Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

No matter what anyone says, I don't think it's possible to be a celebrity and NOT let some of it go to your head. I'm not saying that means he's better than anyone or anything, know? It has got to do something to you, like it or not.

As far as my opinion of the article, I didn't really take it as him being to picky. Sometimes you have got to be that way...He seems alot like me when it comes to knowing what you want and not wanting to settle for less. I guess the fact of the matter is, it's hard to say that sometimes...I don't think I could just be that foward with it! :)

It's amazing how many different ways one article is viewed. Just one of the many things that make the world go round! ;)

Oh and I'm all for the scruffy look. :devil: Who am I kidding I can't have a fair opinion of the article when that pics staring at me!!! :p
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Well, it just illustrates that it's Danny not Carmine that I was in love with.... too bad there's no sign of old Danny this season either. sigh.

I agree with what he's saying in the article, but it just seems the way it came across was not the most humble/genuine. Absolutely he shouldn't settle, but it's still a odd thing to say in an interview for a national magazine imo. After reading it a few times I have to admit it probably was pieced together from a longer interview.... per usual. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt :)
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I guess the day Eddie goes for a transgender operation, we'll know what that's about!
Oh my God-- that image is gonna haunt me for a while...

You have to remember he probably never said those exact things, these magazines will take the most remote thing and run with it.
THANK YOU and besides, on E! or something-- they make celebrities sound like idiots by only putting one or two sentences out of a 10-minute conversation and so do magazines. When I watched an interview with Carmine, he seemed so genuine and nice. :) Although, he didn't have that thick of an accent... as much as Danny does. :lol: That freaked me out a little.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

kasmith101 said:I agree with what he's saying in the article, but it just seems the way it came across was not the most humble/genuine.

See, after reading the article again, I totally agree with what you said...I know what your saying...IF that IS the whole story, he wasn't being the most humble/genuine. There's a fine line there and in all honesty, he's riding right on it. It's really confusing what he's trying to say... :confused: AND how he means it...
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Oh my, who'd have thought a little article could evoke a good discussion like this? Sorry if I traumatized anyone with the Eddie boobs imagery. :lol: I love ya just the way ya are, Eddie. (Chances are, Carmine does too. ;))

Okay, I'll give a serious reply on this now ... I didn't read anything negative out of the interview. As some people have mentioned, these magazines just love to take the smallest things out of context, so we'll never really know the whole shebang unless ya ask the guy himself.

And as MrsG said, I think it's awesome he wants an ambitious woman. (By the way, it's very possible for a woman to be content, even-keeled and ambitious. Believe me, I know. ;)) Most guys get quickly intimidated by ambitious, self-made women. It's almost as if men equate ambitious women = women who're uncontrollable and use their brains, and therefore, a threat to them. Yeah, it's stupid to have guys be intimidated of you or be turned off all because you're a woman who dares to dream big, work to make it a reality and is actually intelligent. :p So! Kudos to Carmine for wanting an ambitious woman.

Having said all that, I won't be surprised if it was all cunning PR talk. Notice how there's no mention whatsoever of specific physical traits he's attracted to? Clever man. Were he to mention any, he'd be instantly branded as being shallow or something. Heck, we're already having a debate all because he said he wants someone he's physically attracted to! :lol: Who doesn't! Even I expect that! :) Not only that, he'd instantly alienate part of his fanbase too, should he point out certain things he likes in a woman. If he tries to list out as many traits as possible ... then people will assume he's dreaming too much. :lol: Poor guy, it's a lose-lose situation no matter how ya see it. So, yeah, the 'I'd like a woman whom I'm physically attracted to'? Nice evasion move there.

I think I get why people may find him shallow in this particular interview. It's very easy to misread the settling part, I guess that's what happens when ya have to shorten info to squeeze into a box on a page. The way it's written, it sounds like he plans on messing around with as many women as possible without wanting to stick to just one. :lol: Which, ah, might be a major turn-off to some women. (Although I'm pretty sure it's a major turn-on for some too. :p)
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

i didn't have any issues about the quotes in the article.....the guy knows what he wants, what's wrong with that? :confused: again, he's in the business and lives in LA. he knows what goes on out there...people being with people for the wrong reasons, people being used, abused and tossed to the side when something "better" comes along. so good for him for not settling for anything less than what he wants. would you? i wouldn't. :p
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

MrsGiovinazzo said:
lookaboomerang said:
^^Tall, dark and handsome with a nice rack and a tight ass. That goes for both men and women. I'm basing this off of Eddie and Vanessa Marcil.
Nice one. LMAO!

I'd like to concur with lookaboomerang in believing that what he's looking for might be pretty damn hard to come by in Hollywood. However, I disagree in finding anything unattractive in his words. Quite the opposite for me. I would be disappointed if he were willing to settle, as so many in Hollywood do. As the significantly higher than average divorce rate in his industry will show, many simply marry who ever's getting them off that week without regard for genuine underlying compatibility. I think perhaps creative people tend to experience their emotions a little more deeply than others, falling hard and fast without thinking things through. Props to him for not falling prey to that.

Carmine is a talented and successful man. He's wise to choose his women with caution. One misstep and he can find himself taken for assloads of cash, used for status by a lesser actor or abused in some other way. I think his choice of adjectives used to describe what he's looking for show a lot of thought on his part. He seems to know himself fairly well and know what he would need in a partner.

Further, as an accomplished woman myself, nothing pisses me off more than to see men shy away from strong, successful women because they're too damn insecure to enjoy a relationship with a woman who might insist on being treated as an equal. Again, props to him for being man enough to handle an ambitious woman.

As for the physical attractiveness thing, that goes without saying. No one wants to wake up next to someone who doesn't get their pulse racing upon mere sight and he doesn't have to.

Hold out, Carmine, you'll find what you're looking for eventually.

:D I too would like to concur with the above statements regarding the article and Carmine. :lol: Although I did find part of the article less-than- humbling, (perhaps that I perceived it to come off that way) I also found it to be short, sweet, and to the point.

and speaking of waiting for the right one... I am 31 years old and formerly engaged, but not married (THANK GOD) :lol: Had I gotten married to the man I was engaged to, I would be looking at divorce right now. There is nothing wrong with not settling, I too applaud Carmine for not settling and waiting for someone special and ambitious (BTW, Carmine, I am working on my second Masters degree ;))and I have a nice rack and tight ass :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

MrsGiovinazzo said:
1CSIMfan said:
The most beautiful woman in the world could end up being the total opposite of the traits he's looking for.
It's cruel to raise the hopes of the heinously ugly. He did say he's looking for a woman he's physically attracted to.

I knew I wasn't gonna be able to get this down in writing like I have it in my head or the way I can actually speak it. I'll try though.

What I meant by that is that just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you have the personality to go with it. I've met lots of guys that were totally hot but then when you get to talking to them, they are jerks who know they are hot but they were so shallow. :mad: Did that come out right?

What one person sees as unattractive, another person sees as attractive. I can understand him wanting to find someone with all of those traits, but it could be a tough thing to do. We all know it's very easy to find someone you're physically attracted to, but it gets a little harder when you start looking for someone with the traits you want. Even harder when (he mentioned four) you have several traits you're looking for.

Of course, living in Hollywood it must be difficult to find someone who's not out for your "star" status. His line about settling didn't really bother me. Apparently he just hasn't found the right woman yet because if he had, he wouldn't be too bothered if she didn't meet some of the traits he wanted.

Geez..I hope all that came out right. :(
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

The picture is hotter than smouldering! How can a man become such? OMG! *i'm not speechless, more like babbling*

The 'article' (read: collection of quotes that might be or might not be taken from different interviews) is okay. But the fact that they are quotes -- mere snippets of a whole suggests that it might picture him differently than what he really was when the interview/s was/were conducted.

I mean, if he sounded like an ass -- maybe it's because it's how that particular snippet on its own made him look. Another sentence accompanying it could've made a huge difference.

What I meant by that is that just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you have the personality to go with it.
Guys are looking for women with brains to go with their looks. It's not just because you're a beauty queen with JLo-esqe ass and a good tumble in the sheets, doesn't mean he'll be wanting to spend a lifetime with you. Guys can be jerks but women can be too. It's absurd to think that pretty girls are dumb because they can get away with their beauty. I guess, Carmine wants a woman with the whole package = beauty, sense, class, brains and who loves him for who he is. Not because he's Danny Messer. After all, he's offering "Carmine Giovinazzo" not Daniel Messer.

It's hard to find a partner in the biz because (1)money problems. How many couples have broken up because Missus earns more than Mister? Or vice-versa? It's a game of pride and ego. Deal with it and blood will be shed. (2)You're in the public eyes all the time. Issues of privacy is a tricky thing. The star argues that s/he can't get his/her privacy from the press. The press argues that s/he is a public figure, thus lending his/her life to the public who adores them. (3)Temptation. Beautiful people... that's all.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I agree that they probably took a longer interview and picked out the parts they wanted to get the effect they wanted. I guess you can't win with whatever you say. Either the interviewer will twist it around the way they want it (by picking which quotes they want) or the reader will interpret it different than the way it was meant.

The first time I read it (when I could actually concentrate on the words and not the picture :rolleyes:) the only thing that really stuck out to me was the "I'm not settling, which could be why I'm single." and that was only because of a daughter of a friend who has broken up with more than one great guy for rather stupid reasons (she's looking for the perfect man :eek:) like his feet are ugly or he left the toilet seat up.

I think I finally figured out how to get down what I wanted to say. Hope it comes out right.

The most beautiful woman on the outside could turn out to be the ugliest on the inside. That goes for both women and men.

It's absurd to think that pretty girls are dumb because they can get away with their beauty.
This is true and I hope that nobody thought that's what I meant. Being dumb didn't even cross my mind.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

tiara4carmine said:
Well of course we'd ALL like to get off on Carmine ... I mean get Carmine off :lol: not to mention get his clothes off, and get our clothes off, get the bed covers off ... HELL! who needs bed covers, we'll just get off together wherever the hell we like :devil: :eek: :lol:

On another note ... can someone tell me the exact dates of the following mags so I can track them down.

People june 2005? - hottest bachelor

U.S weekly 2005? - with Carmie, Eddie and Hill

Tv guide march? - where he was called Bat Man

Emmy mag - from this year

I was looking for those dates too, and the date for the "Hot Guys of CSI" TV Guide issue.

A little off topic: I came across this website while surfing and I thought I'd mention it in case any of you didn't know about it. I'm sure many of you would love to see it work.

It's a petition to get Shasta on DVD
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

The most beautiful woman on the outside could turn out to be the ugliest on the inside. That goes for both women and men.
This reminds me of a case in the CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder PC game. The first case with Warrick. The victim was pretty but was a stuck-up bitch inside.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I was looking for those dates too, and the date for the "Hot Guys of CSI" TV Guide issue.
That TV Guide was the August 7-13, 2006 issue. If you need more info it says it's Volume 54, No. 32, Issue #2784.
I snatched up two of them when they came out. You might wanna check ebay for the other magazines. I found the OK Magazine issue Carmine was in on Ebay.

Chaos, I forgot about that pc game. I need to get that one.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

MrsGiovinazzo said:
1CSIMfan said:
The most beautiful woman in the world could end up being the total opposite of the traits he's looking for.
It's cruel to raise the hopes of the heinously ugly. He did say he's looking for a woman he's physically attracted to.

Well that can leave a lot of room for interpretation. We've all at some time or another in our lives seen a GORGEOUS guy with a hideous girl and vice versa and wondered what does he/she see in her/him?

I'm not saying this to brag but I've been told many times that I'm hot. I was a late bloomer tho. According to my pov, I had the body of a 12 yr old boy til I was about 21. LoL As a result I feel put off when a guy only compliments my looks. I prefer to be the "personality" chick. hehe So a lot of times I find myself more physically attracted to guys with intelligence, sense of humor, personality and looks that are more on the average side than a really hot guy who can't carry on a decent coversation.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

lookaboomerang said:
I don't know why I didn't like this. I definitely do not disagree with him being with someone. In fact, I wish him all the luck finding what he's looking for. I also don't disagree with being with someone you're physically attracted to. Who wants to be with someone who looks like a bag of ass or doesn't make you weak in the knees just by looking at them? Nobody. If you say you don't care what your partner looks like, you're a damn liar because it does matter.

I don't know. I just feel like we're kind of seeing a different person than last year. Last year, it was chicken, tea and undershirts. This year, it's what he wants in a woman and Way Back When/I'm working on a cd stories. I know people change, but I think celebrity is getting to him a little. Which I can't really blame him for, because I think I'd get a little wrapped up in too if people were telling me all the time how sexy I am. :lol: He says he doesn't buy into celebrity and the whole being sexy thing, but I think there's a little part of him being sucked into it.

If I may, here's my two cents on the topic:
On who he's looking for - I can totally feel what he's saying. Based on my own personal relationship experiences and on observation of friends' relationships, I have composed for myself a list of qualities I want & need in the guy I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and as I get older (I'm 28 now) I no longer want to be in a relationship with someone if those criteria aren't met. I have gotten flamed SO MUCH about this by family and friends because they think I'm being to particular but the way I see it, I'd rather be alone than settle for anything less than what I'm looking for. Now my list isn't superficial or silly. It's things like a guy who wants to have kids and a large family cuz I've always dreamt of having at least 2 girls and 2 boys. He has to like animals, especially cats because I am totally a cat lady (my friends and family say I must be part cat and call me the cat whisperer LoL). Plus I'm a very diverse and multi-faceted person so he would have to share most of my interests. He doesn't have to be into all the same things I'm into but he should respect them, does that make sense? Anhow, there are many other things but as u can see, it's the sort of things that are deal breakers in a relationship.

Whoa, tangent, sorry. Back on topic, if his situation is anything like mine, he prolly has people asking him all the time why he's single if he's such a great catch. I'm sure you've all had that experience and most can agree it's really annoying to be made to feel like something is wrong with u if you're not sprinting into a commited relationship with any one who looks good on paper (if u need clarification on what that means then PM me)

on the between scenes - I too think this was cut from a longer answer. If I had to guess the question, it was probably something along the lines of "What do you do when you're not doing CSI?" Then the "making a cd" comment would fit.

on the turn on - I imagine that he's probably got fans that start asking him all sorts of sports type questions, maybe trying to impress him, based upon the fact that he once aspired to be a pro-player. I don't know about you guys, but I've known plenty of girls who pretended to be into what a certain guy was into just to get closer to him. Hell, I think that's been a sub-plot in a bunch of movies and tv shows. LoL

I agree that the celebrity might be getting to him but not in the I'm-a-hot-famous-celebrity-and-you-are-all-beneath-me kind of way but rather in the I'm-a-person-not-a-character-so-quit-treating-me-like-one kind of way.

Wow that was really long. Sorry for the wordiness! I hope it all makes as much sense as it did in my head. LoL
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