Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Mrs.G - so how many does that make it now?

And some questions about the scrapbook -
1 - what colour is it
2 - is there a window on the cover or is it bare
3 - is there a cover page in the first page so he knows what it is and what it's all about i.e. an explanatory letter, decorative title etc.
4 - where in the book exactly will your entry be :lol:

Details Mrs.G details :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

:lol: Interesting questions, especially the last one...
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^^First page, I'm guessing 'cause that's where I'd put mine if I was handling the project. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

tiara4carmine said:
Mrs.G - so how many does that make it now?
I think we're up to 18 now. And I know others are coming.

Damn, tiara, so many questions. :lol: I will, of course, post pics of the finished project once it's completed. But just to hold you over ...

And some questions about the scrapbook -
1 - what colour is it
The cover is a faintly metallic navy blue. Very dark. Almost black. I was looking for black, but couldn't find a simple classy one. Went with the very dark navy instead.

2 - is there a window on the cover or is it bare
No window. Just a solid dark navy cover.

3 - is there a cover page in the first page so he knows what it is and what it's all about i.e. an explanatory letter, decorative title etc.
There is both a cover letter, in which I ask him to email me some sort of brief reaction to the project that I can post on the board, and a cute little blurb on the first page of the book telling him he doesn't have to be single and lonely, hoping 2007 is the year he finds exactly what he's looking for and, of course, suggesting that if in doubt as to where to begin his search, he start with his loyal and devoted fan base. :lol: I'll post a pic of that, with other pics of the project.

Just so none of you crap yourselves, don't worry, I won't post any pics of anyone's page without their permission.

4 - where in the book exactly will your entry be :lol:
:lol: Good question. Actually not the first page. I'm not that obvious. :rolleyes: Third page. As for the placement of everyone else's, I mount them on black card stock and put them into the book as they're received. I do that just so I don't end up spending a gazzillion hours doing it the night before I send it out. Easier to stay up on it. For the most part, the entries go into the book in the order in which they are received. That isn't totally without exception though. It's easy to slide the pages out of the sleeves so I shuffle them slightly if two dirty ones end up next to each other. Trying to maintain a balance between the ones that appeal to his artistic side and the ones that appeal to his naughty side and not clump them together.

Details Mrs.G details :D
It's coming along great. I've noticed that because the man seems to have two very distinct aspects of his personality, the ads tend to appeal to one side or the other. It's a rare cross-over that is designed to appeal to the man both artistically and sexually. *cough*kimmy*cough* Most sell one of two things - artistic talent or sex. There are a few that fall in between and shoot for marriage and babies or are non-specific in goal, but most aim for either artistic expression or sex.

Crankyjules - You'll be glad to know the post office didn't lie to you. I received your submission in plenty of time. Got it yesterday. OMG! :eek: You've officially made it onto "Mrs.G's List of CDG Fans to Nail." :lol: :lol: Right up there with Kimmy.

Ladies, crankyjules is a punkish beauty with a host of talents -- art, photography, poetry and a very cool vibe. This is another one that if Carmine doesn't want, I'm all over. :lol: :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
[The cover is a faintly metallic navy blue. Very dark. Almost black. I was looking for black, but couldn't find a simple classy one. Went with the very dark navy instead.

MrsG you are all class. You've got got taste ... as in that leather box for Eddie's project.

It's a rare cross-over that is designed to appeal to the man both artistically and sexually. *cough*kimmy*cough*

Damn I'm DYING to see Kimmy's 'piece' :( :lol:

Crankyjules - You'll be glad to know the post office didn't lie to you. I received your submission in plenty of time. Got it yesterday.

PHEW. I can breathe now LOL! Your postal service works on a Saturday?? The only time ours does that is the week before Christmas :lol:

You've officially made it onto "Mrs.G's List of CDG Fans to Nail." :lol: :lol: Right up there with Kimmy.

Ladies, crankyjules is a punkish beauty with a host of talents -- art, photography, poetry and a very cool vibe. This is another one that if Carmine doesn't want, I'm all over. :lol: :lol:

Gawd. :eek: :eek: :eek: blush much. Thank you for the compliments MrsG :) You're not so bad yourself ;) If I ever decide I need some fem-loven' and I happened to be in the US, I'd be looken for ya :lol: :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

crankyjules said:
MrsG you are all class. You've got got taste ... as in that leather box for Eddie's project.
Why, thank you. :D And I do have good taste. Look at the object of my TV affections and the online company I keep. ;)

Damn I'm DYING to see Kimmy's 'piece' :( :lol:
Kimmy's a sweet little piece. ;) I mean, the artistic piece she submitted was pretty sweet. :lol:

Your postal service works on a Saturday?? The only time ours does that is the week before Christmas :lol:
Yep. They always work on Saturdays.

If I ever decide I need some fem-loven' and I happened to be in the US, I'd be looken for ya :lol: :lol:
Excellent. I'll be waiting by the phone. :lol: :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo wrote:
Excellent. I'll be waiting by the phone.

I think we may have finally found something to do in Sacramento. :lol:

Now I really can't wait to see Kimmy's art piece. If it's anything else like the rest of her work, it's going to be sweeeeeet.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

*shifty eyes*

I, uhm ... I ... really can't show my pictures for this project. :eek: :lol: Not on a freakin' public forum like this one anyway! :lol: Maybe a ... far-off photo of the whole page is okay. Not close-ups though. :eek: :p

By the way, crankyjules, I was already presuming that you had to be a punk babe the instant you talked about your tattoos. ;) You wouldn't happen to be partial to ... mohawks, would ya?

P.S. A little off-topic, but what is LA like? If things go as planned ... there's a certain somebody who's going to land her butt in that wonderful place of cute guys, gorgeous women and nice beaches. :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Ok, MrsG's probably going to get at least a little chuckle out of this one, but I'm stuck as to how to put my ad together. I have the ad itself and the picture I want, but I have no idea how I'm going to place them together. Any suggestions? I'm planning on sending it tomorrow, so any help before I leave it up to MrsG to do what she pleases with it, feel free to let me know. ;)
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I'm probably an idiot for this project, but this special paper that ya'll are talking about: Are you referring to 8 1/2 x 11 special paper? I'm at a complete loss as to the special papers you guys are discussing. I'm well aware of the card stock MrsG's using, but do we utilize our own type of paper?

Yes, I'm a university graduate, and attended law school with MrsG. Don't pick on me for being unsure.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Ah woops I should have read further before posting. Now I going to go all spammy.

Kimmychu said:
By the way, crankyjules, I was already presuming that you had to be a punk babe the instant you talked about your tattoos. ;) You wouldn't happen to be partial to ... mohawks, would ya?

TattOO, in the singular. I only have the one. I've only ever found the one design that I absolutely had to have. So far.

Mohawks ... nah. "Back in the Day" I did the whole spiked up hair, safety-pins thing. Now I'm all long and natural, baby :D

P.S. A little off-topic, but what is LA like? If things go as planned ... there's a certain somebody who's going to land her butt in that wonderful place of cute guys, gorgeous women and nice beaches. :devil:

Oh CRAP I'm jealous. I spent 5 hours in LA once. At the friggen airport :rolleyes: A layover from domestic flights to an international flight back to Australia. I've never seen LA, I've never seen New York. I want to go back so BADLY one day to do both. The biggest city I got to was Chicago.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

GodOfMediocrity said:
Ok, MrsG's probably going to get at least a little chuckle out of this one, but I'm stuck as to how to put my ad together. I have the ad itself and the picture I want, but I have no idea how I'm going to place them together. Any suggestions? I'm planning on sending it tomorrow, so any help before I leave it up to MrsG to do what she pleases with it, feel free to let me know. ;)
Different people have gone with different approaches. You can mount your photo somewhere onto your page or, if it's digital, incorporate it into a single document. However you can fit it will work just great. Doesn't need to be done any particular way. Personally, as I'm not particularly good at any kind of digital art and lack the knowledge to do anything fancy, I just typed my text, cropped a pic so that it would fit on the page, slapped a little matting on it and glued the baby on. That's at the basic end. Others have gotten fancy. Whatever works for you.

PrettyEyes - You don't need to use any kind of special paper. There's been much discussion of paper here because I said to use 8 1/2 x 11 and people outside the US have no idea what the hell that is because it's not used elsewhere. But you, my Cali based girl, have access to that size. Doesn't matter what you use. Use printer paper, use cardstock, use resume paper, use scrapbook paper, construction paper, toilet paper, rolling papers. Doesn't matter. Use whatever floats your boat and fits within the size guideline.

Kimmy - LA is paradise! Sunshine, palm trees, warm sand, delicious men and best of all -- the opportunity to party like rock stars with Top and I ... okay, that may be overstating it a bit. :lol: But seriously, get your butt out here, girl.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Alrighty, I knew I wouldn't be stumped for long. :cool:

It is now complete and ready for mail...MrsG, seeming how it's 8 1/2 by 9 and my construction paper was 9 by 12, you might have to trim a bit. I already did some, but it might not quite be enough. ;)

BTW, you'l love the picture I'm sending. It's my White Queen picture. The funny thing is. I was hoping that would be the tit-tat shot, but when I looked at it, then damn thing is covered up by my hair. :lol:

I'm actually going out there in march to check out the school I was supposed to being going to by now. :lol: Hopefully I'll be a resident by August next year.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ No prob. Just get that baby in the mail ASAP and I can worry about making it fit. 9x12 wouldn't be a problem though.
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