Carmine Giovinazzo

^That's the word I was looking for: continuity. Thanks! The writing lacks that so much, it's frustrating.

I don't mind so much that Danny has fallen to the wayside a bit in character development--it really is someone else's turn--but to change him dramatically with no real explanation or reason really bothers me.

Yeah, they can gradually... slowly downplay him. But going with the pattern of the writers, it's unlikely that will happen.
All the writers need to do to get Danny back on track is to put him lotsa scenes with Flack. Lots of them!

It's simple, really. :p :D
When Stella was talking about the Dalai Lama, he was sleeping, really... :(

Maybe they keep Danny in Prozac, just to take him out of it for an amazing episode, and shok all of us. This is what I hope... :rolleyes:
Kimmychu said:
All the writers need to do to get Danny back on track is to put him lotsa scenes with Flack. Lots of them!

It's simple, really. :p :D

Yeah! It's amazing how such simple subtle things can complete an episode.
Huh? Wait a minute ... you guys mean Danny actually slept while Stella was explaining something? Wow. That's kinda weird and hilarious at the same time. :lol:
^Agreed Ma'am!
What eppy is that?
I'm only up to Oedipus Hex now...

The writers are forgetting the subtelties nowadays...There's no novelty in writing,these days,i'm afraid
Danny was so subdued last night (and for the whole third season so far, really). I loved Flack's nickname for him, though! Danno...that is just too cute. :D