Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

kasmith101 said:
Where are all these pics from? I need to see whatever it is!

Most of them are from the movie "Pledge of Allegiance" aka "Players" aka "Red Zone" (i love writing that :lol: ).

Anyway...we have some new event pictures :D

I love HQ Pictures
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

How about...








I like :devil:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

He looks so fuc...uh adorable like you said :devil:. Anyway, here are a whole bunch of tongue!porn photos to guarantee a good night's sleep:



Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Oooh. I love those pics! The last one is from Not What it Seems. God; that's kinda sad how I know that. I have nothing better to do this term break...
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

If we ever met, I'd forbid him to take the glasses off. There's just something about a man who wears glasses....he looks hotter with them on than he does with them off.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

I KNOW-- I feel the same! The glasses make him look so adorable! A little geeky and hot. :) I really love him with them on. That's why I love so much on CSI compared to the other pics of him (maybe its because of that haunting purple/ red dress or purple hat)!!
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Wow, he looks great there. Thank you! He looks wow! Are there any photos of him with the CSI cast?
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^^ Nope, the only "Cast" Pictures are from Gary Sinise, Marg Helgenberger and William Peterson together.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Oh that sucks. I was hoping to find one of him and Anna. (Sorry to non-D/L shippers).

I just saw this on google images, it's been posted a billion times before... but still. :D
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

OMG *fanning self furiously* :eek:

Ladies, have excelled yourselves overnight. So much goodness to wake up to this morning *sighs* sadly not to wake up with. :(

Beautiful, beautiful pics, thank you...
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