Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Me during the episode: "Wait a second.. Flack is wearing a mostly matching suit.. huh.." several minutes later. "Danny and Hawkes in the locker room, heh.. HOLY SEXMUFFINS! There is a God."

We were that close.. THAT close *holds up pinched fingers* We got him into the LR, shirt stripped.. but the shower was RIGHT THERE. :lol: Damn.

Boy, that made me happy though. :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

wow!!!! those pictures are amazing... !!!
and thanx to Nim... i got to see the scene :D hehe

lovinmygreggo omg was it not that epi?? wat epi is that gonna be then? :( dang it!!! lol looks like we gonna have to wait longer :(
but the shower scene.. OH MY GOD! i love the cap of his back.. wow... ;)

carmine, baby.., we love the fluff!!!! grow it back!!! i wanna be able to run my hands through it!!!! ;) :devil: hehe
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

chelliyah said:
lovinmygreggo omg was it not that epi?? wat epi is that gonna be then? :( dang it!!! lol looks like we gonna have to wait longer :(

Nope. :( But never fear! It's in the promo for next week. :devil: Good Lord, I can NOT take all this Danny hottenss...*OK* I lied. :eek: I so can take it, and I want MORE MORE MORE!

*whispers* SHOWER SCENE!!!! (We should say that after every post) :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^^^ hehe i finally saw the promo for next weeks epi... i can not wait for the caps of that epi.. can u imagine ho many more HOT dannyinleather pics there are gonna be?! :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol: oooohhhh i sooo wanna see him in that jacket....24/7!!! :devil:

hehe :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Hi guys! I'm lovin' the pics. You all are cheering me up, and Carmine/Danny's cheering me up. Thank you all.

Mom had her MRI and MRA on Tuesday. It took longer than everyone thought. Usually it takes 45 minutes to 1 hour (I've had two, so I'm a semi-expert), but Mom was in there for 2 1/2 hours. I was getting really worried, but then a doctor came out and said, "Your Mom says you're a worrywart. She's fine. We had a problem with the machine." I was good to go then.

Apparently, the MRI has antennae that send signals home to the "mother" computer. Well, one antenna wasn't cooperating. So, they were using pliers and screwdrivers to make that little antenna compliant. It would have been laughable if it was someone else, you know. All I could think was, "ET, phone home." Sad, but true. :rolleyes:

We go back to the doc next Tuesday to get the results and find out where we go from there. I'll keep you all posted.

Now let's commence with more topless Carmine, WHO SHOULD NEVER HAVE REMOVED HIS CHEST HAIR!!! :p
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

prettyeyes - glad to hear that your mom's scan went well ( or at least as well as one of them can be :( ). I hope that the only news u get on tuesday will be good news **HUGZ**
omg.. the pics... **faints and drools over keyboard** :lol:
i am so glad that the pics are cheering you up, and making u feel good :D Carmine needs to grow the hair back!! NOW! lol although, im jus hoping that its not going to grow back any thicker.. it was jus perfect the way it was!!!! :D doesnt he know we LOVE his hairy chest??!!!! :lol:

you and ya fam will still be in my thoughts huni!! :D
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

chelliyah said:
it was jus perfect the way it was!!!! :D doesnt he know we LOVE his hairy chest??!!!! :lol:

Um... apparently not. Darn TPTB, they're really like CSIs - gotta be specific with what we want, or we get.... hairless Carmine. *shakes head* :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Nim said:
That "V" shape at the end of his back... :confused:

Those are muscles. :) If that was hair ... uh. Uhm. That's, uh, that's one weird formation of hair. :lol:

And YES. EVERYONE WANTS TEH SEXEH CHEST HAIR BACK. The only reason I can think of at the moment for it being gone is that the TPTB asked him to shave it off. Grrr, bad call. :mad: What's wrong with body hair?! I just don't get Hollywood's fear of it. :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I've got one word for the shirtless!Danny scene = THUD!!

Oh dear God, that was so unexpected but so worth it. Did I detect a hint of the old Danny?.
Please tell me prozac!Danny has left the building

While I love chest hair (especially his), I am digging the "no chest hair" look. Come on, it's Carmine. He's f***able either way.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Rhonda, you are absolutely correct - he's completely f-able. Hair or no hair. It's not exactly the hair on his chest that I'm interested in anyway. :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

MrsGiovinazzo said:
It's sexy. It's manly. It's f***able. Granted sometimes when his rugs starts creeping up over the neckline on his shirts, it gets a little nasty. But the answer is maintenance, not removal. I don't want to see him waxed clean like a 12 year old. A girl needs a little something warm to snuggle her face into 'afterward.' ;)

My gosh, I couldn't have said it any better myself. :devil: :D I'm not against smooth chests, mind ya ... on some guys, smooth chests really do look better. But Carmine? I love you au naturelle and just the way you are. ;)
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^^ too true Kimmychu it's jus not the same with out a little hair poking over hehe :lol:

seeing as it is a pretty miserable day here in kent - its raining :( - i thought i would cheer myself up and post this... makes me feel like im on a beach .. so hot! :lol: :devil:

thats better :D
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

okay...I'm at my local grocery store buying fruit juice--waiting in line I see "People Magazine Sexiest Man Alive" issue...I'm thinking "Eh...what the hell..." grab it and pay.

At home I'm looking thru the hottest issue yet and BOOM!!! sultry blue eyes, sexy smirk leaning on a dirty wall is none other than SEXIEST DNA DUDE CARMINE GIOVIANZZO as in HOT!!! :eek:

okay so now after that "orgasmic" discovery and after I pull myself off the floor I read the article and I decide to start wearing baseball hats and go out to buy seasons tickets for white sox and cubs games next year... :devil:

oh--and he still had his chest hair peaking out of his shirt in the picture... :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I just posted in the Locker Room, but will post here as well. Get your butts off the internet and go to the store. Carmine has made People's Sexiest Men issue again and can be found on page 122. Credit for this info goes to a kind reader of this site who gave me a heads up. Thanks!
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