Carmine/Danny #12 "Ya like that?"

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Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

welcome back kasmith :D
i looooove that pic..... MMMMMMMMM **Drool!!**
talkin of hot carmine.... i found these lil beauties ...... ;)

got-dam.. do u know how much i wanna be this girl???? :(

Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Argh, I hate that girl!!! :mad:
she's waiting a baby from Frankie and she marry him!!! Well, at least the man doesn't die... :lol: :D

Quote you, Mrs G. His eyes are lovely in full-color pics, but black&white ones are sexier! :D
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

:eek: How did our wedding pictures end up on the net...



Oh how I wish he could serenade me...
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

That's your wedding pic? Mmm, I see your proud face :D

Oh Gundy!!! I have the song he sang on my phone :lol:
life's been so empty, without one like you
And those cute red socks? Awww :rolleyes:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

jorja_fan86 said:
:eek: How did our wedding pictures end up on the net...


Congrats, although those aren't the wedding pics id want to see if you know what I mean
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^ I have the video too if you want it :devil:.

Haha seriously though here are some tongue!porn pics for the end of October...


Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Your wedding pics huh??? hehe Well im quite dissapointed that you didnt invite any of us jorja :(
and i hope you know you are gonna have to give us one hell of a descriptive account of how your wedding night was!!! hehe :lol:

aww look at the glasses :lol:
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

^ I have the video too if you want it :devil:.
Well if it's the video im thinking of send that my way asap! :lol: :devil:

Well im quite dissapointed that you didnt invite any of us jorja :(
Me too :(
And loving all the pics.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

:lol: THAT one is my favorite scene! Those glasses are so funny!!! :D

The hamster-smile

Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

Nim, his chubby chipmunk cheeks are just made for goofy smiles, awww :D and the glasses are a little different to what we normally see him in, but he looks just as good.

Is it just me, or has everyone else noticed that his glasses make his big baby blues look even bigger and more gorgeous than when he's not wearing them. I know the glasses magnify, but still :lol:

What's that line I wrote in my book about Carmine's character *I expect him to play the character in the movie :lol: *, oh yeah - a swagger to make a girl blush and eyes that were deep pools of blue to drown in -

Good, huh.
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

That girl in the wedding picture looks familiar, seriously. It's like I've seen her in a teen show before or something....

JF -- how about a wedding video? And 'The Toast'?
Re: Carmine/Danny #12: "Ya like that?"

OH MY GOD -- He looks so young there and a little blank, starring into space. :lol: Still, he's cute.
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