Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
^ Hope you're right
Salean (And I agree with all you said). In any case,
Spoiler Warning for those who haven't seen the episode!
So last night's episode: Wow!
Hooray for finally getting some decent Calleigh/Ryan interaction! More than one scene plus a concerned Ryan: score!

Calleigh looked so upset that her digital crime scene pictures were taken in the first scene these two shared. I was careful to notice when he leaned over, possibly brushing against her hand when he took a look at the computer himself. Now, personally I think he could've been a bit more sympathetic. He was concerened but had a hint of accusation in his tone. I'll still stick with my story that he's wary ever since he returned to his job.
I really liked the scene afterwards where they're all no-nonsense in confronting the two guys who stole the money from the car underwater. Calleigh and Ryan seemed pissed. Hot? Oh yes.

And then the third scene we got, with the evil website posted trying to discredit Calleigh, all I could say was poor Calleigh! She looked so distraught, almost teary-eyed! Ryan didn't seem too pleased that she was being made a fool of either but remained all business. Her embarrassment in front of Ryan was telling. The way she begged him to focus on the case instead of trying to find out who created that evil website, it was so sweet.
When Ryan was looking over the website (I can't help but wonder if he was secretly admiring the Calleigh web picture. I can only hope.
) I was pretty pleased. But when he finally found out who the scoundrel was, I was
shocked. His voice when he called Calleigh, Oh MAN! If voices could kill... that's where his professionalism waned and genuine concern and need for revenge was seen, if only briefly. I bet he regrets Calleigh stopping him from finishing Cooper off in the season 4 finale episode (
One of Our Own). Hell, *I* regret Calleigh doing that! So yeah, Cooper was the one who set up that nasty website because he's an ass who likes to be petty and spiteful. (When I say "ass", you know I'm upset!

End Spoilery CaRWash scene analysis.
The two parter has me in anticipation for the next episode (Hooray yet again for the special showing today!

) I've never been so enthralled by Miami! Thank you writers! Please,
please just give me a decent CaRWash scene tonight and I won't complain about your show for the rest of the season, PTB!