Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

rofl Moriel...I like your visual
Lol, thank you hon...thank you! I try! It's pretty easy with Catnip! :devil:

Catnip twins...okay that would be freaking awesome! :D I'd love to see Catnip handle that...awww, but that just gave me a visual of Nicky craddling two babies, one in the crook of each freaking cute and absolutely HOT would that be!! :D Awwww!!! ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

CatNip and Thumpy G! hehe.

you know not only does he smirk, but they share a quick eye sex.

He is grabbing her ass. He can't hide it.

Yeah Nicky, we know where your looking, your checking out her ass and thinking what you wanna do to her later. Don't hide it.

Nick holding one baby would be cute but seeing him holding two would be even cuter.

Especially the fact that their his and Cath's.

snatches Mac back* Hey, hands off!

No way woman! *snatches him back* Mac's mine. Mine mine mine mine mine mine, oh and uh mine!

Lol, for some reason I could totally see Danny watching them interact for a few minutes and then turning to Nick, and going "So how long you two been together man?" Wouldn't that be awesome! That's my Danny! **Mo snuggles her good boy!**

Yup, Danny Boy will get them to admit it or his name isn't Thumpy G.

Flack and Mac made me do it!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I like that scene with Thumpy G, Catherine put's him in his place. :lol:

They definately have eye sex in that scene.

your checking out her ass and thinking what you wanna do to her later. Don't hide it.
That's what he's always thinking, he's never very discreet when he's checking her out.

CatNip's babies would be cute.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

haha, You know Mac and Flack are gonna use "Thumpy G" against Danny. Thats gonna be fun. :lol: Hawkes will join the fun too. Lets invite Hawkes!

Theres major Eye Sex in RIBSC. Major!

He's far from it, actualy. He lets us know he's checking her out. He's always thinking about her. He's a man in love :D

CatNip babies, aww. QUit! you're trying to turn me fluffy!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

hehe. it'll be fun to watch them pick on him. Nicky will get in on it too!

They were very on.

I know. Its CatNip's babies. :D

Cath's always gotta look/check out Nicky instead of working. ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

lol Cath you know you love it, even if you are evil :devil:

*agrees about him checking her out instead of working*

Hey do you have any Catnippy scenes from the race test they did? I love that scene.

Lots of Cath but also some Cath/Nick...not shippy but we can find CatNip anywhere this ep. Check the spoiler thread in teh LV area.

nuh uh *pushes Cath away* minemineMINEMINE! My Mac not yours!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Gutterbuddies, howdy! :lol:
Nick holding one baby would be cute but seeing him holding two would be even cuter.
I KNOW, that's what I'm saying Kels! There's just something about guys and babies...and hot guys with babies... **SWOON!!!**

Thumpy G! I LOVE him...yay! **Mo pets her Carmine happily! Hello honey! :D **
Yup, Danny Boy will get them to admit it or his name isn't Thumpy G.
Oh yeah he'll totally get them to admit it or his name isn't Loverbo...I'm mean yeah Thumpy G! :devil: :lol:
He's a man in love
Yeah he SO is! Nicky adores his Cath! :D
CatNip babies, aww. QUit! you're trying to turn me fluffy!
Lynn's turning fluffy, Lynn's turning fluffy! **Mo dances happily!** Awww come on Lynn honey, even your most angsty side has to admit Catnip babies are worth getting fluffy over! :D

Kels yay for sweet caps! Thanks hon! Yay!! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hey guys...I'm a huge CatNip fan myself!!!! I just like these two together a lot. One of my FAV episodes is Crow's Feet...not just Nick showing his muscle scene, but also when the Dr. suspect is literally staring at Catherine...basicaly undressing her with his eyes in front of Nick. It was obvious that Cath was uncomfortable...a tad bit shocked, and Nick did not seem to like it at all...even called the Dr. out on it. Plus these two had a lot of humor together in this episode that just radiated heat!!!! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Waiting rock on! Welcome to our fabulous thread, we SOOOOO adore Catnip here...we get pretty crazy! :lol: But it's totally fun! :D And yay for "Crow's Feet" that is the ep that brought me into this fabulous fold! Awwww, love it! :D The muscle scene...gah, YUMMY!! :devil: And yeah Nicky not wanting the doc checking out his girl...good stuff!! ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Welcome Waiting Crow's Feet is definately a favourite with everyone in here. The muscle scene is one of my favourite CatNip scenes along with the racing scene and the dancing scene.

I had a look in the LV spoiler thread and eszmanda_luver posted a really good spoiler.

Catherine and Nick leave to go to a distant crime scene and Nick asks Cath about Sam's money. I love that they're going to be away at a crime scene together alone. Then they'll be talking about Sam, he must be dead if they're talking about his money, which means that Cath will probably get upset and Nick will have to comfort her. I hope we get a hug out of this.

If anyone wants to see all 159 (i went a bit overboard) RIBSC caps you can see them here, they were also posted on the CatNip community me and Lynn have on Lj. :)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

The muscle scene is one of my favourite CatNip scenes along with the racing scene and the dancing scene.
Lol, yeah Kels those are all fabulous moments! I swear Catnip has so many totally cute "dang-they-are-SO-together!"'s great! :D
So a distant crime scene...means a long car ride and they make a point to tell us what they talk about which clearly means we'll get to see the conversation which SO opens the door for a heart to heart which is always good for a ship...and yeah the likelihood that Cath will get upset is good and if they are alone you know Nick will comfort her and so I think it is entriely reasonable to hope for at the very least a hug here!! YAY!!! Awwww, I SOOOO hope that's what happens!! It needs to dang it!And wait if they talk about Sam's money...what if they finally bring up the ransom again? And Nick finds out what Cath did?!!! Ohh....this could get really good!! :D :D

Lol, wow nice job on the caps hon! You can never have too much Catnip I say! ;) Lol! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Has anyone heard the spoiler about Cath having a love interest? It's in the LV Spoiler thread. I'm hoping it's not true. I want my CatNip!!! *cries* Do we have to do bad things to get it? I hope not lol
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Ohhh...I'm excited!!!! Nick + Cath = Complete HOT Adoration!!!! Hahaha...sorry you take Nick's sensitivity and you mash it with Cath's Sultry Personality. Honestly...I really like this couple together because for one Nick is not Catherine's type...she always goes for the A-holes that treat her horrible. She winds up getting hurt...and circulating her same mistakes over again but with a different guy of course. You throw Nick in the equation who to me is insecure with woman because of his past...even though he's incrediably hot...I think part of him fears allowing someone in...which is something that he has in common with Cath. off track a looks like we might have to wait until then to find anything out with her Dad. Man...of man Nick being the one to comfort her is well worth the wait if that is the case...and it will also make up for him leaving her alone at a bar. ;)

I really feel for cath this season...I guess cause I lost my dad a few months back...and now she did...stupid to compare...but can't help it. She deserves something good in her life...and in my opinion that is Nicky!!!!
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