Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

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Stella: We should stop adding whisky in Mac's coffee
Mac: You started it.
Stella: Yeah, but I didn't know he would've ended up stripping on a tree.
Hawkes: Did we really just do that?
Stella: Yeah... But I could've sworn I told you not to.

[haha, I am trying to so hard on these caption its!]
Stella: You know what Sheldon? With a little practise, I think we can pull it off.

Hawkes: Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of...
Steela: "Hawkes, when did Mac add the new screensaver on our computers?

Hawkes, "hmmm, good question, is that underoos that Mac is wearing?

Hawkes: So that's why I keep finding olive oil all over the place
Stella: Darnit, I told Danny and Flack to keep their paws out of it! Note to self: Tell Mac to move it and lock it up better.
Ok, it's time to vote. Here's the picture again:

Here's the picture again with the winning caption and the runner up.


Hawkes: Hey, that looks like Mac... I didn't know he can do yoga.
Stella: You little innocent boy, that's not yoga... - Calleigh

Runner up:

Stella: You know what Sheldon? With a little practise, I think we can pull it off.
Hawkes: Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of... - csi fan uk

Calleigh has 24 hours to post a pic. If not, then csi_fan_uk gets to post. ;)
Thank you Calleigh! :D

I was hoping to get to post this pic - it's from one of my fave scenes from season 1 Vegas episode "Too Tough To Die":


Happy captioning all!
OMG i've been looking for that episode of caps! That's the one where Cath takes the picture of Warrick....yeah....just watch the episode. *snicker*

Cath: Ok, ask 'me' out. You need to learn how Warrick!
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