Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
Karu, Ryan carrying a baby is just drop dead sexy. I do remember shootout quite well. And you know I love that little drabble because I already told you
Inge, I hope you'll allow me to explain just why I love that scene so much (and even if you don't, I will anyway

To me, that scene just screams: "DAMNIT RYAN I CARE FOR YOU EVEN IF YOU DON'T WISH TO SEE IT!" Especially because I think that Calleigh is a part of the reason Ryan started gambling, I also think that Calleigh knows this. She is a CSI, she's trained to be observant, and I'd like to think she knows Ryan well. The fact that she put him in place tells me that she WANTS him to be in place, she wants him to not screw up anymore, and she wants him back at the lab (quote 602 Cyber-Lebrity:
"Don't let him fool you, we're all very excited to get you back.") And I mean, honestly, Ryan made a mistake, and he broke his promise, and if I were Calleigh, I'd sure as hell have yelled at him too. She did start off talking to him with a joke and a laugh, and then this:
Ryan: "You must think it's really silly."
Calleigh: "No, that wasn't the adjective I was looking for."
Clearly, (to me) she was looking for an adjective like 'stupid', 'rediculous', 'wrong'... As in, how could you let it get this far? And he understood, because you see his facial expression change and his little nod, and then he starts by: "Well I gotta earn a living", trying to explain himself to her because he damn well knows it's wrong. And THEN she starts:
"This is about everything, Ryan." And BAM she starts naming everything he did wrong, what he deep inside KNOWS he did wrong. And why? So he will SEE that he was wrong. He tries to shrug it off by saying he's not doing that anymore, because that's Ryan, like most people he doesn't like criticism if it's directed at him. But Calleigh sets him straight by saying "Are you not doing it in the way that you burned the counterfeit money and promised you'd never gamble again?" and you can hear the disappointment and the hurt in her voice, and he's at a loss for words, because he KNOWS that he broke that promise. Still not willing to give in, Ryan takes a personal stab by asking whether the job never gets to her, (as an attempt to prove that he's not the only one), and he starts explaining why he gambled, trying to gain her sympathy. But she doesn't give it to him, she clearly states (note her stretched words) that he was indeed hurting people. She wants to make him see the consequences of his actions, because he can't see beyond his own firement. When she says: "Think of all the people left behind to pick up the pieces for you", she hits the nail on the head. Something inside Ryan snaps, he finally sees what he's done, and when she wants to leave he stops her and gives her the information that might help her case. And he sighs, because it's finally sunken in what he's done and is still doing.
All in all, I think that conversation was a very important part of why Ryan at the end of the episode tells Horatio he's not gonna abandon the team, because Calleigh made him realize what he did to his team, even unwillingly, and he wants to make it up because he is a good person, who made a stupid mistake. And he even says he knows he might not get his job back, because he KNOWS what he's done. But he's willing to try and fix it.
So, in short I like that scene because I think it's a big part in making Ryan realize exactly what he's done.
And that was Docter Nikki "CaRWash Queen" Luking's examination of 523 Kill Switch :lol::wtf: