Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

That's just mean, you know I can't reply to that. :p

What, shirtless!Cath?
Yes, shirtless!Cath, Nicky would love that. :D

Oh and for the record, Kels, Lynn both of y'all are bad! (Bad in a fabulous gutter way though!
You know you can rely on us, we get up to no good when we're left alone. Lynn says I'm the bad one, but she's just as bad.

Refresher course here....Danny's MINE! **Mo snuggles her Danny!** Nicky is Kels (as long as Cath doesn't see them! ) and Lynn & Mel are still tripping eachother over Mac, correct?!
This works for me, I'm managing to stop getting my ass kicked from Cath so far.

CatNip smex would be hot. :devil:

I have more tongue porn evidence, but I'll have to wait until I go home to post.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

That's just mean, you know I can't reply to that.
Lol, I don't even know what this is, but knowing you two I KNOW it's bad! :devil:
Yes, shirtless!Cath, Nicky would love that.
:eek: Are we allowed to show that?! ;) Lol! And yeah Nicky would SO love that! :devil:
You know you can rely on us, we get up to no good when we're left alone. Lynn says I'm the bad one, but she's just as bad.
Yeah me leaving you two alone for too long mean bad things happen, lol! (But it's usually yummy bad things, which is fun! :devil: ) And yeah she's just as bad! ;)
This works for me, I'm managing to stop getting my ass kicked from Cath so far.
Well done hon! That's quite an accomplishment, I'm impressed! :lol: **High fives Kels!**
CatNip smex would be hot.
NO kidding! Yummy indeed! :devil:
I have more tongue porn evidence, but I'll have to wait until I go home to post.
Sweet, more caps are always good! Especially of Tongue Porn! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

What's HEGM? *Is lost* If you can't say on-board, just PM it to me.

*nods in agreement as Mo points to evidence* I agree :)'re good as long as Cath doesn't see you :devil: Although Lynn and I are in the same boat with Mac...we're only fine as long as Stella doesn't see us.

btw did anyone see the LJ question about might they be going to kill Nick off? I don't remember if I replied but refuse to entertain that theory. Poor Cath would just be lost without him. She needs him and we need him :)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Wow, I'm gone a day and I missed so much...shirtless!Nicky, Catnip smex, scratch marks on Nicky, Catnip smex....catching them kissing....did I mention Catnip smex?

All of which are true. *nods*

Refresher course here....Danny's MINE! **Mo snuggles her Danny!** Nicky is Kels (as long as Cath doesn't see them! ) and Lynn & Mel are still tripping eachother over Mac, correct?!

I'm not tripping her!.. MINE! *drools at Danny and gets whacked by Mac* Oops, I said your mine. Yeah.

Oh and for the record, Kels, Lynn both of y'all are bad! (Bad in a fabulous gutter way though! ) **Mo snuggles her Gutterbuddies!**

*snuggles back* You're getting just as bad, you do know that right?

I don't think he would either so I want to whap him one for apparently leaving her early in the show. And the boy had better have come to his senses and be back with her now, or I'll have to do other mean things to

As much as I agree with you, I don't think we have to worry about him leaving her. *nods*

Lol, no worries Mel he is TOTALLY with her now... **Mo points to our lovely dancing scene, obvious concern shown after all she went thru, and recent tongue porn as evidence exhibits A,B & C!

hehe exhibits A.B.& C are so very true. Thats CatNip!

Catnip just totally rocks...I Loves them!


That's just mean, you know I can't reply to that.

Heheh. I love it!

Yes, shirtless!Cath, Nicky would love that

I can see Nicky being very flirty.

What's HEGM? *Is lost* If you can't say on-board, just PM it to me.

*smirks evily* I know something you dunno, I know something you dunno!

Although Lynn and I are in the same boat with Mac...we're only fine as long as Stella doesn't see us.

We pray that never happens.

btw did anyone see the LJ question about might they be going to kill Nick off? I don't remember if I replied but refuse to entertain that theory. Poor Cath would just be lost without him. She needs him and we need him

I didn't see it, what it say? They want to kill Nicky off? Noo. Cath will die without Nicky there.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lol, I don't even know what this is, but knowing you two I KNOW it's bad
I wonder what gave you that idea, but yeah it is bad. :devil:

I saw that on Lj, there's no way Nick would leave. He makes a comment on last weeks show and now all of a sudden they think that Nick's going to leave. Nick wouldn't leave Cath anyway.

You're getting just as bad, you do know that right?
Haha, we're such a bad influence. :lol:

More tongue porn evidence, by both of them:

Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Didn't both George and Marg sign on for next season?

Nicky would never leave Cath behind. I remember the comment he made, He'd take her with him. *nods* Or even if he did leave the lab, he wouldn't leave her. He couldn't.

And you also, know my other comment to that.

You mean youre a bad influence. *nods* I'm the innocent one. *points at halo and whistles* Its not fake!

Tongue!Porn evidence is love!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

They've both signed for Season 8. So Nick can't leave, not that he would. He loves Cath too much to leave.

I do know your other comment and I agree with you.

I'm the bad influence? You're far from innocent. That halo is so fake. :lol:

We got tongue porn, we also got it in POTTR, Cath was even looking somewhere when she was doing it. :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

I don't think Nicky would ever leave, even if he could, because he can't leave Cath. He'd miss her to much if he left. I had a fic idea once where he left, but he came back for her. :D

My halo is so not Fake.. . much.

I think that was code for, "I want you tonight"
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip're good as long as Cath doesn't see you Although Lynn and I are in the same boat with Mac...we're only fine as long as Stella doesn't see us.
Lol, Mel, Lynn, Kels you poor things! All y'all have these kick ass women chasing you down over their men! :D Me though, I can rest easy...Lindsay likes me! ;) She trusts me with her man....(why I'm not sure! :devil: But hey who am I to question it! :lol: ) **Mo snuggles Danny!**

*snuggles back* You're getting just as bad, you do know that right?
Yup I know Lynn! It's too fun not to! ;) Besides Catnip is so freaking hot how can I not be bad! :devil:
Speaking of freaking hot Lynn, your new avie is awesome! Hello sexy!! :devil:

Kels yay for tongue porn! Yummy!! :D

You mean youre a bad influence. *nods* I'm the innocent one. *points at halo and whistles* Its not fake!
Oh my dear, dear Lynn! :lol: :lol: You are SOO not innocent my dear guttery friend! :devil: You either Kels! After being here for longer than 2 seconds...none of us will ever be innocent again! ;)

They've both signed for Season 8. So Nick can't leave, not that he would. He loves Cath too much to leave.
**Mo nods!** Nick SOO cannot leave! No way, he could never leave his Cath! :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Nick would miss her too much, he may leave but he'd always come back to her. Lynn you should definately write that fic.

My halo is so not Fake.. . much.
It's so fake and you know it. :p

Moriel you'd better be careful or Lindsey won't trust you much longer, then you'll be the same as us. :lol:

Oh my dear, dear Lynn! You are SOO not innocent my dear guttery friend! You either Kels! After being here for longer than 2 seconds...none of us will ever be innocent again!
See Lynn, Moriel agrees with me. Hey, I admitted it, give me credit for that. :D There's no chance of being innocent in here and it's all CatNip's fault.

Aww Lynn did you have a new avi and it's been taken away because I can't see it.

We've not had a poll in a while, we should have another one and we should come up with some other game or discussion to keep us going.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Nick would miss her too much, he may leave but he'd always come back to her. Lynn you should definately write that fic.
Oh ficcie?! It sounds angsty...but as long as Nicky comes back to her, it's all good! Yeah Lynn you should write that!! :D
It's so fake and you know it.
Lol, she's right hon, it's pretty fake! It's cute, but fake! ;)
Moriel you'd better be careful or Lindsey won't trust you much longer, then you'll be the same as us.
Yeah I have a feeling it's not gonna last much longer, she's been getting pretty jealous lately, ever since they had their heart to I'm thinking she's gonna start kickin' my ass here pretty soon! :lol:
See Lynn, Moriel agrees with me. Hey, I admitted it, give me credit for that. There's no chance of being innocent in here and it's all CatNip's fault.
Lol, yup I agree with you Kels! And good job for admitting it, well done! ;) And it is SO Catnip's fault! :devil:

Yeah we should have a new poll or game.... Lynn?! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You know why. ... We can't put THOSE tapes in meimei. we have to make sure CBS puts us on HBO.

HBO is in Hollywood to isn't it? Along with all those other big name places that everyone watches. I might need to go to New York and Chicago too

Refresher course here....Danny's MINE! **Mo snuggles her Danny!** Nicky is Kels (as long as Cath doesn't see them!) and Lynn & Mel are still tripping eachother over Mac, correct?!

And you guys are leaving my Greggo and me alone :devil:

Yes, shirtless!Cath, Nicky would love that.

That he does. We should make those two have a shower scene together, where they catch each other's eyes, and then Nick pounces :devil:

CatNip smex would be hot.

It is.

btw did anyone see the LJ question about might they be going to kill Nick off? I don't remember if I replied but refuse to entertain that theory. Poor Cath would just be lost without him. She needs him and we need him

If they wanted to kill him off they would have done it a long time ago, so I think he's safe.

Yeah, Lynn. I don't recall the last poll we had.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Howdy doody ppls, my old avi got deleted, so I have this one until I get an animated one of my Mac. :drool: Anyways ::

Poll you wanted, poll you shall get. ::

* Episodes List

Season 1

*We claim the Pilot for no other reason then the fact that the unaired pilot is ours as well!
*Cool Change (we claim this, why you may ask, look how close they are in the beginning!!)
*Friends & Lovers (you just know their doing it in that episode)
*Blood Drops (Cause Kels found a cap of them sitting beside each other)
*Sex, Lies & Larvae (Cath throws Nick a apple, and later Nick teases her and Warrick about their case)
*I-15 Murders (We have a scene where Nick bumps her in the hall.)
*Fahrenheit 932(They work together, and she asks him if he's hungry)
*Boom {the hug, people the hug. very cute and Cath taking on Nicky's case}
*To Halve & To Hold (We get a scene @ the computer)
*Table Stakes (they eat together, w/Brass/Sara. but their sitting together!)
*Face Lift (Your hair looks fine Cath)
*Sounds of Silence (Cath says "We want this one" -- pointing at her and Nicky. and Lasers scene, Walking down the hallway CatNip

*Evaluation Day(walking down the hall, Nick tells her a riddle and Footprints Scene)
*Strip Strangler(We have a scene where their sitting beside each other on the bench)

Season 2

*Burked (They eat Lunch beside each other, and We meet George's doggie)
*Chaos Theory (Touch of the arm at the computer, and Cath checks out his "assets" and of course, he's hand is really close to her cheek and neck in it, and its like he lays his head down on her hand at one point, and then theres a scene w/Grissom where he's smiling at her and she's like shut up!)
*Overload (He told her his secret, and nobody else!)
*Bully For You(We have a scene where she touches his shoulder and says, "Like you Nick?" and he's face is priceless.)
*Scuba Doobie Doo (I still wanna say something else)
*Slaves of Las Vegas (Catnip and latex, what can I say?)
*And Then There Were None (Nicky's got a scene arriving with Griss and Cath)
*Organ Grinder (Never you mind, Nick // Puts her arm around him)
*You've Got Male (CatNip and A Lake)
*The Finger (Nicky's glad Cath's back when she shows up at the apartment where he's at, and plus he checks out her when she answers the phone)
*Chasing the Bus (Got a scene where Nicky's looking at the car)
*Stalker(Poor Nicky, but she touches his shoulder)
*The Hunger Artist (Cath sits on Nicky's lap!.. Yup, I know this!)

Season 3

*Revenge Is Best Served Cold (racing completely rules)
*The Accused is Entitled (she fixes his tie // They sit beside each other at court // And they leave together, giving each other a smile)
*Let the Seller Beware (hehe the scene @ the comp rules)
*Abra Cadaver (doing what they do best, Ass checks! and they work together :D)
*Recipe For Murder (Cath and Nick process the kitchen together)
*Got Murder? (Has a scene @ the computer // Cath moves away from Sara, to get in the middle of them to stand beside Nicky)
*Lady Heather's Box (besides LH, N/C have some scenes together)
*Precious Metal (come on she flips her hair when she turns to him. haha, but they work together, along with Sara)
*Forever (Scene on the plane // and Nicky calls her a Fashionista, giving her a nickname)
*Inside the Box(They have a scene outside the bank)

Season 4

*Assume Nothing (their smiles, its just cute)
*After the Show (I claim the moment when their digging up her body and Cath leans on Nicky)
*Invisible Evidence (We believe their eating together in this one with the group)
*Coming of Rage (Nick looks for Cath to help him with his case, he gives her the cutest smile)
*Paper or Plastic (computer and eye sex, how could we not?)
*XX (Scene with the bus.. and I think we got a few more)
*Bad Words (how'd we miss that, is so cute..Cath/Nicky jumpsuits, need I say more? also when she walks into the breakroom she brushers her hand over his shoulder)
*Bloodlines (mostly because I wrote a fic off of that..Also, in the blooper he makes her laugh!)

Season 5

*Down the Drain (Even though this is a Yobling ep, they have a eating scene and they also have a scene at the computer)
*Crow's Feet (how could you resist make a muscle, nicky!)
*What's Eating Gilbert Grissom (She puts herhand on his shoulder, He doesn't flinch, he likes her to touch him)
*Formalities (Cath touches Nick's ass..)
*Ch-Ch-Changes (Scene at warehouse)
*Mea Culpa (and our Blooper people.. we mostly get our blooper though)
*No Humans Involved (Scene w/Warrick, but Nicky can't take his eyes off of her)
*Who Shot Sherlock (Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle)
*Snakes (the head rub)
*Nesting Dolls (beginning, close together)
*Unbearable (look at the way he looks at her!)
*King Baby (Scene with Warrick & Grissom)
*Big Middle (Cath asks him what she don't like him as her boss?)
*Compulsion (They arrive at the scene together, how nice is that???)
*Spark of Life (Nicky checks Cath's ass when their walking down the hall)
*4x4 (she looks at his ass...)
*Iced (its nice.. catnip walking down the stairs together)
*We claim our part in Grave Danger. Yes. Part two. She takes off her glove to hold his hand when their in the ambulance. Its been proven. Warrick keeps his on, but Cath takes hers off to hold him.

Season 6

*Bodies in Motion(Scene at the beginning and end)
*Bite Me (We get a scene)
*Shooting Stars (Nick's scared to go into the bunker and Cath notices // Phone Sex)
*Gum Drops (Phone Sex)
*Bullet Runs Through It Pt2 (Since You're Already Dirty)
*Daddy's Little Girl (They have a few scenes in this one, They work together.)
*Werewolves(Scene when they arrive and when they process around the house)
*Killer(Scene when Nicky figures out the case, with Grissom)
*Pirates of the Third Reich - We get a scene in the hospital near the end.
*The Unusal Suspect - A scene at the beginning when Nick's telling them about his case, then there's a scene later with just the two of them.
*Rashomama (Nick checks Cath's ass, then the back rub and playful hit)
*Time of Your Death (He got lucky with a blonde, oh that he did)

Season 7

*Built To Kill Part One (DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and looks, and touches... lab)
*Built To Kill Part Two (We might've only gotten 2 scenes, but they were worth it!)
*Fannysmackin' (They had eye sex, and fun with a phone. and we're going with the hints of Nicky's Linds father is there)

Top 10


Poll History

Round One - Crow's Feet VS Revenge is Best Served Cold winner was Crow's Feet
Crow's feet then took us into Round Two against Snakes, Crow's Feet proved to be the winner. and went onto round three where it took on Boom although a close race, Crow's feet took home the win. and went onto round four where it meet
its match in The Unaired Pilot TUP took home its first win, and went onto its Round two/Round 5 with its second win against

Rashomama although the hand on back scene was a hot one, it wasn't hot enough, TUP took home the win. In its third round

up against Scuba Doobie Doo but the "Nicky" couldn't win it, and TUP took it home again. Then in it fourth round it put it up

against the braclet scene/the he got lucky with a blond scenes in Time of Your Death, and TUP took home the win. On its fifth

, TUP went up against the Mea Culpa blooper, and MCB tookhome its first win, then it went up against the

orginal episode and took home its second win. , in it third round against the Assume Nothing Blooper it couldn't hold its

win and lost, giving ANB it's first win, in its second round the The Assume Nothing Blooper went up against Stalker letting

Stalker take home its first win. Stalker then went up against Grave Danger Part Two and lost, GD2 then went onto the 11th

round to win up against Overload, Can GD2 continue its win? Yes it did! It went up against, Lady Heathers Box and defeated

that, then it went up against Let The Seller Beware and won that round too. GD2 went up against Bad Words winning yet

another round. GD2 finally meet its match with You've Got Male and lost by one, and then YGM went up against Coming of

where it lost, Coming of Rage then went up against Bullet Runs Through where it was a tie. then they both went up against

No Humans Involved to decide the tie breaker, where Coming Of Rage was the winner.

Now we see the Coming Of Rage are up against After The Show who will win?

Note: The episodes can't be used again until we use all of the episodes/bloopers that we know of, and then we can use them again.. thats

more of a note to self, then it is to you all.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Howdy doody ppls, my old avi got deleted, so I have this one until I get an animated one of my Mac. :drool: Anyways ::
Lol, you crack me up! An animated one hon, you're so never gonna stop staring at that!! You do know between Mac and Catnip you are NEVER getting out of the Gutter again, right! :devil: :lol: (Which is nice cuz then I get company, cuz I can't ever leave either! ;) )
And you guys are leaving my Greggo and me alone
Yup! While they fight over Mac and Nick (well not Nick since Kels snuck him away...but Lynn & Mel are stuck fighting over Mac...which leaves you Greg and me Danny! :devil:
So, is this next ep the one with KFed? And if so do we get any Catnip scenes? I haven't seen the promo yet, anything??
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

For the poll I went with Coming of Rage. I do like After The Show, it's a really good Catherine episode.

I don't think any of us are ever getting out the gutter, so no one has to fear being left alone. :D

Lynn and Mel are the only two having to fight over the same man. :lol:

Moriel K-Fed was in last weeks episode. He was the guy that Nick punched.

Lynn said we're meant to get a scene where they interview a suspect together. The promo doesn't show any CatNip but it looks like everyone might be working the one case.
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