Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

iheartnickcath said:
Hi Auda love, Haven't seen you in awhile ;) Always good to see you!

yup, the boys would be major eye candy (including Mac!)

I can see Cath and Linds talking about things, and Cath mention she has a daughter named Lindsay. It'll be cute.

Yeah, her and Stella would team up to hide Nicky and Mac from me.. Now why would they wanna do that for?

Hehe. I'm sure Cath gave Nicky a special present when they were home. ;)

hehe. I knew you couldn't not comment on that, Auda :devil:

A-hem...I do believe Stella would be hiding Mac from me. You see, he's all mine!

Cath and Lindsay would be, aren't they both from Montana? But I don't think Cath would take nicely to Nicky calling her 'Montana' lol.

I think Cath could also talk to Stella...they're both trauma survivors...although Cath had less blood and wasn't tied up.

Anyway...what do you think they'd get each other for a pressie to give after they get home? Besides *that* :devil: And where you think they'd go visit during off hours? other than their hotel room of course :devil:.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

audacity said:
I bet Cath was turned on knowing Nick punched K-Fed out...
:lol: o my gosh that was awsom, I bet she was turned on too. I'd be turned on if I was Cath...yeah.

I know what they did when Nick told her what he did. That's after they got to the hosital and before they went to visit Greg...oh, you know what they did. :devil:

Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I think I'd want CatNip to go to NY. We know they'd be all for that, getting away together. NY has some great eye candy, Nicky would fit right in, can you imagine a scene with him, Mac, Danny and Flack.

Can you imagine me staring at the screen the whole time?

Maybe because you keep stealing their men. Nicky's mine.

Uhh. Do not!

Uh-huh....sure! I really do like the new icon by the way...Mac and Catnip, gotta love that! (I'm so brilliant to come up with that! )

You are totally brillant and Kels is totally brillant for making it for me. I told Squishy last night you were right, if I had CatNip and Mac, I wouldn't be able to stop starin' at it. Its very true. :D

A-hem...I do believe Stella would be hiding Mac from me. You see, he's all mine!

Wrong chica, Mine! But hey, you can gladly take the Stel whippings. And I'll sneak away with Mac! :D

Cath and Lindsay would be, aren't they both from Montana? But I don't think Cath would take nicely to Nicky calling her 'Montana' lol.

They change Cath's background to much, hard to tell where she was actually raised, first it was there, then it was Vegas, and now its either one really.

haha, I think Nicky gets to live enough just calling her Cat. He calls her montana, he might die. or she might kill Danny for teaching him.

I think Cath could also talk to Stella...they're both trauma survivors...although Cath had less blood and wasn't tied up.

We had them kidnapped in the RP, remember?

Anyway...what do you think they'd get each other for a pressie to give after they get home? Besides *that* And where you think they'd go visit during off hours? other than their hotel room of course .

Melly, you know you can't ask the CatNip gutter that type of question, you know its automatically :devil:


I know what they did when Nick told her what he did. That's after they got to the hosital and before they went to visit Greg...oh, you know what they did.

Yup, I totally know what they did, :devil: and you still owe us a ficcie.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Can you imagine me staring at the screen the whole time?
I'd be staring along with you. That would be some majoy eye candy. :D

Uhh. Do not!
You do so, that's why you get your ass kicked so often. :lol:

They change Cath's background to much, hard to tell where she was actually raised, first it was there, then it was Vegas, and now its either one really.
They'd use whatever one suits them that week.

haha, I think Nicky gets to live enough just calling her Cat. He calls her montana, he might die. or she might kill Danny for teaching him.
She let's him call her Cat because it's only him that calls her it. Haha, I can just imagine her talking to Danny if he did teach Nick that. :lol:

Melly, you know you can't ask the CatNip gutter that type of question, you know its automatically
That kind of question would get us all whacked by the meter, our first answer will always be :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I'd be staring along with you. That would be some majoy eye candy.

It really would.

You do so, that's why you get your ass kicked so often.

That is very true. But its hard not to.

They'd use whatever one suits them that week.

Well Nicky's Linds dad so he knows where Cath and Linds are from ... leave me alone

She let's him call her Cat because it's only him that calls her it. Haha, I can just imagine her talking to Danny if he did teach Nick that

More like kill him. You mean. Nicky better watch his back during that, he'll be next.

That kind of question would get us all whacked by the meter, our first answer will always be

its bad enough 12 inch is gonna get us just dodging the bullet.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hello my Gutterbuddies! :D
Cath and Lindsay would be, aren't they both from Montana? But I don't think Cath would take nicely to Nicky calling her 'Montana' lol.
Howdy Mel! Um according to Cath was born in Bozeman, she is a country girl at heart! ;)
Cath's Bio But Nicky can't call her "Montana" that's Danny's thing for Lindsay! ;) :D
You are totally brillant and Kels is totally brillant for making it for me. I told Squishy last night you were right, if I had CatNip and Mac, I wouldn't be able to stop starin' at it. Its very true.
Lol, thank you, thank you! **Mo bows happily!** Do I know you well or what Lynn hon! :lol: And yeah Kels did a gorgeous job in making it...gotta love that! So just how often do you catch yourself staring at it, all the time huh! ;) :lol:
That kind of question would get us all whacked by the meter, our first answer will always be :devil:
Lol, it's Catnip...isn't **that** :devil: ALWAYS our answer to everything! :D
its bad enough 12 inch is gonna get us just dodging the bullet.
**Mo trips over that lovely line and falls on her face in the gutter...again! :lol:** That line is just so :devil: I LOVE it! I say we make it our next thread title...
Cath & Nicky: #6 "12 inch Penetration for Catnip!" :devil: :devil:

**Mo gets totally whacked by the meter as she ducks out of the thread laughing evilly!**
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hello my Gutterbuddies!

Hello Mo Love.

Cath's Bio But Nicky can't call her "Montana" that's Danny's thing for Lindsay!

I really wish they'd leave Cath at one place and shuddaup about it. ... haha,

N: Montana!
L: What?
D: hehe. cat fight. *gets glared at* Oops.
Mac: Lynn!
Me: For once in my life, it was actually all him!

Lol, thank you, thank you! **Mo bows happily!** Do I know you well or what Lynn hon! And yeah Kels did a gorgeous job in making it...gotta love that! So just how often do you catch yourself staring at it, all the time huh!

You know me well ;) yup, she really did. .. well, all the time, yup. hehe. ;)

Lol, it's Catnip...isn't **that** ALWAYS our answer to everything!

Very true. Its CatNip. They love that answer.

**Mo trips over that lovely line and falls on her face in the gutter...again! ** That line is just so I LOVE it! I say we make it our next thread title...
Cath & Nicky: #6 "12 inch Penetration for Catnip!"

**Mo gets totally whacked by the meter as she ducks out of the thread laughing evilly!**

LMAO. Thats worth getting whacked over!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

They can't make up their mind whether Catherine was born in Montana or Vegas.

N: Montana!
L: What?
D: hehe. cat fight. *gets glared at* Oops.
Mac: Lynn!
Me: For once in my life, it was actually all him!
Haha, that's funny.

I'd love that to be our thread title, but I think we might be pushing it if we added the for CatNip. :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hello Mo Love.
:D **Hugs!**
I really wish they'd leave Cath at one place and shuddaup about it. ... haha,

N: Montana!
L: What?
D: hehe. cat fight. *gets glared at* Oops.
Mac: Lynn!
Me: For once in my life, it was actually all him!
**Mo defends Lynn...**
Me: Lol, seriously Mac...blame Nicky, or Danny he taught it to him! :D
Linds: **whacks Danny!** That's my nickname!
Danny: Let's go home and I'll make it up to you! :devil:
Cath: **to Nicky** I'll only let you call me that if you... :devil: alot!
Nicky: Works for me! :D
**Mo high fives Lynn!** Our work here is done! :lol:
well, all the time, yup. hehe.
Thought so! Can't say I blame ya though! :D
LMAO. Thats worth getting whacked over!
I know! Wasn't it though...I couldn't help myself! :D It's just SO them! :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I'd love that to be our thread title, but I think we might be pushing it if we added the for CatNip

One can dream.

Haha, that's funny.



*hugs back*

**Mo defends Lynn...**
Me: Lol, seriously Mac...blame Nicky, or Danny he taught it to him!
Linds: **whacks Danny!** That's my nickname!
Danny: Let's go home and I'll make it up to you!
Cath: **to Nicky** I'll only let you call me that if you... alot!
Nicky: Works for me!
**Mo high fives Lynn!** Our work here is done!

Thanks for defending me :D

*high fives* nice one, Mo. ;)

Thought so! Can't say I blame ya though!

Its CatNip and Mac, whats not to love? :D

I know! Wasn't it though...I couldn't help myself! It's just SO them!

It really is, and its very worth it!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

One can dream.
One can indeed! Lol, you're probably right though Kels but still you know it'd be fun! :D :devil:
Thanks for defending me
*high fives* nice one, Mo.
Lol, you're quite welcome hon, anytime! And thank you right back! :lol:
Its CatNip and Mac, whats not to love?
Lol, that's SO true! Both are fabulous, how can ya not love them! :D
It really is, and its very worth it!
It SO was...I don't even mind the bruises! :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

One can indeed! Lol, you're probably right though Kels but still you know it'd be fun!

She'd love it. She's actin' all innocent.

Lol, you're quite welcome hon, anytime! And thank you right back!


hehe, you know Mac would still end up blaming me for Danny. I dunno why. I don't influence him. Do I?

Lol, that's SO true! Both are fabulous, how can ya not love them!

You know i can't argue with that.

CatNip and Mac and NY would make a great crossover eppie. Talk about ratings! Through the roof. Hottness all on one screen!

It SO was...I don't even mind the bruises!

Random Person: Hey Mo, where'd you get the bruises.
Mo: This one time, in the CatNip thread, I suggested a thread title.
Random Person: And that got you whacked?
Mo: Well. the title was. :devil:
Random Person: oh, Worth it?
Mo: Very!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

She'd love it. She's actin' all innocent.
Lol, yeah she SO would! Drop the halo Kels hon, it's cute but we know you're not innocent! ;) :lol:
hehe, you know Mac would still end up blaming me for Danny. I dunno why. I don't influence him. Do I?
Lol, it's cuz Mac likes picking a fight...gets you both all hot and bothered and then fun happens! :devil:
CatNip and Mac and NY would make a great crossover eppie. Talk about ratings! Through the roof. Hottness all on one screen!
It so would, they really do need to do that! All the others have had crossovers, it really is LV and NY's turn now! :D
Random Person: Hey Mo, where'd you get the bruises.
Mo: This one time, in the CatNip thread, I suggested a thread title.
Random Person: And that got you whacked?
Mo: Well. the title was.
Random Person: oh, Worth it?
Mo: Very!
LOL!! :lol: :lol: So true, so so true!! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

She'd love it. She's actin' all innocent.

Lol, yeah she SO would! Drop the halo Kels hon, it's cute but we know you're not innocent!

I wouldn't even try and act innocent around you two, there's no way I'd get away with it. :lol:

CatNip and Mac and NY would make a great crossover eppie. Talk about ratings! Through the roof. Hottness all on one screen!
All that hotness on the one screen would definately get people watching. :D

Random Person: Hey Mo, where'd you get the bruises.
Mo: This one time, in the CatNip thread, I suggested a thread title.
Random Person: And that got you whacked?
Mo: Well. the title was.
Random Person: oh, Worth it?
Mo: Very!
Haha, anything that gets you whacked in here is worth it. :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I wouldn't even try and act innocent around you two, there's no way I'd get away with it.
Lol, yeah we wouldn't let ya! :lol: Besides it's more fun being naughty! :devil: **Hugs to you!**
All that hotness on the one screen would definately get people watching.
I KNOW! I know I'd be glued to my tv the entire time...literally! **Mo drools at just the thought of all that possible eye candy!**
Haha, anything that gets you whacked in here is worth it.
Now ain't that the truth! For sure! :devil:
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