Cat & Nicky #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

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Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

"All I want to do right now is take you in my arms and reassure myself that really are alive and okay...and then I want to let you cry on my shoulder until you start to smile again with that gorgeous smile of your that I love so much!

Aww, I totally see that too.

Probably the second he walks in, makes sure the name says its right, then snip snip clip clip goes the cord.

Well we'll have to take care of Linds for them though.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Nick's definately thinking that. Must have been hard for him not to just hug her there and then.

Haha Lynn I like that. :lol:

Yeah, can't forget Linds while her mum and dad are otherwise engaged. :devil:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

snip snip clip clip
Lol, totally what he'd do Lynn! :lol: Loved that! :D

Yeah I totally think it must have been hard for him to not hug her...I think maybe the only reason he didn't is because he knew she'd totally break down if he even touched her and she needed to keep it together until they found Linds...that's the only reason I can come up with as to why he didn't hug/touch her then.

And yeah we'll have to keep Linds with us...not like she doesn't know exactly what's going, the girl is 16 after all! :devil: But still we can entertain her for awhile :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yup, We'll play card games to occupy her time. :)

Its nice to know Nicky will be on your side when something goes wrong. ;) *swoons* Such a strong man.. damn that Catherine! :lol:

I like Mo's answer, and I believe that one, that could be the reason, because he knew she didn't want to break down just yet with Linds still gone.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Nicky's a sweeheart. Cath's lucky to have him. :D

I like that one too. He could see how fragile she was because Lindsey had been kidnapped and he knew better than to crowd her when she was like that.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

She really is, their in love that is so cute.

Yeah cause he knew he'd get slapped and she wouldn't give him none later on that night. lol. But he knows not to crowd her when she's upset. He knews she'll come to him or hint to him, and he'll take that hint.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Lol, okay we'll play card games with Linds...but we'll probably lose all our money to her cuz she'll totally be a card shark, living in Vegas and all! :lol:

Nicky is an amazing, strong, sweetheart...and Cath is insanely lucky to have him! :devil:

Lol, glad you both liked my answer...I really do think that's why he didn't touch her, cuz he knew she'd fall apart and just couldn't afford to do that yet, as much as she probably wanted to and even needed to...she couldn't quite yet! But I'd bet you money she fell into his arms later and fell apart then... :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Right, money.. Why don't we just play her for... lets see, how about if we win, she gives us total access to her house.. (to put the camera's in)

They both have a lot of great qualities, and mash em together and you get CATNIP and Chemistry! :D

I would bet you, but I'd second that answer!
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

We need to get thoese cameras in somehow. :devil:

It's their qualities together that makes them such a great couple and ship. :D

I second that answer too, definately what would have happened.
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Right, money.. Why don't we just play her for... lets see, how about if we win, she gives us total access to her house.. (to put the camera's in)
Lynn that's an awesome idea! You're brilliant! :D We should totally do that... Kels is right, we gotta get the cameras in there somehow and that would totally work! :lol:
mash em together and you get CATNIP and Chemistry!
Lol...yup...that's so true! I'm tellin' ya the chemistry and love practically drips off of them! :devil:
I would bet you, but I'd second that answer!
Lol, nice hon...glad you two agree...this is one bet I think I'd win! ;)
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yeah, so why not use their kid to get it?

*nods* that it is, Kels, that it is. :D

KeLynn is doing great with those challenges I gave her, She wrote 3 of them so far, didn't she?

* Episodes List

*Crow's Feet (how could you resist make a muscle, nicky!)
*Revenge Is Best Served Cold (racing completely rules)
*Boom {the hug, people the hug. very cute and Cath taking on Nicky's case}
*Assume Nothing (their smiles, its just cute)
*Cool Change (we claim this, why you may ask, look how close they are in the beginning!!)
*We claim the Pilot for no other reason then the fact that the unaired pilot is ours as well!
*Scuba Doobie Doo (I still wanna say something else)
*Slaves of Las Vegas (Catnip and latex, what can I say?)
*Friends & Lovers (you just know their doing it in that episode)
*Table Stakes (they eat together, w/Brass/Sara. but their sitting together!)
*Face Lift (Your hair looks fine Cath)
*After the Show (I claim the moment when their digging up her body and Cath leans on Nicky)
*Paper or Plastic (computer and eye sex, how could we not?)
*Bad Words (how'd we miss that, is so cute..Cath/Nicky jumpsuits, need I say more? also when she walks into the breakroom she brushers her hand over his shoulder)
*Bloodlines (mostly because I wrote a fic off of that..Also, in the blooper he makes her laugh!)
*The Accused is Entitled (she fixes his tie!)
* Abra Cadaver (doing what they do best, Ass checks!)
*Got Murder? (I believe this is the ep name. Cath moves away from Sara, to get in the middle of them to stand beside Nicky)
*Lady Heather's Box (besides LH, N/C have some scenes together)
*Precious Metal (come on she flips her hair when she turns to him. haha)
*Formalities (Cath touches Nick's ass..*points at my icon*)
*Mea Culpa (and our Blooper people.. we mostly get our blooper though)
*Snakes (the head rub)
*4x4 (she looks at his ass...)
*Nesting Dolls (beginning, close together)
*Iced (its nice.. catnip walking down the stairs together)
*We claim our part in Grave Danger. Yes. Part two. She takes off her glove to hold his hand when their in the ambulance. Its been proven. Warrick keeps his on, but Cath takes hers off to hold him.
*Unbearable (look at the way he looks at her!)
*What's Eating Gilbert Grissom (this is the right one, right Kels?.. She puts herhand on his shoulder, He doesn't flinch, he likes her to touch him
*Coming of Rage (Nick looks for Cath to help him with his case, he gives her the cutest smile)
*You've Got Male (CatNip and A Lake)
*Overload (He told her his secret, and nobody else!)
*Shooting Stars (Nick's scared to go into the bunker and Cath notices)
*Daddy's Little Girl (They have a few scenes in this one)
*Rashomama (Nick checks Cath's ass, then the back rub and playful hit)
*Time of Your Death (He got lucky with a blonde, oh that he did)
*Built To Kill Part One (DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and looks, and touches... lab)
*Built To Kill Part Two (We might've only gotten 2 scenes, but they were worth it!)

Top 10


Poll History

Round One - Crow's Feet VS Revenge is Best Served Cold winner was Crow's Feet
Crow's feet then took us into Round Two against Snakes, Crow's Feet proved to be the winner. and went onto round three where it took on Boom although a close race, Crow's feet took home the win. and went onto round four where it meet its match in The Unaired Pilot TUP took home its first win, and went onto its Round two/Round 5 with its second win against Rashomama although the hand on back scene was a hot one, it wasn't hot enough, TUP took home the win. In its third round up against Scuba Doobie Doo but the "Nicky" couldn't win it, and TUP took it home again. Then in it fourth round it put it up against the braclet scene/the he got lucky with a blond scenes in Time of Your Death, and TUP took home the win. On its fifth round, TUP went up against the Mea Culpa blooper, and MCB tookhome its first win, then it went up against the orginal episode and took home its second win. , in it third round against the Assume Nothing Blooper it couldn't hold its win and lost, giving ANB it's first win, in its second round the The Assume Nothing Blooper went up against Stalker letting Stalker take home its first win. Stalker then went up against Grave Danger Part Two and lost, GD2 then went onto the 11th round to win up against Overload, Can GD2 continue its win? Yes it did! It went up against, Lady Heathers Box and defeated that, then it went up against Let The Seller Beware and won that round too. GD2 went up against Bad Words winning yet another round. GD2 finally meet its match with You've Got Male and lost by one.

Now we see the You've Got Male is up against Coming Of Rage.

Note: The episodes can't be used again until we use all of the episodes/bloopers that we know of, and then we can use them again.. thats more of a note to self, then it is to you all.

Onto Your Poll
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

There's nothing wrong with using their kid, right?

Yeah she's done three, how many did you give her? She's done great so far.

I'm hoping we get loads more episodes to add this season.

So the poll, went with Coming of Rage. Reasons being:
* He goes to look for her.
* She asks him if he wants her to cook.
* "That's a 12 inch penetration" - so can't resist, blame Cath. :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Yay Lynn I love our ep list...everytime I see it, it's proof again that our ship is so totally awesome! :lol: Seriously we've got SOOO many good moments...I love it! :D

And lol yeah Kels nothing wrong with using their kid...totally agree! ;) We'll be nice to her... :D

"That's a 12 inch penetration" - so can't resist, blame Cath.
**reads....faints...and falls straight to the gutter!** :devil: And that's why that ep wins! :lol:
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

Nothing wrong with using their kid :D

I gave her 5 I think.

*nods* We've had some fantastic scenes. ;)

:lol: Kels, Cath is so bad, I swear. And Nicky's face when she said it! LMAO

I also went with COR, just because I love the fact that he looked for her, He could've gotten anyone's help, but he went to look for her. :D
Re: *:·.Cath & Nicky.·:* #5: Shall We Dance? - CatNip

You might need to give her more than that.

Cath really is bad. I love his reaction too, him and Bobby act like two school boys. :lol:

I love that he went to find her. He wanted her to help him, no one else. I'm sure Nick thanked her properly later for helping him. :devil:
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