could offer to go with her to the hospital/ her there, sit with her, that way he'd find out too...and then they could come back to the lab and everyone would wonder what was up...and then we could get the scene Lynn suggested! Yay, I like it alot!! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I would want Nick to find out first. I don't think he'd like to find out along with everyone else. I do like the idea of her telling the team and then saying "Aren't we Nicky?" I can just imagine their faces, one at the fact she was pregnant and that she's been with Nick the whole time.

I can actually see her after she tells them she's pregnant, you know Nick's not gonna do it. She'll do it. She'll look at him and smile, "Aren't we Nicky?" and then all eyes will turn to Nick, then to Cath with WTH expressions.

And Nicky could offer to go with her to the hospital/ her there, sit with her, that way he'd find out too...and then they could come back to the lab and everyone would wonder what was up...

I'm for that, that way he can find out with her.

nuh-uh *drags him back* MINE!

No way, Melly! Mac = Lynn's. Got it?

Bad Nicky, bad! *spanks him* lol

Want the robospanker?

Yeah. (I'll give up Greg to see this, I'm sure they'll call back to the lab and show him at least once)

*gasps* are you feeling otay?

**Mo hands Rhonda Flackie on a platter with whipped cream and then grabs Danny and runs!

*pouts* I wasn't finished playing with Flackie yet.

*gets evil look from Mac* what I meant was, Go for it Rhonda? *waits till Mac's back is turned and mumbles dangit but I wasn't*
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Bad Nicky, bad! *spanks him*
He'd probably enjoy that. :devil:

I like the idea of Catherine and Nick finding out together. I can just see Nick's face when everyone turns to him. :lol:

Lynn you can't have Flack and Mac, that's just greedy. :p
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Can we use any of it? The "12 inch penetration" was said by Catherine.
Sad day!! So can we use any of it? Or is just to naughty?!

Sorry. :( I know Catherine said it but it's a little too naughty for a thread title. I don't want the PG-13 meter after me! :eek:

Mo hands Rhonda Flackie on a platter with whipped cream and then grabs Danny and runs!

Since you brought me Flack, I'll let you have Danny...for a while. Sorry IHNC, but you have Mac. :p
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

nuh-uh, I have Mac,1CSIMFan

I have to agree with you about the title, sadly :(

Amanda has a nice theory :)

The one part I'd hate about PregnantCath is PregnantCathOnHormones...*shudder* Nicky will be lucky if he comes through it without broken bones or other injuries lol. If nothing else, she may break his hand during labor lol. *pictures her screaming at him "If you touch me again, I'll kill you! And I know where to hide the body so no one will ever find it!" *
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You two can continue to fight over Mac, I still got Nicky. :D

Awws, we can't use it. It's Cath's fault for being in the gutter. :devil: I'm sure we'll come up with something else.

PregnantCathOnHormones. Oh poor Nicky. I can just see her screaming at him. :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

nuh-uh, I have Mac,1CSIMFan

No way, she said I did!

I like the idea of Catherine and Nick finding out together. I can just see Nick's face when everyone turns to him

Poor Cath will have to save him.

I know Catherine said it but it's a little too naughty for a thread title. I don't want the PG-13 meter after me!

Aww, and here I thought you liked the meter.

Lynn you can't have Flack and Mac, that's just greedy.

But, Flackie.. . and Macky..

"If you touch me again, I'll kill you! And I know where to hide the body so no one will ever find it!" *

"This makes TWICE you put me through this NICK, not once, but TWICE. How would YOU like to carry it?"
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*pouts* I wasn't finished playing with Flackie yet.
*gets evil look from Mac* what I meant was, Go for it Rhonda? *waits till Mac's back is turned and mumbles dangit but I wasn't*
Lol, sorry Lynn! ;) But you do have Macky still and I just gots to have my Danny! :devil:
Sorry. I know Catherine said it but it's a little too naughty for a thread title. I don't want the PG-13 meter after me!
Awww Rhon! :( Sad day, but I guess I understand...but still, bummer! You just gotta duck real quick and then you won't get smacked, we're very good at it! ;) :lol:
Since you brought me Flack, I'll let you have Danny...for a while. Sorry IHNC, but you have Mac.
YAY!! Thanks Rhonda! **Mo hugs Rhon and then snuggles Danny! :D **
I'm sure we'll come up with something else.
That we will I'm sure...give me a few minutes and I'll come up with a couple! ;)
"This makes TWICE you put me through this NICK, not once, but TWICE. How would YOU like to carry it?"
LOL!! :lol: :lol: That is SO something Cath would say...her with pregnancy hormones and in is a dang good thing Nick is man enough to handle her! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I agree, it would SO be classic Cath :) I can hear him "Cath...ow, geez you're killing my hand here!" "Not working, I'm hurting a lot more than you are, so stuff it!" *snicker*

nuh-uh, I have Mac, I always have Mac *snuggles with him to keep the cold away*

I like getting Smacked...oh, you didn't mean that kind. LOL.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I like getting Smacked...oh, you didn't mean that kind. LOL.

You love both smacked's :lol:

nuh-uh, I have Mac, I always have Mac *snuggles with him to keep the cold away*

You WISHED you always had Mac, Melly! He's mine. *grabs him and takes him in the corner and snuggles him* MINE.

I can see Nicky telling her not to squeeze his hand so tight, and her telling him to shut up, he did this!

"You did this to me"!

Oh yeah, Nicky's man enough to handle her. ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*gasps* are you feeling otay?

It's catnip in New York, they could send Greg too though

He'd probably enjoy that.

You know he would

The one part I'd hate about PregnantCath is PregnantCathOnHormones...*shudder* Nicky will be lucky if he comes through it without broken bones or other injuries lol. If nothing else, she may break his hand during labor lol. *pictures her screaming at him "If you touch me again, I'll kill you! And I know where to hide the body so no one will ever find it!" *

That would be kind of funny to watch tough. I would feel bad for Nicky, but might be kind of funny

"This makes TWICE you put me through this NICK, not once, but TWICE. How would YOU like to carry it?"

Nick would be a bit scared. I'd be laughing

I can see Nicky telling her not to squeeze his hand so tight, and her telling him to shut up, he did this!

Laughing and dancing though, but more laughing.

Of course he did it though, and he'll probably do it again.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

and again.

She'll kill him.

CatNip in NY would completely rock.

*waits until Rhonda's back is turned and steals Flackie* Come on, Help us whack CatNip into admitting their together!

*borrows Danny from Mo*

*pushed Mac over to them* Do it.

So who do you think will start this conversation, Mac, Flackie or Danny?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I agree, it would SO be classic Cath I can hear him "Cath...ow, geez you're killing my hand here!" "Not working, I'm hurting a lot more than you are, so stuff it!" *snicker*
Lol, yeah Mel! Can't you just see it...Nicky's poor hand is breaking and Cath telling him to suck it up or shove this baby out of his body and see which he likes better! :lol: :lol:
You love both smacked's
Oh me too Lynn! Smacked...being smacked! Yup! :devil:
Oh yeah, Nicky's man enough to handle her.
Oh he so is! She's A WHOLE LOTTA woman...but he's man enough to handle her! :D
CatNip in NY would completely rock.
It so would, wouldn't it! I'd love to see that... :D
*borrows Danny from Mo*
Okay, but ONLY to whack Catnip into admitting they really are together! :D
So who do you think will start this conversation, Mac, Flackie or Danny?
Lol, for some reason I could totally see Danny watching them interact for a few minutes and then turning to Nick, and going "So how long you two been together man?" Wouldn't that be awesome! That's my Danny! **Mo snuggles her good boy!**
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

*snatches Mac back* Hey, hands off!

*agrees with previous statements* CatNip on the town...yay :) *Wonders if they'd get a show and what one they'd see*

rofl Moriel...I like your visual :)

Hey what if it was twins...*gasp* rofl. She could get lucky and get a c-section...drugs aplenty...though it'd scar her...or wind up delivering two at once...yikes.
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