Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I'm terrible with season six episode names too, so you're not alone there London. Where do you find out the episode names anyways?

Really? Well it's bound to happen sooner or later... let's just hope it doesn't happen to CaRWash-- or wait, maybe that would make a good episode. Calleigh and Ryan could make a fool out of Stetler for questioning their relationship and then there could be a little *hint, hint* at the end :D... 'cause I do love those little moments at the end, especially the one in Deviant ;). Come on TPTB, give us something!

Anyways, I might be MIA for the next couple of weeks-- exams are starting on Monday :eek:-- and I probably won't be able to post anything for a while. Keep me updated on anything CaRWash... I'll miss you guys!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I leave for the weekend and we end up on page 2. Come on people! :p

Karu, you can find episode titles on sites like the CSI:Miami episode guide here on csifiles, or capping sites perhaps. Or you can ask me ;) Good luck on your exams, and if something really interesting happens, I'll e-mail you, promised.

Well, I think she'll get called into question about her helping Eric (what was that again on "her" site in Ambush, something with a note or something?). However, I do still remember Eric's little slip about Calleigh and Jake, and we never heard the end of that either, did we? So perhaps that will be what she's being questioned about. Whatever it is, please don't let it involve Ryan in any way, because with TPTB at the moment, that can only be bad. Of course I'd love to see her tell Ryan what the investigation is for.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*rushes back to thread*

Hi guys! I just got back from school and the first exam's finished :D! Only four more to go... :eek: *looks around* Hey, where is everyone :confused:? Man, the thread's going dead again-- and I've got to lay off the icons. Don't mind me, I'm on final exam overload. Still, at least there'll be an episode tonight, albeit a old one... oh well, there's always next week. Don't let that stop you from posting. Gotta go guys... thanks for keeping me posted Dutchie!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

This thread's going slow because of lack of new episodes and I guess people are afraid they don't have three lines worth of Calleigh/Ryan talk. I know that this post will be much shorter then my past few posts.

Dutchie, I understand what you're saying about Calleigh's dad keeping her from getting drunk, but then again, when has continuity and common sense ever stopped the Miami writers? :cool: I'm wondering what it would take for them to open up and clear the air and all I can think of is inebriation, facing a life threatening situation, or, I don't know... getting locked together in a closet or something. And since Calleigh's already faced the life threatening situation... hmm, that closet thing doesn't sound half bad, actually. ;) They'll have to talk in those close quarters. Either that or kill each other.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*yawns and rubs eyes* Hey guys! Sorry, I havn't posted, but I think Hestia hit the nail on the head. I've always been here though...just took a quick nap in the chillow! :lol:

I second the closet motion!!!! Heck, I'll donate my own for their benefit! I'm curious though, would they kill each other, or would they talk? Right now I'm betting on Calleigh killing him, but he kinda deserved it after that smart remark about the camera lense cap in the last episode! :lol:

And I'm not sure what it's gonna take to clear the air (or the water depending on where you're standing) I mean Calleigh just got kidnapped and her LIFE her very existance was threatened, so if that doesn't clear the air, I don't know what will... I'm hoping that we'll have a few more scenes in upcoming episodes, but as it has become the Horaito, Eric, Calleigh show, I'm wondering if our leading man will get more than one line. How I'd dearly love a stort arc for him right now! *kneels and begs TPTB*

I used to think that it was Ryan's fault that him and Calleigh had drifted apart, but now I'm starting to think she had a little bit to do with it. I mean, I understand her pulling away from him because he has been a self centered jerk lately, but I think I've had enough cold shoulder. It's almost as if Calleigh's decided that she's no longer his mentor, that he's learned enough and now she doesn't have to be a support or a friend. In reality, he has learned enough not to need a mentor anymore, but I think he misses that close bond they used to have. She's like a mother bird pushing the chick out of the nest for the first time, and poor Ryan doesn't know what to do! He needs that security of the best friend that she is to him. I want her to realize that they can still be friends even though that relationship has passed...Or maybe she resents the fact that she's no longer that person he looks to for advice...hmmm..I really have no idea, I just want them back together the way they used to be!!!

Keep the love alive guys!

P.S. There's a thread in the Miami forum called "Dancing with the stars CSI Miami" and it links you to a really funny video. It's worth watching just cause, but there is a CaRWash dance..Calleigh and Ryan doing the Charelston!
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*rushes back in*

Whoo, new page! Sorry I haven't been here lately. Exams are brutal... yesterday they lasted until ten at night! Luckily, they're almost done, so my MIA period is over! Now, what should I talk about first...

Calleigh and Ryan doing the Charleston?! That I've got to see :lol:! We need some of that light-heartedness back for CaRWash... TPTB have given us too much drama. Anyways, it's good to see the thread getting some posts... we were close to going off the second page.

Hestia, I vote for the locking in the closet... I wanna see laptop combustion, but don't let them kill each other...please? CaRWash_Cutie, you have good ideas. I don't know why Calleigh and Ryan are the way they are now, but they need to work it out and hopefully it will bring them back to the way they used to be... hmm, maybe through a Ryan story arc. He needs some love too!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey everyone!
Sorry for the long absence, and probably the irregular posting from me in the near future. I'm hitting the term of those exams which I need to get good grades in to get into the university that I want to, and, added with the fact that I lost a friend last week, I'm needing to refocus my priorities a bit.

We need some of that light-heartedness back for CaRWash... TPTB have given us too much drama.


I miss the banter, and the smiles, like London was saying: those were the good old days. And mostly, I just need something to remind me that I have ships for a reason, because they all seem to be sinking at the moment.

Oh, and I also agree, Karu, that Ryan needs a story arc. Maybe not one that is quite as dramatic, or potentially fatal for our ship as the whole 'being fired' thing was. What I'd really like is an episode where we find out more about Ryan's family. Maybe even see his uncle, or his niece, or his sibling-that-he-must-have-if-he-has-a-niece-but-has-never-been-mentioned. Just a small storyline, and one that's not quite as dark as some of the others have been. Maybe his niece comes to stay with him, but then he has to go into work and things kind of spiral from there.

I would love for Calleigh to see what he is like with his family. I think it would tell her a lot about him, a lot more than she already knows.

For some reason, I have this idea that Ryan is the youngest in his family. As the oldest, I recognise the signs of a youngest child: they're desperate to be recognised in their own right because, often, they feel like they're in the others' shadow. Obviously there are others, but I can't for the life of me remember them right now.

Anyway, I'm going to end this ramble now.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Salean, I'm so sorry for your loss.:( If you need to talk, I'm here for you. *hugs*

I third the lightheartedness! It's time for a comfort scene or just some teasing convo that provokes some of those smiles we love...let's keep our fingers crossed for tonight's episode!:D

Hestia, I know in terms of continuity, it could very well happen, thing is: I just don't want it to happen. Because I've always respected Calleigh's view on alcohol, and seeing her drunk would just ruin 3/4 of the show for me. And I don't think Ryan and Cal need alcohol to open up to each other, all they need is a hard case, some vulnerability and a forsaken room where they can talk in. ;)

Good luck on those exams girls, I've entered my test week as well. Whenever you have time, please don't forget to hop in here!:)

By the way, that CSI:Miami dance video? Best. Laugh. Ever.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I saw 'Kill Switch' today.
I know some users like the scene where Calleigh gave him a lecture, but I just don't like it.
She was so angry and I had the feeling she didn't care about him. I'm bothered by the fact that she didn't ask him why he gambled. I understand here, Ryan gave her a promise and he broke it. I would be also very sad, angry and disappointed.

I liked the scene at the beach. She asked him if he's ok with a tight smile.
At least Calleigh's lecture was a trigger for Ryan to rethink his situation.

ok, I'm very torned and confused about the episode. :cardie:
I like the joking moments between them more. ;)

BTW, good luck for all the exams!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

The thread's alive... IT'S ALIVE! *ahem* Sorry, I've been reading Frankenstein for English. Good luck on your exams Salean and a big hug to you too! Anyways, Ryan's niece visiting him... hmm, that's actually not a bad idea. I would love to actually see his family... they only mention his uncle and niece. Speaking of nieces, I've been working on a oneshot with CaRWash bonding over baby niece... here's what I've come up with so far...

Today was so not his day.

She smiled softly as she watched a flustered Ryan walk away from them. Poor thing, she thought. She shifted her attention back to the bundle of blankets that protected one Leia Alexx Wolfe, who was contently cradled in her arms, touching one tiny hand with a finger. Ryan's niece was a tiny thing, barely two months old, but she already looked startlingly like him with her moppy hair and wide, curious eyes.

"You like your uncle, don't you?" Leia cooed as she grasped Calleigh's finger, causing her to chuckle softly. She took that as yes.

"I'll let you in on a secret." Somehow, she knew that the answer to her question would cause the little one to smile brightly.

"Me too."

Personally, I think Ryan would look sexy with a baby in his arms... remember Shoot Out ;)? Anyways, how about some ideas for the title? Dutchie's already read it, but let me know what you guys think!
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Karu, Ryan carrying a baby is just drop dead sexy. I do remember shootout quite well. And you know I love that little drabble because I already told you:)

Inge, I hope you'll allow me to explain just why I love that scene so much (and even if you don't, I will anyway :p).

To me, that scene just screams: "DAMNIT RYAN I CARE FOR YOU EVEN IF YOU DON'T WISH TO SEE IT!" Especially because I think that Calleigh is a part of the reason Ryan started gambling, I also think that Calleigh knows this. She is a CSI, she's trained to be observant, and I'd like to think she knows Ryan well. The fact that she put him in place tells me that she WANTS him to be in place, she wants him to not screw up anymore, and she wants him back at the lab (quote 602 Cyber-Lebrity: "Don't let him fool you, we're all very excited to get you back.") And I mean, honestly, Ryan made a mistake, and he broke his promise, and if I were Calleigh, I'd sure as hell have yelled at him too. She did start off talking to him with a joke and a laugh, and then this:

Ryan: "You must think it's really silly."
Calleigh: "No, that wasn't the adjective I was looking for."

Clearly, (to me) she was looking for an adjective like 'stupid', 'rediculous', 'wrong'... As in, how could you let it get this far? And he understood, because you see his facial expression change and his little nod, and then he starts by: "Well I gotta earn a living", trying to explain himself to her because he damn well knows it's wrong. And THEN she starts:

"This is about everything, Ryan." And BAM she starts naming everything he did wrong, what he deep inside KNOWS he did wrong. And why? So he will SEE that he was wrong. He tries to shrug it off by saying he's not doing that anymore, because that's Ryan, like most people he doesn't like criticism if it's directed at him. But Calleigh sets him straight by saying "Are you not doing it in the way that you burned the counterfeit money and promised you'd never gamble again?" and you can hear the disappointment and the hurt in her voice, and he's at a loss for words, because he KNOWS that he broke that promise. Still not willing to give in, Ryan takes a personal stab by asking whether the job never gets to her, (as an attempt to prove that he's not the only one), and he starts explaining why he gambled, trying to gain her sympathy. But she doesn't give it to him, she clearly states (note her stretched words) that he was indeed hurting people. She wants to make him see the consequences of his actions, because he can't see beyond his own firement. When she says: "Think of all the people left behind to pick up the pieces for you", she hits the nail on the head. Something inside Ryan snaps, he finally sees what he's done, and when she wants to leave he stops her and gives her the information that might help her case. And he sighs, because it's finally sunken in what he's done and is still doing.

All in all, I think that conversation was a very important part of why Ryan at the end of the episode tells Horatio he's not gonna abandon the team, because Calleigh made him realize what he did to his team, even unwillingly, and he wants to make it up because he is a good person, who made a stupid mistake. And he even says he knows he might not get his job back, because he KNOWS what he's done. But he's willing to try and fix it.

So, in short I like that scene because I think it's a big part in making Ryan realize exactly what he's done.

And that was Docter Nikki "CaRWash Queen" Luking's examination of 523 Kill Switch :lol::wtf:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*blank look* Huh :wtf:? Sorry, but I haven't seen that episode yet so I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you explain it to me Dutchie? I need the CaRWash doctor's opinion-- there's another title for you to add :D!

Anyways, what is it with people not posting? Though I can't blame you guys... I imagine that you all are busy right now. Still, come back as soon as you can!

About Monday's episode, there was no major CaRWash except for a small scene at the beginning where they were bonding over evidence. Other than that, it was just everyone taking turns with interactions, which I think is a good thing because it shows that TPTB don't want to focus on pairings at the moment... that could mean taking time for CaRWash's friendship to progress. At least, that's what I think.

So, any new spoilers for the next episode or is that an old one too? Dutchie, think you can find out?
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hi everyone, I'm new here! :)

I've been reading this thread for a while, and now I finally registered myself :)!
I'm also a big CaRWash-fan (okay, why else would I be here :p), I think Ryan and Calleigh have great chemistry!
There weren't many CaRWash moments in season 6 so far, but I'm still not giving up hope ;).

Well, I hope I'll have fun here! :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Welcome to the thread, Debby!

Re the Kill Switch discussion: I have to admit, I have yet to bring myself to actually watch that episode. I have this weird thing... I hate getting into trouble and I hate seeing other people getting into trouble, or doing things that end up with them embarassing themselves in a bad way. Kill Switch, to me, seems like somthing I would end up hiding my eyes at because I would be wanting to scream at Ryan 'What are you thinking? Stop it, this isn't you!' As such, I haven't actually seen the scene that you are all talking about, but I would imagine that Calleigh is experiancing a similar emotion. If it was me I probably would have been shaking him until he got the message... but it's all out of not wanting to see him get hurt, or embarassed... or ending up in even more trouble than he already was.

And I agree, Dutchie, I think that scene was a big part of the reason that Ryan eventually went to Horatio at the end of the episode (I've seen that clip. It made me happy. :) )

However, for me, that scene is still too difficult for me to actually watch. Whether Calleigh is doing it out of love, or anger, she is still letting him have it on a fairly grand scale, and I just... can't bring myself to watch it.

Anyway, on that note, I have to go eat my tea.

(BTW, thanks for the hugs and sympathy and stuff everyone. It's really appreciated. I'm doing a lot better now, so thank you. :) )
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Nice to see new people on the thread Debby! Feel free to comment on CaRWash anytime!

By the way, Salean, Dutchie, you guys need to explain to me about what happened in Kill Switch... that's the one where Calleigh and Ryan fight, right? Or is it the one where Ryan gets fired :wtf:? I haven't seen that one yet.

It seems like the lack of CaRWash is not stopping people from updating their fics... I especially love the hot kisses ;)! I came up with my own kiss scene by the way... mind you it's a rough draft, but enjoy!

"Wolfe... yeah, just give me a minute." Ryan hung up, his face sporting a grim expression on his face. Calleigh looked at him sympathetically.

"On the clock?"

"Yeah..." His voice trailed off as he glanced down at a peacefully sleeping Leia. He thought back to what Horatio had said earlier. How exactly was she lucky to have him when he couldn't be with her when she needed him?

Calleigh watched Ryan's face soften as Leia yawned sleepily. "Here, I'll take her."
He looked up at her with surprise. "No it's alright, you don't have to..." Calleigh cut him off quickly.

"Don't play the hero this time Ryan, I'd be happy to look after her. Besides," she added with a mischievious smile as a grateful Ryan placed the now awake babbling baby in her arms, "I think I should get to know my goddaughter better."

Leia looked up at Calleigh with wondering eyes. She was obviously was pleased with the change of scenery as she gave the ballistics expert a gummy smile which was immediately returned with a sunny one. Ryan couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of him. It figured that Calleigh would be good with kids.

The sound of his niece giggling brought him out of his thoughts. Putting on a brave face, he leaned down and peered at Leia's face. "Be good for your aunt Calleigh, okay Moppy?"

Calleigh couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the affectionate nickname. "Moppy?"

He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked up at her, grinning sheepishly. "Well, I did curse her with my hair. At least it's more original than Wolfe Cub." He kissed Leia on the forehead and then did something he never intended to do.

He kissed Calleigh.

Not a kiss on the forehead or cheek, but right on the lips. He froze when he realized what he was doing and he pulled back slowly, looking horrified. Calleigh stared back at him, eyes wide with shock, struggling to remain calm and collected. Ryan hadn't planned on kissing her, but it just seemed natural to do so... rather like saying goodbye to his wife and daughter-- What am I thinking?! This was not the time and place for this. It seemed like his only option was to get out of there as fast as he could because as much as he enjoyed that kiss, he did not want to face the wrath of Calleigh Duquense.
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