Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Please, please, please someone scan that pic (and anything else that accompanies it) for us non-US gals! *begs*
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

there's a scan at Locker Room #14 by allstar12 of the article--which should come with a warning: DROOLING IS A SIDE EFFECT READING THIS ARTICLE

so I highly recommend wearing a bib before clicking on it!
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

i said it in the locker room thread, and i'll say it here.... He is a god!!! :devil: omg, jus look at those arms!! the veins... guh!!! :D
so hoooooooooooooottttttttt!!!! and i wanna get his CD! lol
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Well, I usely don't post here (must admit I do look now and then :D), but I have to say WOOOOOW!!! What a pic - thanks for posting allstar

That's definitely 'A healthy batch of Y chromosomes' :devil:

Shame though that his eyes look more brown than blue, but hey at least the hair is still there ;)
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

You know what I love most about the article? I noticed that he lists what he wants in a potential partner's character first, and isn't hung up on specific physical traits. You don't really see that in a lot of guys. Most guys would pretty much blab about what boob size and what height and how big her butt ought to be whenever they're asked about what kind of woman they like. :p
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Good point Kimmy. That just goes to show that looks aren't everything. The most beautiful woman in the world could end up being the total opposite of the traits he's looking for.

I admire a man who doesn't say he wants a girl with a hot bod first. He lists the important things. Gotta love him for that.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Oh my God, that picture is gorgeous. I just wanna jump him! I'm sure everyone else here does too... As I've said before in LockerRoom: HOT AND I'M GETTING IT TODAY!!! I have to!
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"


Um, I think for the first time in my life I have beeen rendered speechless.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Kimmychu said:
You know what I love most about the article? I noticed that he lists what he wants in a potential partner's character first, and isn't hung up on specific physical traits. You don't really see that in a lot of guys. Most guys would pretty much blab about what boob size and what height and how big her butt ought to be whenever they're asked about what kind of woman they like. :p

See Kimmy, that's how I've perceived him to be. We rarely read about or see him out. He seems to be out of the Hollywood social game; it's like he recognizes the social functions for the business they are. Plus, why would you want to marry someone in the business when all the relationships you're surrounded with and hear about keep falling apart. Doesn't Hollywood have a 70% or 80% divorce rate? I know it's higher than the average American divorce rate. I've digressed.

Back on topic: Hot Carmine with morals and values. Carmine's parents should be proud of their son; they seem to have raised him right. :)
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

PrettyEyes said:
Plus, why would you want to marry someone in the business when all the relationships you're surrounded with and hear about keep falling apart. Doesn't Hollywood have a 70% or 80% divorce rate? I know it's higher than the average American divorce rate.

I think the Hollywood divorce rate is so high because, as tragic as it is, the actors' personal lives always end up being hotter topics of tabloid gossip than their work, really. Even more so when one bigshot actor marries another. Moreover, there's always the instant publicity regardless of whether it's a wedding or a divorce. Some celebrities just don't care which one it is, as long as they become the center of attention. Which is incredibly shallow, in my opinion.

But yeah. It's interesting to me too that one of the traits he finds really important is that the woman has a job. Which, I think, is his nice way of saying he doesn't want a lazyass golddigger who'll use up all his cash on cosmetic surgery and over-the-top shopping. :lol: I'm still sticking to my theory he definitely doesn't want a woman who intends to mooch off his money and actor status, whether she's physical attractive or not.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

You've got a good point Kimmy but I can't understand why in the world some woman would only want Carmine for his money and status. :confused: Dear Lord, I wouldn't care what he did or if he was famous. If I didn't know him, I'd still drool over him if I ran into him somewhere. :p

Did ya hear that Carmine? Also, I have a job, I don't wanna spend his money, don't want any cosmetic surgery, and I love cats (I have two). I just want him. :devil: Who cares about the rest?
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Gotta agree with you 1CSIMfan why can't Carmine just understand that he could be dirt poor and homeless and all we'd want is his body :devil:

That's all we want you for Carmine, YOUR HOTDAMN BODY!!!
:devil: :eek: :devil:

oh, and some chest hair :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Thanx allstar for posting that scan *grateful hug*.

He sounds great doesn't he? Apart from looking like sex on legs he's also got brains and integrity, oh and buckets of talent too. *sighs* What a wonderful guy.....
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