Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
As long as the pic isn't frontal nudity, it should be okay. Sorry to rain on everyone parade (I know, I know--throw tomatoes at the killjoy mod!), but we gotta keep it PG-13.

But you can hit those back at us with that shovel of yours :(

...ok, perhaps tomatoes are not surviving from the hit.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I wondered too if that bit of the promo was just spliced together from unrelated scenes but, you know, based on the the surroundings it looks like it's related. I could be wrong, of course, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again to check.

If it is all part of the same scene then, to me, it looks like it plays out that Danny was chasing someone and then possibly shoots him, after which they find a police badge on him. After last night's episode of CSI: Miami, I think we can safely assume that there's always a chance the badge is fake/stolen. Or that the cop has gone bad. There's a multitude of things. However, considering the build up we've been getting about Danny's character I don't know that the writers will let him off so easy. To say the least, I'm hoping for some awesome twists and turns in this plot.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Who cares about Danny shooting a cop, post the pic link, I wanna see Carmine's [censored by the pg-13-o-meter]!!!!! Oh no... I'm going to you-know-where in a you-know-what. I am horrible! Sorry!!

Just kidding, I really do care about Danny's fate on the show. I hope he doesn't go away either, but I don't think he will... he's too vital to the show in my opinion.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Alright, you guys need to go to the Sloganizer and enter your name, or better, Carmine! I entered his name and got "Carmine Giovinazzo makes me hot." You can keep clicking "sloganize" and it'll give you different things, like I just got "Carmine Giovinazzo - it's like Heaven!"

This is fun!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
I wondered too if that bit of the promo was just spliced together from unrelated scenes but, you know, based on the the surroundings it looks like it's related. I could be wrong, of course, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again to check.

I only watched it once, but it seemed continuous to me. However, that doesn't mean they didn't cheat. They often do in promos.

If it is all part of the same scene then, to me, it looks like it plays out that Danny was chasing someone and then possibly shoots him, after which they find a police badge on him.

Entirely possible, though the promo could be misleading in a lot of ways. The guy could have gotten shot earlier and was still fleeing from Danny (or chasing the guy who shot him). Another officer could have fired the shot (doubtful). The cop might not be dead. Or...

After last night's episode of CSI: Miami, I think we can safely assume that there's always a chance the badge is fake/stolen. Or that the cop has gone bad. There's a multitude of things.

Yep, any of those are possibilities as well.

However, considering the build up we've been getting about Danny's character I don't know that the writers will let him off so easy. To say the least, I'm hoping for some awesome twists and turns in this plot.

Agreed. Danny's been headed for a fall since the beginning of the season, really. He's always been hotheaded, argumentative, and insistent on doing things his own way. I just hope we get a good payoff for all of this buildup.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
I just hope we get a good payoff for all of this buildup.

With a shower scene.

It always comes back to the shower. :devil:

But seriously, yeah, there are numerous ways this situation could play out. I mean, what's more fun than actually filming a scene? Editing it together. And that's not sarcasm, folks. These promos are works of advertising art and are designed specifically to get us salivating for the next episodes. I'd have to say, whoever spliced this one together has done an excellent job.

ETA- I got "Pure Carmine. Pure Power." :lol: Sounds like he's a car or something!

Haha, even better- "Danny- You see this name you think dirty."

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Haha Bitten! Aren't they funny?

I always salivate over NY... even the reruns.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
With a shower scene.

It always comes back to the shower. :devil:

Of course it does! :lol:

But seriously, yeah, there are numerous ways this situation could play out. I mean, what's more fun than actually filming a scene? Editing it together. And that's not sarcasm, folks. These promos are works of advertising art and are designed specifically to get us salivating for the next episodes. I'd have to say, whoever spliced this one together has done an excellent job.

Marketing can be fun! Seriously, the well-done previews are awesome. They get you excited about the episode and clue you in, just a bit, to what's happening. Bad ones are just lame--they show the wrong scenes, give the wrong impression of the episode, don't build suspense. It's an art, folks. And the CSI folks tend to do it pretty well.

Haha, even better- "Danny- You see this name you think dirty."

Hot damn, the thing read our minds! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Hot damn, the thing read our minds! :lol:

There were a couple others that were perfectly apt but, uh, they sound a little too X-rated to be posted here. The PG-13-o-Meter would have my hide. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I saw the promos for the up coming shows too and the looked that he had when Mac said it was cop was like ohhhhhh noooo what have I've done can't wait another week for the news shows to come on.

*biting nails waiting for the new eppy to come*
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Posted by Top41:
Hot damn, the thing read our minds! :lol:

There were a couple others that were perfectly apt but, uh, they sound a little too X-rated to be posted here. The PG-13-o-Meter would have my hide. :lol:

Damn, girl, you've got my e-mail address! I've got to see those! :lol:

*glares at the PG-13-o-Meter* :p
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

:lol: How about these, they aren't so bad:

"Danny Wanted."
"Danny, whiter than the whitest!" :lol:
"Danny, better than sex."
"My Danny, your Danny, Danny for all!"
"Halleluja, it's a Danny."
"With a name like Danny, it has to be good."
"The wonder has a name: Danny"
"I lost weight with Danny." :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Me neither! I believe it's the ep that I saw some of the taping of....
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