Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks for the welcome! :)

karu_mila, Kill Switch is the episode where Calleigh visits Ryan at the television station. The clip is on YouTube, I looked it up for you. :) (I hope it's ok to post this link ;)).
I like your theory about it, Dutchie! (I'm Dutch too btw :p)

Oh, and I love your fic karu_mila! :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Karu - Kill Switch is the episode after Ryan gets fired. He's working at this TV station, and is going round to the Crime Scenes that the CSIs are investigating to show the public how it's done. Unfortunately, he manages to mess up the case through this, but then he helps to put it right again. At some point during this episode Calleigh goes to visit Ryan at the TV station and we get the scene that Debby has linked and that we were discussing before. At the end of the episode Ryan is talking to Horatio, basically admitting that he screwed up (ie. that he sort of deserved to be fired) and asking if there's anything he can do to put it all right and get his job back.

Is that right? As I said, I haven't actually seen the episode, but I've read enough reviews/summaries of it. If you more detail, Karu, I would suggest going to the reviews on this site, since they're pretty in-depth.

Oh, and your fic was cool, Karu. I loved the bit at the end about 'the wrath of Calleigh Duquense'.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

A big warm welcome to fellow dutchie Debby! Nice to know I'm not the only CaRWash shipper in our 'kikkerlandje" ;) Look girls, now there's 2 Dutch CaRWash shippers! :lol:

Salean, you've got it pretty much right. After Ryan's been fired he goes to work for a TV station as their forensic expert, which turns out to be not a good idea (no duh.) And Calleigh goes there because Ryan called her and asked her to come, because he had some information for her case. And that's when they have that scene and all.

Seriously Karu, how can you not have seen those episodes? :p Very nice drabble please, you really should type it up completely and post it on :D And tomorrow seems to be a new episode, "Tunnel Vision", but I have no clue what it's supposed to be about. I'm not the spoiler person in here.

Salean, we're all here for you, but one question though: how does one eat tea?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Thanks again for the link Debby... oh, and Dutchie and Salean for explaining. By the way Dutchie, I'm pretty new to CSI:Miami. I've only started watching it in the middle of season 5... that was when Ryan was working at the gun range... I've only seen that and season 3 so I have a lot of catching up to do.

By the way...

I was checking out the promo and not only do we get four new episodes, but next episode we get CaRWash interaction :D... it's only on the promo for about three seconds, but they were analyzing video footage *bonding over evidence!* so I'm taking that as good news... you never know.

I've barely started my CaRWash fic and already I'm planning on extending it to a two-shot! Hmm, that's not a bad idea Dutchie, but I can't post anything on I don't have an account. Do you think you can post it up for me, maybe after you beta for me? *:angel:*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I would love for Calleigh to see what he is like with his family. I think it would tell her a lot about him, a lot more than she already knows.

amen to that and I fourth the return of the light-heartedness

I havent actually seen any of the S6 episodes yet excapt for the CaRWash bit from Cyber-lebrity. which was really sweet BTW

and Karu, I lvoe your fic. cant wait to read it

regarding the scene in Kill Switch was it? I kinda agree with Salean, whatever her motives she was really harsh
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

No, I don't think she was harsh at all, I think he needed the wake-up call. He DESERVED the wake-up call. *huggles Cal* She didn't do nothing wrong :p

Karu, go sit in a corner and shame on you! You have not seen season 4? The season of CaRWash interaction and lightheartedness have not seen season 4?:eek: Gosh, my poor heart. *grabs chest*

Of course I could beta it for you hun, but I think it'd be all the nicer if you made a account!:) It's free, and if you ever decide to do more writing, you could put it all up. I love my account, I tell ya. If you make one you'll have to wait 3 days before you can post a story (if I recall correctly), so if you make one now you can write it out and by the time it's done you'll be able to put it up!:D

YAY for CaRWash interaction and here's to hoping they're not gonna cut it again! (Because they've cut a LOT of CaRWash scenes from promos in the past:wtf:)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

A big warm welcome to fellow dutchie Debby! Nice to know I'm not the only CaRWash shipper in our 'kikkerlandje" ;) Look girls, now there's 2 Dutch CaRWash shippers! :lol:

Thanks! :D
I always thought I was the only Dutch one too :lol: The only one on earth actually :lol: But I'm glad there are a lot more CaRWash shippers out there! ;)

Yeah, season 4 was great! :) I just bought season 4 part 1 (yeah, in Holland they sell it in two parts :rolleyes:) a few weeks ago, and I'm going to buy the other part very soon!

Yay, CaRWash in the next episode! :D That's tonight, right? :)
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Agreed Dutchie i really believe ryan got a wake up call when calleigh was giving him "tough love". Because now he seems to be a whole different person (in my personal opinion).
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Heh, Dutchie, not that kind of tea. I don't know about in other parts of the world, but sometimes in the UK we call 'dinner' 'tea'. Thinking about it, it is kind of confusing, given how much 'tea' we also drink... somebody obviously didn't think it through. I believe it comes from the tradition of 'afternoon tea'... except that it really has nothing to do with it.

Hey, any scene with both Calleigh and Ryan in it is a possible CaRWash moment in my books, so that news makes me happy, Karu. You guys are going to have to fill me in on anything interesting that happens... stupid lack of season 6...

Oh, also, I agree with Dutchie about the account Karu. It would be really great to see it up there, and it means that generally it's a lot easier for other fans to find it. I have one too (although there is a shocking lack of any CaRWash on there... or, indeed, any Miami at all... I should do something about that...).

Oh, and I also concur with the love of season 4 for great CaRWash moments. Especially Shock. Well... basically the whole season was great for our couple. I swear, the first time I saw 'Shock' I actually thought that I'd missed some vital episodes where my ship had become canon... but, alas, that was not to be.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ah, Salean, that makes sense. I was thinking you made a typo or something, or that you were just very sleepy :lol: I think you should do something about that, CaRWash fics have been growing lately, though people seem to be abandoning their fics and leaving readers waiting. *grmbl* As the CaRWash C2 owner, I've been keeping up with all the fics out there. And hey, there's one of mine up too, of course! ;)

Shock was great, and the moments in Deviant, Driven and Skeletons for example were priceless and very important for our ship. I feel like rewatching some.

Debby, I've got all of season 3 and season 4, and there's even some CaRWash on the back of 2 boxes (1 each season) which made me grin :D The new episode is tonight indeed, and I'm sure our USA/Canada shippers will let us know when/if something happens. Btw, where do you live specifically?

Thanks Brian!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hi guys, good to see so many posts... keep it up!

*hangs head* I know Dutchie, shame on me! Luckily I did see a couple of season four episodes recently... I forgot their names, but I saw CaRWash lightheartedness!

Anyways, as for the account, I kinda have a legitamite reason for not having one... I'm sorta banned from having one. It's not what you think, it's just that it's one of my mom's rules and if I want to keep my computer, I have to follow the rules. So no fics from me... sorry! *:(*
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ok, who of you lucky ones is gonna fill me in about yesterday's episode? Was there any CaRWash, significant or not?:confused:

Karu, that sucks, but I know where you come from. It took me half a year to convince my parents to let me make an account here on Talk. (actually, it was a bd present :p I told them that if I could make an account here, I didn't need anything else for my birthday. Yes, I was that desperate. :rolleyes:) But once I got that, they allowed me a LJ and a pretty quickly.

But anyway, you don't have a Livejournal either? Lots of people post their fics there. And would it be a problem if I made you an account and kept it? Like, you mail me the fics, I post the fics on, but under your name? Or would your mom go and check things like that? I don't know how strict she is and I wouldn't want to cause you to lose your computer. :(

Go watch more season 4! ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Shock was great, and the moments in Deviant, Driven and Skeletons for example were priceless and very important for our ship. I feel like rewatching some.

Debby, I've got all of season 3 and season 4, and there's even some CaRWash on the back of 2 boxes (1 each season) which made me grin :D The new episode is tonight indeed, and I'm sure our USA/Canada shippers will let us know when/if something happens. Btw, where do you live specifically?

I love that moment in Deviant! It's my favourite CaRWash moment! :D and Shock and Driven were great too! Actually every moment was great, in season 4 we had so many! :)
I've got all of season 3 too! And in a few days I'm going to get season 4 part 2 :) I noticed the CaRWash on the back too :D
I live in Drachten btw, don't know if you ever heard of it :p It's a village in Friesland ;) Where do you live? :)
Hope there was some CaRWash in the last episode!

I swear, the first time I saw 'Shock' I actually thought that I'd missed some vital episodes where my ship had become canon

I thought we were going to find out in one of the next episodes that they were a couple! That she already put his name on the card looks like a couple thing to me :p But unfortunately that didn't happen.. :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hmmm... me thinks there seems to be a lack of Americans in this thread, since we're all waiting to find out what happened. Anyway, I'm waiting for parts of the episode to load up on youtube, so I should find out sometime tonight, hopefully.

I just saw a promo for it on youtube. I actually cannot wait. It seems to be dealing with general team stuff, and I think it will be Alexx's last episode. :( There seems to be a split in the team, and I really hope that Calleigh and Ryan are not on opposite sides of it. The main rift appears to be between Alexx and Horatio, which worries me a bit, because Horatio and Calleigh are close, as are Ryan and Alexx... But it could also be a good chance for some team (*cough* CaRWash *cough*) bonding and stuff.

she already put his name on the card looks like a couple thing to me

Yeah, I thought that too. I mean... I wouldn't sign a guy's name on a card before he asked if he was just a friend... especially not a WEDDING card. I think she was definitely hinting at something there.

Edit: Ok, so I've now seen the episode. There were... what, three or four scenes with Calleigh and Ryan. One of them struck me as particularly cool: Ryan notices a similarity between the case and some break-ins that he investigated while he was on patrol. We don't have much backstory on Ryan, so any time he talks about his past, even thought he didn't actually say much about it, is cool... especially if it's a scene with Calleigh.
There was another CaRWashy scene which I really liked, which was a Calleigh and Ryan verbal smackdown of a suspect. They work so well together as a team :) And I swear, when Ryan was checking for the gun, Calleigh must have just been standing there going 'Ryan's hot'... or maybe that was just me... but still. :p

Really, the main 'bonding' scenes in this episode were these little snippets at the beginning with the girls talking about Natalia passing her firearms thingy, and the boys (Ryan and Eric) teasing each other about how many boxes they have to fingerprint.
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Whoo! 50 posts... I made it! What's after Dead on Arrival? Dutchie, no I don't have a LJ account and I'm not sure if it's alright for me to ask you to run an account for me... still, thanks for the offer. I'm still gonna let you have the first peek at my fic.

It's about time TPTB gave us CaRWash. I just wasn't expecting three scenes... they're are being particularly generous. Let's see, there was the bomb examination, the video analysis, and finally CaRWash out on the field, finding the murder weapon. Now that's what I call bonding over evidence!

Oh I hope they're not on opposite sides too! I don't want to see them face off against each other... we need the team to be together!

Anyways, here's my overanalysis of those scenes. I was watching the scene with the bomb and it struck me as TPTB's way of hinting at something explosive in CaRWash's future. The gun scene was CaRWashy as well because guns are considered to be Calleigh's element and to include Ryan in the gun search is a big thing because she is allowing him into her territory. It could be interpreted as an attempt to strengthen their relationship. Anyways, that's just my opinion... what do you guys think?
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