Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*pops in*

Hey All,

Why do I always never notice my fav ship threads *sighs*...okay so for me new eppys of Miami start on tuesday I think so I don't know how they've been so far for this ship...

I have a request for ya'll if its not so much trouble...Could all share some of your fav CaRWash moment caps - I feel like making a few icons and banners so this would be a big help, either post 'em here or send me 'em via PM..Thanks

I hope to pop by more often

~ Sophia :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

You have no idea how much I need a positivity cookie today, Hestia. :( But I won't talk about my other fandoms here.

Shazza! Fancy seeing you here! Do the new eps of Miami start on tuesday? I thought they were still running through the season 5 reruns? Honestly, I go away for a week and suddenly all my TV shows are magically appearing again.

Dutchie, I really like your theory about Ryan, probably because I can relate to it a lot. I'm a fairly shy person, and so that makes it quite hard for me to make friends as easily as some people do. Often, someone will take me under their wing, so to speak, and I become too attatched to them... almost like I'm relying on them to look after me, and I don't really get to know the other people around me. Now, that person, obviously, has other friends... other people to talk to apart from me, and that's quite hard sometimes. It's a flaw, and a flaw I'm working on, but it's like... your suddenly being left to look after yourself... to talk to other people that you don't feel so comfortable around... and that's quite scary. So I can completely understand, if that was what happened between Calleigh and Ryan, that Ryan would be a little wary towards Calleigh. He knows that she can't always be looking out for him, and so he needs to start standing on his own two feet. Being fired, I think, really showed him just how much he needs to do that, and Calleigh's lecture at him just added to that. He doesn't want to become as reliant on her as he was before. But, in order to do that, you have to distance yourself. And then, eventually, you can start working on that friendship again. It is a painful process, but it's really necessary.

Florry, that's such a good point about Jake, actually. It is a bit odd that no-one called him. Well, obviously Eric probably wouldn't want him to be involved, but surely someone else would have thought to...
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Perhaps Johnny (the actor) wasn't avaiable to play Jake. I've read that he was cast for a new show, so if he was too busy with that, that could be a reason Jake was missing.:confused: I agree it's odd though.

Salean, yeah I know the feeling too, all too well, which is why I came up with that theory. To me, it is only a logical explenation of what Ryan's feeling and how he's dealing with it. Still part of me hopes he'll get over it so we can have more CaRWash interaction.:D

Welcome Shazza! Grab a chair and make it yours, feel free to pop in more often. About pictures, I could PM you some, but perhaps you should check out these links: RandomScribblings and, they're my favorite sites for caps. If you need a specific one, you could let me know, I can make caps too. Some of the best CaRWash episodes are throughout seasons 3 and 4, season 5 and 6 only have the occasional moments. Feel free to specify what sort of scene you're looking for:)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*pops back in* :D

Shazza! Fancy seeing you here! Do the new eps of Miami start on tuesday? I thought they were still running through the season 5 reruns? Honestly, I go away for a week and suddenly all my TV shows are magically appearing again.

*Waves* so we share three ships now....Sandle, D/L and crap..yes they're were running repeats of season 5 so maybe they're waiting till all the eppys air in the States....well thats just stupid I mean they are airing the current seasons of LV an NY so why not Miami..:vulcan:...sorry about the offtopic ramble lol

Dutchie, I really like your theory about Ryan, probably because I can relate to it a lot. I'm a fairly shy person, and so that makes it quite hard for me to make friends as easily as some people do. Often, someone will take me under their wing, so to speak, and I become too attatched to them... almost like I'm relying on them to look after me, and I don't really get to know the other people around me. Now, that person, obviously, has other friends... other people to talk to apart from me, and that's quite hard sometimes. It's a flaw, and a flaw I'm working on, but it's like... your suddenly being left to look after yourself... to talk to other people that you don't feel so comfortable around... and that's quite scary. So I can completely understand, if that was what happened between Calleigh and Ryan, that Ryan would be a little wary towards Calleigh. He knows that she can't always be looking out for him, and so he needs to start standing on his own two feet. Being fired, I think, really showed him just how much he needs to do that, and Calleigh's lecture at him just added to that. He doesn't want to become as reliant on her as he was before. But, in order to do that, you have to distance yourself. And then, eventually, you can start working on that friendship again. It is a painful process, but it's really necessary.

I can relate to that alot too being a really shy you said you rely too much on others and become too attached to others...I also know how being in that situation, in a relationship, I mean what might have happened between Calleigh and Ryan I know that situation and scerio far too well....(blah Sal why are all are our ships in complicated situations?! :( *sighs* )

Welcome Shazza! Grab a chair and make it yours, feel free to pop in more often. About pictures, I could PM you some, but perhaps you should check out these links: RandomScribblings and, they're my favorite sites for caps. If you need a specific one, you could let me know, I can make caps too. Some of the best CaRWash episodes are throughout seasons 3 and 4, season 5 and 6 only have the occasional moments. Feel free to specify what sort of scene you're looking for:)

Thanks Dutchie!! :D yes I'll have a look at those site and if there is a specific cap or scene I want I'll ask :)

A few CaRWash icons I made , Hope ya'll don't mind me sharing them free to snag:
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Dutchie, I haven't even noticed that Jake didn't turn up... I think I was more focused on looking for any CaRWash interaction. Hmm, maybe that black widow prediction will come true after all. Anyways, sorry I haven't been visiting the thread lately... exams are coming up soon :eek: and I'm determined to be prepared.

By the way Shazza, I love all the icons you made... I particularly love the opening doors one. I might snag one if I ever do enough posts to get one... what level do I have to be anyways?

Anyways, there will not be any new episodes in Canada this week :(... I'm thinking that TPTB believe that we had our fill after last week's two parter. I don't agree with them 'cause they basically stiffed us. I was looking forward to more possible CaRWash scenes.

Thanks for the dictionary entries, Dutchie! So far I've been keeping track of everyone's suggestions and now I have nineteen entries... though I probably need to sort them in alphabetical order. Anyways, if anyone else has suggestions for the CaRWash dictionary, don't post on the thread-- it's considered spamming-- but you can email me at pendragon_assasinator on Hotmail... so keep 'em coming!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

What beautiful icons Shazza! :D
I may snag one as soon as I am able to and maybe one for my account as well.

*sigh* too bad no new ep tonight.. I'm so CaRWash deprived! :(
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Oh well, there's always next week... and I can guarantee that it's a new one. Unfortunately, there's a lot of time between now and next week and I'm CaRWash deprived too... and no new episodes equals no new posts on the thread. Well, there are always reruns on ShowCase Diva and A&E, so you're not totally deprived HeArTz_DeSiRe. Just hang in there!

Anyways, about the CaRWash dictionary, Dutchie has graciously volunteered to pair up with me and accept your suggestions as well... thanks for collaborating with me Dutchie! :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

there isn't a new one next week. it's csi my nanny
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hi guys,keep the CaRWash love alive!btw y don't ya'll also post in the CaRWash music thread?it seems like no one goes there anymore.well i have posted 2 songs in there -tell me wat ya'll think of them,please check them out.

hi guys-just wanted to readd these icons-feel free to snag:


oh and tell me what you think of them.(especially the first one!):lol:
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

togo2hot, that first icon is so cute. *considers snagging..*
So yeah, I watched 'Ambush' and 'All In' and I originally thought of posting the second I saw them both, but all that came out of my mouth was screams and the occasional tossing of the pillow at the TV. Yeah, it got that bad. But nearing the end, when Ryan and Eric comforted her, it got a little better. I am really glad that we got at least something from that scene, and when he rubbed her shoulder the way he did, it brought me back to season 5 goodness (Curse of the Coffin, anyone?). Returning the favour, I'd say ;)
While catching up on the 3 pages that were full of posts (good job guys!) I see we have some new members, and even people who don't ship CaRWash, but like their interaction! Nice to see our ship is still growing! Welcome, Heartz_Desire. Trust me, that was my reaction the first time I saw these two together. Adorable, along with virtually every synonym to that word.
WOW. I really never thought of the way that Ryan would act towards Calleigh the way he does now the ways that Dutchie and was it Hestia did. I never really thought that much into it, my mind kept going back to how much this season lacks CaRWash scenes and how it's practically E/C now. But I seriously liked your guys' theories, and thank God for optimism, which was something I was lacking after the scene with Calleigh and Eric nearing the end (I'm pretty sure you all know what I'm talking about)
Yeah, I'm crossing my fingers we'll get something in the new episode, I've been so CaRWash-deprived too, it's driving me insane.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

No problem Karu, my partner in CaRWash crime! :lol: I wonder if they're gonna explain why Jake didn't show in the episode, it would be pretty stupid IMO to just let it pass. We do know continuity isn't one of TPTB's best values, but they may surprise us yet.:rolleyes: Oh, and you need to have made 100 posts to be able to use an icon.

Is there any information on the next new episode? Don't forget to use a spoilerbox if you know anything.;)

Nice work Shazza! Don't forget to post them in the icon thread if you want to share them with more people! And same goes for you, Togo2hot! I don't really go into the music thread, because when I have a particular song I love for CaRWash, I usually just write a fic with it! I have a looong list of songs I want to use:p

Jelian, it's optimisn that keeps ships like CaRWash alive. Besides, I love getting into the characters' minds to try and figure out what they're thinking/feeling, I'm a writer for that.:D Plus, I need something to keep my CaRWash mind occupied.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hestia, I've thought about that issue so much. I agree with you, but I also see a different reason. I do believe that he wants to gain back respect from her, but I see it like this, too:

Calleigh was in the beginning the only person that "liked" him, that respected him and saw beyond the replacement. I think during 3 and 4 especially, he clung to her, sometimes a bit too much (Recoil). Calleigh was the only one willing to listen to him when he was not saying something related to the case, and she was always there to give personal advise (Skeletons, Driven). In season 5, as Calleigh had more interaction with not only Eric, but Jake, too, I think Ryan felt left out. That's the reason I saw for his gambling, too. His mentor, his friend, is suddenly more around 2 other guys than around him, focusing on them and letting him slip. I don't think she did it intentionally, but it happened. And if Ryan felt ignored and left out, that would be an easy victim to fall for the wrong way out, i.e. gambling. Then when he got fired, Calleigh was everything except friendly to him, making him overdoubt his decisions and feeling torn, because she was the reason he started in the first place, but he's never gonna tell her that. So then when he gets rehired, the thing with Jake and Eric isn't over. Partially by his own male pride, but partially by fear of relapsing, I think he's intentionally keeping his distance from her, emotionally. He's hurt by her disappointment in him, but also he very well knows that he deserved at least some of her coolness. The thing is, I don't think he wants to get into the whole Eric/Caleigh/Jake thing, because he's afraid he'll be the odd one out again, and perhaps again seek for the wrong exit. Does that make sense?

See, that's why you're the self-crowned CaRWash queen.
Your theory makes perfect sense and it makes me feel much better about Ryan. Whenever I get irked at the boy I'll just keep this idea in mind and my sympathy will overcome my annoyance. These two have unintetionally hurt each so much, they need to just get drunk (on some cosmos) so their defenses will be down enough to talk things out. Just one good heart to heart and I'm sure things will be back to normal. Hopefully the liquid courage they would've had wouldn't cause them to forget it all the next day. :p

*pops in*

Hey All,

Why do I always never notice my fav ship threads *sighs*...okay so for me new eppys of Miami start on tuesday I think so I don't know how they've been so far for this ship...

Hi Shazza! :D Wow, it's a small world; you're a CaRWash shipper? Cool! Well anyway, judging by the last few posts I'm sure you can deduce that so far in the recent episodes we got some good scenes that could've been way better if this tension between Ryan and Calleigh would go away.

You have no idea how much I need a positivity cookie today, Hestia. But I won't talk about my other fandoms here.

Aww, hun.
I know it's a late reply but hopefully you're doing better. I know the feeling of other fandom ships disapppointing you.
Even if it's temporary. (Maybe send me a PM? I'd like to know what it is. I'll listen. :))
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

WHAT?! There's no new episodes next week? Aww man! Well, at least it's an episode I haven't seen before.

Wow Dutchie, your analysis is awesome... I'm not the only one overanalyzing anymore :D! Still, it's a great theory and it makes perfect sense for Ryan to do that because I don't think he could handle being left out by Calleigh again, even if it was unintentional... he's human after all and he's entitled to distance himself from her for a while. Let's just hope he closes the gap soon though... we need more CaRWash!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I don't have much guys, but here's what I do know about one half of our happy couple:

From what I've heard Calleigh gets called into question about something (no one's really sure what..The spoilers are really confusing at this point) and there might even be an IAB investigation. I know Eric's in question about the processing notes and the head injury thing (Serious de'ja vu here), so I'm thinking Calleigh's thing either has to do with helping him, or maybe she's getting called out on a possible relationship with him. If that's the case, it would be great news for us CaRWashers to nip that in the bud right away! ;) So far Ryan's MIA, but we all know he's there supporting his girl, right?

Anyway, that's what I know so far...if I get anything else, I'll be sure to let you know!

I've been rewatching season three (Thank heaven for DVDs), and I forgot how easy their chemistry came. It's like one second they didn't know each other and the next was like they were brother and sister. I think they really understand each other in a deeper way that TPTB give them credit for. At this point all I'm seeing is a really good friendship, but even that will be enough for me! My favorite scenes are the ones where she's teasing him (remember the scene about the AV girl not falling for Ryan's lines? (you're gonna have to help me here Nikki, my season six stinks!) Or Curse of the Coffin? :lol:), or he's teasing her ("Total chick drink" anyone? ;)). I'd love to see those easy relaxed banter scenes again. I also love his smile when he's around her. They can both make each other laugh and smile like no one else can and I think that has a lot to do with Jon and Emily's real life friendship. I love her smile in Three Way when he talks about the pot smoking kit thieves, and I love his goofy boy grin in the Cyber-lebrity when she tells him they miss him. Ah, the good old days!

Keep the love alive all!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Haha, it's 607 Chain Reaction, London. My season 6 stinks too, but for CaRWash, alas, anything. And since you're offering, a virgin cosmo would be nice right now. In the current sutuation I'm in, a real cosmo probably would go in as well:lol: I agree with you, they have a deep friendship that I think many people underestimate. But we know better, don't we?;)

Karu, I'd be able to overanalyze the way I tie my shoes, honestly. We make a good team:D And if you've missed CSI:My Nanny, you missed one of the little CaRWash scenes this season, so be sure to watch this time.

Hestia, I didn't crown myself! Other people started calling me CaRWash Queen, even though I have no idea when and how that happened now.:wtf: But anyway, if my theory makes you love Ryan even more instead of thinking he's annoying, then I've succeeded! I don't want to see them drunk though, them spilling their feelings to each other without the influence of alcohol would do so much more for me. (Besides, I can imagine Ryan drunk with a lot of imagination, but Cal? With her father? Never.)

Salean, D/L eh? I've heard. You might not know, but I'm a non-active M&M shipper too. Blerg.:(
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