Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lonely

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Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Twinkletoes!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I said WHAT? when I read that you saw my twins not entirely covered. I thought I uploaded the wrong pic :devil:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

GodOfMediocrity said:
Have you ever had the feeling that your pocket rocket needs a socket?
That's nothing short of awesome. :lol: Well aren't you the Seuss of Smut? That totally reminds me of the Dr. Seuss line, "There's a wocket in my pocket."

Thumpy - Like where you're going with the whip and handcuffs. ;)

Nim - I love that pic! It's kinda artsy and fun and you look great. Thanks for sharing.

Hey girls, just a thought -- you might want to include your username along with your ad. I know if you meet Hill, one of the first things he wants to know is what your username is and Eddie also knows a few usernames. I'd assume Carmine does too. Don't hide anonymously behind your dirty posts on this board. Step up and take credit. Let him know who you are.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Oh sh!t. I totally forgot to add my username on the letter & now it's too late 'cause I mailed the ad yesterday. Oh well. Maybe it's better if Carmine doesn't know who I am :lol:.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Say WHAT?!?! You're implying that I want to meet Carmine and go 'Yeah, I'm Faylinn, and I cut and pasted your sweet ass onto a shower stall. K, thanx.' :lol:

Actually, I'd already planned on including my username, but I just think it would be horribly embarrassing if I was to meet the actors and be like 'yeah, I'm from TalkCSI, my name on there is Faylinn.' And they would give me horrified looks and run away. :lol:

I'm procrastinating, by the way. I'll get the damn thing done in time, but I just can't sit down and do it right now... :rolleyes:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Faylinn said:
Say WHAT?!?! You're implying that I want to meet Carmine and go 'Yeah, I'm Faylinn, and I cut and pasted your sweet ass onto a shower stall. K, thanx.' :lol:
I'm sure he appreciates your handiwork as much as the rest of us do. Speaking of which, Top and I were discussing the beauty of your work and have a fun little manip in mind. I'll PM you a pic later today and ask if you can put it on Carmine's butt. ... Hint: it's the Eddie's parking sign. Hee hee.

Actually, I'd already planned on including my username, but I just think it would be horribly embarrassing if I was to meet the actors and be like 'yeah, I'm from TalkCSI, my name on there is Faylinn.' And they would give me horrified looks and run away. :lol:
If you wanna talk about feeling like a complete jackass, I've told Hill with a straight face that I'm "MrsGiovinazzo". ... I conveniently neglected to mention that when briefly meeting Carmine though. :lol:
I'm procrastinating, by the way. I'll get the damn thing done in time, but I just can't sit down and do it right now... :rolleyes:
I'm sure when you sit down and focus, it'll be spectacular.

jorja - You posts are far too funny to go without proper credit. If you want me to write your username on your ad, just let me know.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Darn, I knew I was forgetting something in my piece of smut! Although, the anonymity might work in my favor...
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

^ Your submission is typed. If you want me to insert your username next to or underneath your real name, just let me know. Super easy.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Hey girls, just a thought -- you might want to include your username along with your ad. I know if you meet Hill, one of the first things he wants to know is what your username is and Eddie also knows a few usernames. I'd assume Carmine does too. Don't hide anonymously behind your dirty posts on this board. Step up and take credit. Let him know who you are.

Username, right. Thanks for reminding me. ;)

And you're right, Hill's second question to me after "How are you?" was "What's your ID on the board?"... :D
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

I'm sure he appreciates your handiwork as much as the rest of us do. Speaking of which, Top and I were discussing the beauty of your work and have a fun little manip in mind. I'll PM you a pic later today and ask if you can put it on Carmine's butt. ... Hint: it's the Eddie's parking sign. Hee hee.
Haha. :p I like the shower picture because you aren't left wondering who the other dude is standing nekkid in the background. :lol: If you know what the picture is, it's cool, but otherwise you're like 'er, wait a sec...' :lol:

I don't have the same program any more, but I think I have a similar one now. It's worth a shot, right? :lol:

I conveniently neglected to mention that when briefly meeting Carmine though.
Oh, why am I not surprised? :lol:

I'm sure when you sit down and focus, it'll be spectacular.
Well, I hope I don't disappoint. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Oh, does this mean that Teh Fay has changed her mind about participating? **dances with insane glee**. It'll be awesome!!

And MrsG, if you won't mind, please do go ahead and add my user name next to my actual one. So much for anonymity I guess! :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Well, it'll be more funny than porny, I think, but we'll see. I need to sit down and write it this weekend so I can send it in. I wish I had a scanner, so I could share the actual version. I'll have to find somewhere around here with a scanner I can use. :lol:
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Springmoon said:
And MrsG, if you won't mind, please do go ahead and add my user name next to my actual one. So much for anonymity I guess! :lol:
Consider it done. I'd assume Carmine is as curious about the person behind the username as Hill and Eddie are.

Fay - Am about to PM you the Eddie's parking pic in a sec. Any assistance in placing that on Carmine's ass is much appreciated. If not possible with your current program, no biggie.
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

:devil: *wicked giggle* I got the pic, my darling. We'll see how it goes. Hehehehe.... :devil: I'm still playing around with this new program (which is just as shitty, but it didn't get deleted from my computer *pouts at the idiots who wiped our computer and forgot to transfer my friggin' program over*), but I found a little tool that should be handy. :p
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

MrsGiovinazzo said:
GodOfMediocrity said:
Have you ever had the feeling that your pocket rocket needs a socket?
That's nothing short of awesome. :lol: Well aren't you the Seuss of Smut? That totally reminds me of the Dr. Seuss line, "There's a wocket in my pocket."

Naturally. ;)

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Hey girls, just a thought -- you might want to include your username along with your ad. I know if you meet Hill, one of the first things he wants to know is what your username is and Eddie also knows a few usernames. I'd assume Carmine does too. Don't hide anonymously behind your dirty posts on this board. Step up and take credit. Let him know who you are.

:D I have no doubt in my mind he'd know a trademark Opal post or email when he saw one...Maybe I should make him an "Opal's Greatest Hits" collection sometime. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh crap nuggets! Did I just actually put my name in this post? :p
Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: You Don't Have To Be Lon

Ooh that would be fantastic Mrs.G! There might be a little room under the space where I wrote my number & email address in huge capital letters. Once you receive the ad you'll see what I mean when I say huge :lol:.

Thanks :D!
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