Carmine-What is Cessau?

Here's another bulletin I just found with some cool info for all you lucky US-peeps ;):

Hey everyone,
Ceesau will be guests on Playboy radio Channel 198 on your Sirius Satellite dial this Thursday March 20th! from 8:30 am to 9:00 am!!! Carmine and crew will be talking C.S.I. N.Y., Ceesau, spinning a track or two from ERA OF THE EXPOSED and taking listener phone calls!!! We will also be announcing details of a a very special Ceesau live show scheduled for Wednesday April 2nd!!!!


It looks like the 'live show' Carmine was talking about in the last interview is going to be a reality! *is envious*

Is it possible if someone could record it and load up to youtube? I'm not that lucky person who lives in the US... :scream:

Please, please, please! :)
Oh US why are you so far away? No really.. someone with a good heart maybe tell us if there's a site where the show is aired online. It would be awesome if we could hear the guys play live
Sometimes I really hate it not to live in the US and this is definately on of these moments. All the great things happen over there and we here in Europe can not even see it :(
Hmm. Maybe the 'live' part of this show is a bit of a fibble. What if ceesau plays on that new episode? Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but things like this have happened on CSI:NY before.

Anyway, I feel like freaking Ralphie Parker waiting for my Little Orphan Annie Secret Society Decoder Pin to get here. Opened the mailbox--nothing. I guess maybe I should be a little more patient--it did only come out two days ago. :lol:
^Didn't Zuiker want an Emmy-winning artist to play on the Second Life conclusion? Since the Emmy-winning artist didn't work out, maybe he got...Ceesau.
Anyway, I feel like freaking Ralphie Parker waiting for my Little Orphan Annie Secret Society Decoder Pin to get here. Opened the mailbox--nothing. I guess maybe I should be a little more patient--it did only come out two days ago. :lol:

I feel your pain. I'm sitting here wishing I didn't get the cheapest--and therefore the slowest--shipping possible. :lol:

Has anyone checked out the Top Sellers page at CD Baby lately? :thumbsup:
^Didn't Zuiker want an Emmy-winning artist to play on the Second Life conclusion? Since the Emmy-winning artist didn't work out, maybe he got...Ceesau.

He had a Grammy winning artist but the artist couldn't fit it in anymore after the strike... I bet it was Kanye :lol::lol::lol:
I'm feeling exactly like Lookaboomerang today. I ordered my CD with 2-day shipping and it shipped on the 18th. So where the hell is it? :lol:

Yeah, I'm wondering where my tshirt is? I ordered it 7 days ago, and paid $14 for shipping. I know I live in the UK, but for $14 I was really hoping it would turn up today at the latest. :lol: I'm so impatient.