Carmine-What is Cessau?

I don't think they sound bad, because really, I've heard a lot worse--but I think this is going to be an album I'm going to have to really listen to and learn to love. It's kinda not my type of music--but I really feel the need to buy it and be supportive. :lol:
I was actually surprised at how much I liked the clips of the songs. It's not that I disliked "How Do You Feel" exactly--I just wasn't totally sold based on that alone. But it has grown on me--I'm looking forward to getting it.

Has anyone tried pre-ordering the album from CD Baby? I tried earlier today and couldn't make it past the address page--I'd hit "ok" and it would just take me right back to the same page, with the first address line highlighted. It was really bizarre. Anyone else try ordering it/have that problem???
Top I haven't actually ordered it yet but I did try it (because what's not fun about going through some of the steps to place an order and not actually going through with it) and it went past the address post for me :wtf:
I checked the Help page over at CD Baby and it says that they do ship internationally. :thumbsup:

Yay!! That's great news, thank-you Thumpy :D

I've just tried to order it too - got through the address page and the payment page then got stuck on the log-in page. Grrr......
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Hmmm, weird. CD Baby is problematic apparently. I wrote their help e-mail addy, so we'll see what happens. There is a phone number at least if things go really bad I guess. It'll kinda suck if no one can order their CD because CD Baby has website problems.
Do you know if their is any chance of ordering the cd directly from their website - in case cdbaby will have problems
I've just had reply from CD Baby - fairly quick considering I emailed them this morning - and they said that the reason my order wasn't completed was that the CD wasn't out yet. They assured me that as soon as it was the order would be completed and processed and that I didn't need to do anything else....
That's good news. I begin to trust them. If they reply to emails it is a good sign. I think I'll order my copy there as well :)
Just heard the 1st song "How do you feel" and i'm actually impressed. I'm a rock girl so its my kind of music so I wasn't sure what to expect but its really good.
It actually reminds me of a UK band the Stereophonics and there new stufff.
holy crap listened to the songs.... i soo want this cd like RIGHT NOW!! it's soo good. Carmine has a good voice. i am definately buying this cd next week without a doubt.

anyone think TPTB from CSI:NY will put a song of his one the show? they had some of Carmine's paintings in a few eps maybe they can add some of his songs too.... just a thought
Yeah, I've just had a quick listen to a couple of the clips and I'm pleasantly surprised. :lol: I do like 'Longest Word', but I'm not sure I like it enough to buy the CD... That said my husband was much more taken by the music than I was, and it's cheap so why not!
You're welcome, Twinkletoes. :)

I just ordered the cd and had no problems at all. I got to a 'Thank you, your order has been successfully sent to CD Baby' page, and an email confirmation as well.
I just listened to the clips on CD Baby. Wow! I love it! Being a heavy rock/punk/grunge loving girl, I really enjoyed "How Do You Feel" so I had good hopes for their music before heading over to CD Baby. As a long time fan, I'd support anything Carmine does and buy the CD even if I thought it sucked ass. But I am proud to say that I'll be buying it because I truly like it and will probably listen to it quite a bit. Awesome sound.
Yeah those songs are rather catchy I love it and the cd is really cheap so I'm definetly going to buy it. I'm always attached to my mp3 player and it will be kinda cool to walk to work listening to Carmine singing to me :lol::lol: I don't know if you guys have seen this picture before I found it on myspace.

All my euphoria is blown away. I wanted to order my copy this morning and I got 'till "How do you want tp pay?". And all that is possible to pay with is credit card. I don't have one and I don't know what to do now. Any ideas?