Carmine-What is Cessau?

tiara4carmine said:
for someone who doesn't do myspace *gasp, shock horror*
:lol: :lol: :lol: if you're a member do you get to see more than non-members?
You're not missing out on too much :p You just can't see bulletins they send out to people who have them of their friends list and you can't see all their photos.

Persona said:
These days, it seems almost every actor/actress is coming out with an album one way or another.
I think it gets a little out of hand when they really try being equally successful at music or vice versa. And it becomes more about the $$$ and not because it's something they love doing.
WhosLaughingNow said:
Persona said:
These days, it seems almost every actor/actress is coming out with an album one way or another.
I think it gets a little out of hand when they really try being equally successful at music or vice versa. And it becomes more about the $$$ and not because it's something they love doing.

I think it's pretty natural that someone who has a talent in one aspect of the arts to be interested in trying their hand at another. But I agree that it can get ridiculous when money is the only motivator. It also sucks when a person gets an "in" into an industry, for example acting because they are already a famous musician, regardless of their talent level in acting.
It also sucks when a person gets an "in" into an industry, for example acting because they are already a famous musician, regardless of their talent level in acting.
Ah, you give them far too much credit. These days all it takes is having sex on home video to get a recording contract and movie deal.

Thankfully, we're lucky there when it comes to Carmine. I knew he was big on painting and poetry, but I never knew about music. In the end, if he's doing because it's a passion of his and not for money then all the power to him. :)
PerfectAnomaly said[/i]
I think it's pretty natural that someone who has a talent in one aspect of the arts to be interested in trying their hand at another.

I can personally vouch that this is true. ;) Then again, people tell me I am a freak so who knows ...

I would be very disappointed indeed if Carmine is going into the music industry and has a band and all that simply because of money and more fame. The jaded person that I am about Hollywood and its dirt, I've heard many nasty things about what bands and their leading men do, particularly with groupies who'll pretty much do anything for them to get a piece of fame themselves. You'll wanna bleach yourself clean after listening to just a few stories. :lol:

But like you guys have said, Carmine seems to have gone into music because it's his passion. Played the guitar professionally for eight years, as he said once. I hope he won't fall into the actor-making-a-band-for-more-fame-and-groupies category either.
PA What I meant was more or less what you said. The people who just get in to it because they made it in one thing so they just assume that they can be just good at the other thing. Even though they might not be. It's one thing to be interested aspect of the arts and it's another thing to think that since you can sing you're automatically a talented actor who can now do big films.

I was going to use Paris Hilton as an example but they I couldn't think of what her talent was in the first place :lol:

Like you guys have all said I too agree that Carmine seems to be doing this because it's something he's passionate about.
I've just had my first listen to the stuff of theirs that's out for consumption on the web.....It's pretty good, albeit a little raw. But isn't that how everyone starts out? I don't profess to be young and hip or even old and wise...I know what I like and in the early 80's have heard some complete howlers.......These guys are on the right track, they just need to refine their sound some and maybe hitch a ride on a well known tour to get their voices and music out there....

Good luck to them, they sound as though they're on the right track :D

I know some have said how the vocals don't sound like Carmine at all.........It's rare that a singing voice sounds like an everyday voice.........and if it does it's usually John Barowman :lol: :lol: :lol:
tiara4carmine said:
for someone who doesn't do myspace *gasp, shock horror*
:lol: :lol: :lol: if you're a member do you get to see more than non-members?
Honestly, I don't know. There are some pages that are set to private and only friends of that person can see the page. As for general overall content, I don't know because I didn't learn how to navigate that site until I had an account. It only takes a minute to open one, if you want to go poke around.

Also, I googled Carmine and up came a myspace url for a Mrs.CarmineGiovinazzo I wanna be

Now Deb, seriously, WHAT ARE YOU DOING :lol: :lol: :lol:
That is absolutely NOT me! Talking to you b**ches is the only time I use any variation of that username. :lol: I am also MrsGiovinazzo at Dorka's site. However, the MrsGiovinazzo at the imdb message board is not me.
Doubt it.

All holywood hunks are players - everybody knows that.
Also, I dont buy that whole - "I wanna get married & have kids" crap either. The percent rate for divorce in hollywood is higher than "regular" world.


I agree how the "celebrity garage bands" don't last. sadly 4 them.
ive sent them a few messages. theyve replied to all of them. I think a good tactic is to not mention carmine which i know sounds crazy coz thats the reason we know the band in the first place. Its Michael who runs the site and does the replying and hes bound to get peed off if i emailed him going

'omg you know carmine i love him i love his show let him i love him'

which most ppl do on the myspace wall.

honestly, if you want a reply adress it to ceesau not carmine, mention bandy things nd release date and dont forget to tell them they rock!

As for the band thing-
Hes just become a little richer wit the success of csi and instead of wasting it away on booze and cars hes actually putting it into something creative and constructive. I guess he didnt have that oportunity to record growing up in new york and now hes got a little dollar to spend hes doing sumat he probably couldnt have done without his acting career.

You cant compare a hard working actor to someone who spends there grandfathers hard earned cash on fake nails and hair extentions? Carmine is not paris hilton!

Mrs G. I hope youre going to discuss this polygomy thing wit ur hubby... who on earth is this Mrs G imposter? Besides he shud be loyal to you and us when you loan him to us for our birthdays! :devil:
Top41 said:
Is Carmine a polygamist???
Sadly, it does seem so. I'm not the only MrsGiovinazzo on the 'net. :( I thought we had something special. I thought my years of unrelenting fandom scored me an exclusive. Guess I should learn from JKladis, huh? :lol: :lol:

Gaby said:
ive sent them a few messages. theyve replied to all of them. I think a good tactic is to not mention carmine which i know sounds crazy coz thats the reason we know the band in the first place. Its Michael who runs the site and does the replying and hes bound to get peed off if i emailed him going

'omg you know carmine i love him i love his show let him i love him'

honestly, if you want a reply adress it to ceesau not carmine, mention bandy things nd release date and dont forget to tell them they rock!
That's excellent advice, Gaby. I would hope that everyone is respectful of the band and realizes that it's not comprised of just one member and that while groupies are great and all, I'm sure they collectively want to be appreciated for their music and not bombarded because silly fangirls want to nail one their members, which just ain't gonna happen.

Hes just become a little richer wit the success of csi and instead of wasting it away on booze and cars hes actually putting it into something creative and constructive. I guess he didnt have that oportunity to record growing up in new york and now hes got a little dollar to spend hes doing sumat he probably couldnt have done without his acting career.
I think it's fantastic if he uses some of the opportunities his CSI:NY success affords him to pursue other creative interests. He's a multi-talented guy. He should feed all his interests, particularly now that he has the down time due to the writers' strike.

Mrs G. I hope youre going to discuss this polygomy thing wit ur hubby... who on earth is this Mrs G imposter? Besides he shud be loyal to you and us when you loan him to us for our birthdays! :devil:
You know, I'm cool with the polygamy thing. A body that spectacular should be ridden all day every day and frankly, I've got other things to do ... like play on the Internet. :lol:
Wow, so now we not only have "the real Mrs.G" and "the fake Mrs.G" but now we have "imposter Mrs.G"
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you know that whole polygamy thing is just a man made law.
:eek: God didn't give a rats how many women a man bedded, in fact in the old days men had many wives, wasn't legal then, so really, the fact that a man can only have "one legal" wife is essentially a man made law.

Boo, hissssssssssss, to the dickhead that came up with that law. Obviously a man so they could enslave women. Why can't we have many husbands??????

So Carmine, if you want many women, which you already get with us riding you on your birthday and us riding you on our birthday :lol: then you can very much so have many wives/girlfriends/lovers/mistresses etc, etc, etc.

Damn he's one hell of a lucky man :lol: :lol: :lol:

P.s Carmine, can't wait to buy your ep. :D
His official page is here. He used to have a public e-mail address, but as far as I know, no one has gotten an e-mail in quite a few months. Since the summer maybe?
I remember his public email I was one of the lucky people he replied to in summer 06. And Top41 how long have you had that icon, I haven't been on here in over a year and I swear you had that icon when I was last on too.