Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Kels Hi!! **hugs!**
For the poll I went with Coming of Rage.
Yeah me too! :D
I don't think any of us are ever getting out the gutter, so no one has to fear being left alone.
Lol, so true! :devil: It's impossible to escape with these two always wanting to jump eachother! ;)
Lynn and Mel are the only two having to fight over the same man.
Works well for us huh Kels! :lol:
Moriel K-Fed was in last weeks episode. He was the guy that Nick punched.
Awwwwww, okay. I just realized I'm a week behind! :p I haven't watched last weeks ep yet, so sad huh! :( I didn't get to tape and so I have to watch it online...and my computer hasn't let me yeah! Okey doke though, I WILL watch it today! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hey Moriel *hugs*

I think the "12 inch penetration" line is going to take some beating. :devil:

It's all CatNip's fault, we would be innocent otherwise, somehow I don't think that's true though. :lol:

It works very well for us, I now only have to share with Cath. :D

I didn't realise you hadn't seen it, we got scenes, you definately have to try and watch it today.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I think the "12 inch penetration" line is going to take some beating.
Lol! :lol: I LOVE that line, it is like the best line EVER! :devil: Immediate Gutter drop every single time I see/hear/read it! :lol:
It's all CatNip's fault, we would be innocent otherwise, somehow I don't think that's true though.
Yeah sadly I don't think we'd be innocent either way! ;) But now at least we have a good excuse not to be! :lol:
It works very well for us, I now only have to share with Cath.
Lol, and me with we just have to avoid getting our butts kicked by them in a jealous tiff! :p :lol:
I didn't realise you hadn't seen it, we got scenes, you definately have to try and watch it today.
It's sad really! Cuz I get home from work ready to watch it the last few days and my computer is having issues with just that one site, I don't why it's like it decided to screw me over! :mad: so yeah it should be fixed I plan on watching it tonight! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lol, you crack me up! An animated one hon, you're so never gonna stop staring at that!! You do know between Mac and Catnip you are NEVER getting out of the Gutter again, right! (Which is nice cuz then I get company, cuz I can't ever leave either! )

I know! I can't help it. I think as long as I have Mac and CatNip, I'll be fine. I'll be able to breathe and all. :D

Lynn & Mel are stuck fighting over Mac...
Lynn and Mel are the only two having to fight over the same man.

Me and Melly have been fighting over Mac, every since we meet each other in the Smacked thread, and then it went over to the RP's, and it shall never end. But she knows I win :D

Not to mention the fact we're both scared of Stella

I dunno who to fear more, Cath or Stella.

I now only have to share with Cath.

Practice your running lately Kels?

Lol! I LOVE that line, it is like the best line EVER! Immediate Gutter drop every single time I see/hear/read it!

Same here, its immediate gutter. We should add that to the thread list, really.


Poor Mo can't watch Eppie. *goes to tapes and rubs it in* Ooh look Mo, I see it!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Practice your running lately Kels?
I'm not the best runner, probably why I get my ass kicked on a regular basis.

I dunno who to fear more, Cath or Stella.
I think they could be equally scary when it comes to their men.

That was a possible thread title for this thread but we went with Shall we dance? because of the spoiler.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I know! I can't help it. I think as long as I have Mac and CatNip, I'll be fine. I'll be able to breathe and all.
Lol, as long as you get your daily fix! ;) You should make a Mac/Catnip avie and then you'd be set! (Although then you'd never stop staring at it and I dunno how good that'd be for you! :devil: :lol: )
Not to mention the fact we're both scared of Stella
I dunno who to fear more, Cath or Stella.
Mmmmm, yeah that's a good point! I dunno who's scarier...Rambo Stella is scary but Cath when she's had Nicky taken from her is pretty mean...and they both give one heck of an ass-kicking! So I think they might be tied! ;) (So glad they're not after me! :lol: )
Same here, its immediate gutter. We should add that to the thread list, really.
We should totally add it again, cuz yeah like Kels said it was in the running, but we went with our current one. But yeah if we did make that one a title, we'd be CONSTANTLY ducking the meter! :devil:
Poor Mo can't watch Eppie. *goes to tapes and rubs it in* Ooh look Mo, I see it!
**Mo pouts!** That's just mean Lynny! :p
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I'm not the best runner, probably why I get my ass kicked on a regular basis.

That could be why, plus the fact Cath can really kick.

I think they could be equally scary when it comes to their men.

And yet, we don't learn.

That was a possible thread title for this thread but we went with Shall we dance? because of the spoiler.

Oh. It was?

Lol, as long as you get your daily fix! You should make a Mac/Catnip avie and then you'd be set! (Although then you'd never stop staring at it and I dunno how good that'd be for you! )

*thinks and looks at Kels* hint hint? hehe. :D Picture of Mac, "Mac Obsessed or Mac!Whore" .. Their both true. and "CatNip Obsessed or OTP" .. those are true too. :D hehe. *skips happily along* .. I could stop staring at it. Who am I kidding. I had to put my banner behind a link to quit starin' at it.

You gotta admit though, that banner is HOT.
Speaking of which, Mo. Get. An.LJ. So. You. Can. Join. Group and Befriend me!

**Mo pouts!** That's just mean Lynny!

Awws, I'm sorry. *hands you a copy* Now you can see it.

You know, if we got NY and LV crossover. I'd be the happiest person in the world. Mac and CatNip on the same screen!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

When Cath kicks it really hurts. I don't think we'll ever learn, the men are too hot.

It was winning but we agree to use this one because of the dancing scene we were getting. We can add it to the possible thread titles for the next one.

Is that you hinting for me to make you a new avi? :rolleyes: You know I'll end up making you it anyway. ;)

Moriel you should get an Lj, me and Lynn have a CatNip community. :D

I still want that crossover, but only if CatNip's in it.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

What you think CatNip goes to NY or Mac comes to LV?

We have so many thread possibilities and I'm hoping that before we get close to one, we get a hot little eppie and Cath or Nick will give us more ideas for it. Cause you know their gonna. They can't help themselves.

hehe, the whole Thumpy G would be hilarious to watch though if CatNip went to NY to solve a case. How would they go abouts the whole ep?
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yup! While they fight over Mac and Nick (well not Nick since Kels snuck him away...but Lynn & Mel are stuck fighting over Mac...which leaves you Greg and me Danny!

Thats right Mo

He was the guy that Nick punched.

I want an icon of that

I think the "12 inch penetration" line is going to take some beating.

:devil: No comment

It's all CatNip's fault, we would be innocent otherwise, somehow I don't think that's true though.

Cause it isn't

What you think CatNip goes to NY or Mac comes to LV?

CatNip to LV

Cause you know their gonna


hehe, the whole Thumpy G would be hilarious to watch though if CatNip went to NY to solve a case. How would they go abouts the whole ep?

Knowing tptb they'd never bring up Thump G, but it would be hilarious.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

CatNip going to NY? you mean, Meimei :p But you know their gonna. No rules. ;)

I second meimei on the no comment, thats hot. :D

But NY always ends up bringing things back up (usually) so its most likely they'll reveal, since we're going with we want it on NY.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I would love to see Catnip go to New York...Nick's accent would stand out a lot but the ladies of NY would never be the same. Cath would fit in well despite the fact she was raised a country girl. I could see her enjoying the shows and the shopping. She and Lindsay would have something to talk about---I bet she would get along great with Stella too. Nick and Danny? LOL! Hmmmm...that would be interesting to see. Major eye candy there. But basically, Cath/Nick just need to go to NY to have some fun in one of those swanky NY The Plaza. :devil:

I bet Cath was turned on knowing Nick punched K-Fed out...he needed it. ;)

Mind runs wild thinking about the 12"
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Hi Auda love, Haven't seen you in awhile ;) Always good to see you!

yup, the boys would be major eye candy (including Mac!)

I can see Cath and Linds talking about things, and Cath mention she has a daughter named Lindsay. It'll be cute.

Yeah, her and Stella would team up to hide Nicky and Mac from me.. Now why would they wanna do that for?

Hehe. I'm sure Cath gave Nicky a special present when they were home. ;)

hehe. I knew you couldn't not comment on that, Auda :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I think I'd want CatNip to go to NY. We know they'd be all for that, getting away together. NY has some great eye candy, Nicky would fit right in, can you imagine a scene with him, Mac, Danny and Flack.

Yeah, her and Stella would team up to hide Nicky and Mac from me.. Now why would they wanna do that for?
:rolleyes: Maybe because you keep stealing their men. Nicky's mine. :p

Hehe. I'm sure Cath gave Nicky a special present when they were home.
I really can't comment on that. :devil:

I don't think anyone wants to comment on the "12 inch penetration" line in fear of being whacked by the meter. :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

And yet, we don't learn.
Oh we learn, we just don't care! :lol: We know Cath/Stell/soon Linds can and will kick our butts, but the guys...SOO worth it! ;) :D
could stop staring at it. Who am I kidding. I had to put my banner behind a link to quit starin' at it.
Uh-huh....sure! ;) I really do like the new icon by the way...Mac and Catnip, gotta love that! :lol: (I'm so brilliant to come up with that! :lol: :lol: )
Awws, I'm sorry. *hands you a copy* Now you can see it.
Thanks! **huggles to Lynn!**
What you think CatNip goes to NY or Mac comes to LV?
Mmmm, either one would be hot...but I'm feelin' Catnip in NY more! :D
I would love to see Catnip go to New York...Nick's accent would stand out a lot but the ladies of NY would never be the same. Cath would fit in well despite the fact she was raised a country girl. I could see her enjoying the shows and the shopping. She and Lindsay would have something to talk about---I bet she would get along great with Stella too. Nick and Danny? LOL! Hmmmm...that would be interesting to see. Major eye candy there. But basically, Cath/Nick just need to go to NY to have some fun in one of those swanky NY The Plaza.
Aud! Hiya hon! :D I agree...the NY ladies would LOVE Nicky, and I could see Cath and Stell hittin' it off together...although getting the two of them together would be major bad news for! Can you just see the two of them collaborating to kick our butts, nothing good could come of that! :lol:
Nicky would fit right in, can you imagine a scene with him, Mac, Danny and Flack.
**Mo pictures that for a moment....a looooonnng moment....and begins to drool at the overload of eye candy now in her mind!** Kels I think if we got a scene like that every woman in the world would be glued to their tv screen...literally! :devil: :devil:
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