Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

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#1, if I'm not too late for the voting. So many of these were good and it was really close between #1 and #3, but since Rick does at times make me think of a little kid, I just had to go with #1.
Aw yay. :D

Okay, next picture. :p :

Ryan: Hey Eric, looks like the "Energizer Horatio Cop" has used up his batteries again.

Eric: What else is new, it's a good thing we keep a large stock of them beside his sunnies.
Horatio: Look, there he is again Eric! Grab something and hit that stupid fly!
Eric: ok hold on H
Horatio: wait! Eric is that your----BANG!!!!!!
Eric: Got'em H, man for a fly he sure did bleed alot!

PS: I wont be here for at least four days...outta town just thought i would enter this one. So good luck for the person who does win!:thumbsup:
Eric (background): What happened to your face?
Horatio: I was trying to annoy a suspect enough to make him confess to a murder and my face froze like this... and then he stole my sunnies. *angsts*
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