Wow, so now we not only have "the real Mrs.G" and "the fake Mrs.G" but now we have "imposter Mrs.G"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
you know that whole polygamy thing is just a man made law.

God didn't give a rats how many women a man bedded, in fact in the old days men had many wives, wasn't legal then, so really, the fact that a man can only have "one legal" wife is essentially a man made law.
Boo, hissssssssssss, to the dickhead that came up with that law. Obviously a man so they could enslave women. Why can't we have many husbands??????
So Carmine, if you want many women, which you already get with us riding you on your birthday and us riding you on our birthday :lol: then you can very much so have many wives/girlfriends/lovers/mistresses etc, etc, etc.
Damn he's one hell of a lucky man :lol: :lol: :lol:
P.s Carmine, can't wait to buy your ep.