Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

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Nope, the winner posts a pic of any ship from any CSI show. This time it's LV ;)

Catherine: *Well well, is that a gun in his pants...?*

So lame :rolleyes:
Oh ok i get it.

*thinks hard* I really can't some up with one... :lol: I'll try again later when there a different cap...or i come up with a good one!
Here's my first try

Nick: And this is the room that Grissom and Sara stayed in
Cath: I cannot look *except somewhere else* thinking
Nick: This room has no evidence, right?
Cath: No...
Nick: I don't think they'll miss us for a few minutes...come on!
OK guys, it's time for the poll.

Here's the pic:

Sorry this is so late getting posted. Thanks to the board being down, I'm a day late. Anyway, here's the pic with the winning caption.


Nick: Whoa, this room's pretty big, isn't it?
Cath: *I don't know what you're talking about, cowboy, but there's another interesting big thing I'm seeing down there...*

Congrats's your turn to post a pic.

Looks like the voting was tied with "24 hrs" and "it doesn't matter". I had to vote to see the, we'll just stick with 48 for now.

ETA: Looks like 48 hours has pulled into the lead now so everything will stay the same.
I have to inform you guys that _Calleigh_ is out of town atm, she should be back today, but I don't know if there's a 'after *fill in number* hours someone else gets to post' rule. I think she'll make it today ;)

And hey I was runner-up again :lol:
I only just found this thread but it looks fun!
So, here's my attempt-

Cooper to Calleigh: "So, I hear that H is marrying Delko's sister and Delko and Ryan are sniffing around Natalia. So... I just thought I'd let you know that I'm still available.

Ok, it's lame - but it's my first caption attempt! :p
Cooper (to himself): "Back off if you don't wanna hurt yourself. Reservation for Delko only", what kind of tattoo is that?
Calleigh: Ahem

My first one.
Yeah, I know that it's not good and so sorry if it's a little pg-13 :)
Calleigh: Oh crap. How did these photos of me from spring break in Cancun get on this computer? I thought Delko got rid of them for me!
Cooper: The way technology works these days really blows my mind. And yes, girls gone wild indeed...
Calleigh: You just wait till the photo of Horatio in his black speedo begins to circulate...
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