Carmine also sends email

^ No. I meant DON'T tell him he's good looking. The poor guy has already received hundreds or thousands of those emails by now. You might want to try telling him how much you enjoy his work.
Nim said:
Yes, GregsAngelhe really writes back :) and if you write him your home address, he could send you his autographed card! Sweet sweet man... ah... *sigh*

really he sends an autographed card :cool: that so great and nice of him has any one ever send him an email get get an autographed card or a reply bk :)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ No. I meant DON'T tell him he's good looking. The poor guy has already received hundreds or thousands of those emails by now. You might want to try telling him how much you enjoy his work.

Yes, that's what I think too. I wasn't sure if I understood you right, sorry! (My English is not so well)
It's better to tell him how you find his work. He'll answer that mail. The others he won't, I think!
OK, thats it, as soon as January is upon us, I am sending him an email, my home address and sitting patiently by my door in the hope he replies!! That would sooo make a great late Christmas present for me.
But how do we know that the mail-adress is up again?
Perhaps we write him and think he doesn't replies, but instead the adress is still down
If the email is down, you should receive an email with "error" inside.
This is what happened to me... but it was when I thought his mail box was so full of mails that he couldn't receive more...
If his email is down, it means he doesn't want to lose our mails while he works on the site :)
really he sends an autographed card that so great and nice of him has any one ever send him an email get get an autographed card or a reply bk

I've actually gotten two autographed pics from Carmine. I love them and I also love that he took the time to personalize them. He's such a sweet guy. :D
CarmineFan said:
By the way, did anyone ask Carmine in an e-mail about Ceesau?
Yes. Please see the Ceesau thread. It's the name of his company and is a play on the word "see saw," representing balance.
1CSIMfan said:
really he sends an autographed card that so great and nice of him has any one ever send him an email get get an autographed card or a reply bk

I've actually gotten two autographed pics from Carmine. I love them and I also love that he took the time to personalize them. He's such a sweet guy. :D

1CSIMfan do we just put our address in the email and he send us an pic :)
does it matter where u live :D
thanks :lol:
It doesn't matter where you live, believe me :)
Just send him a nice email, add you address and wait... :rolleyes:
Hey, sounds like he's Santa Claus! :lol:
GregsAngel said:
1CSIMfan said:
really he sends an autographed card that so great and nice of him has any one ever send him an email get get an autographed card or a reply bk

I've actually gotten two autographed pics from Carmine. I love them and I also love that he took the time to personalize them. He's such a sweet guy. :D

1CSIMfan do we just put our address in the email and he send us an pic :)
does it matter where u live :D
thanks :lol:

I just wrote him an email once back in May, talked about his acting and how nice it was he took time for the fans and slipped in my name & address at the bottom. I wrote him another email the end on June or first part of July, talking about his acting, tattoos, and dog tags. I added my name & address again.

I got the first autographed picture in August and the second one in November. Was totally surprised by the second one. From what I've seen on here, it doesn't matter where you live, he still sends out autographs. Just send him a nice email and include your name and address. You'll probably get one whenever he does them again.
Nim said:
It doesn't matter where you live, believe me :)
Just send him a nice email, add you address and wait... :rolleyes:
Hey, sounds like he's Santa Claus! :lol:
Well, if Carmine descended down the chimney I sure wouldn't mine. :devil: :p ;)
his site is up and working now but i cant seem to find his email . :confused:
There is only a Contact Form where u put ur email and ph # and name im not sure if it taht 1 :confused:

:Dthanks :D