Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Two CaRWash pics so soon, it's so cute that they're almost squished together... Ryan's always sneaking looks at Calleigh, isn't he :devil:? Congrats on sticking with us so far London!

Anyways, as for the spoilers, I would love a big reunion scene between Calleigh and Ryan... TPTB can feel free to throw in a hug... ooh, a comfort kiss on the cheek or forehead would be a big leap! Us CaRWashers would die for something like that :D!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Was going to post yesterday, but then a big thing came up saying 'Please do not post any more until we've moved the board' so I decided that wasn't a good idea. :p

ooh, a comfort kiss on the cheek or forehead would be a big leap! Us CaRWashers would die for something like that :D!
*raises hand* Seconded! Oh, how I would love for that to happen. But, seriously, we have to have a comfort scene of some sort... or at least an acknowledgement of each other... you know? Another 'Thanks Babe' would be awesome.

I just wrote a whole analytical thing about the joint card-signing in 'Shock' and then realised I had shot down my own argument. *sigh* Oh, my logic is flawless.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Was going to post yesterday too... I badly wanted to tell you guys that I saw Deviant and Collision but I couldn't log in.

Anways, the 'big day coming up?' scene in Collision got me thinking... TPTB were gracious enough to give us that little gem and then they give us the alter scene in a later episode. Is it just me, or are they building up to something bigger?
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Oh, I hope so Karu_mila. I so so so hope that they are. Maybe it's a subliminal messaging type thing?

Yes. That must be it. They don't want to outright tell us that they think that Calleigh and Ryan are perfect for each other, instead they are trying to filter it through our brains.

Soon the whole world will be CaRWash!!!!!

(I am so sorry, I'm in such a weird mood today...)

:lol: Talking of CaRWash, my youth group is doing a fund raising carwash next week, and everytime we talk about it I cannot stop laughing. I tried to explain about the whole CaRWash shipping thing to one of my friends and she just looked at me like I was mad. So now I just giggle quietly to myself.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Don't worry about it... I don't think they speak CaRWash. By the way, why did they change the forums? Now I've got to figure out how everything works again. Which reminds me...

HELLO!!! *echoes*

Man, where is everyone? *scratches head* It's just me and Salean posting replies back and forth... by the way, when's Dutchie coming back from Italy? We need to have the CaRWashers back!
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Look at the fresh board! It's so shiny and new... what can I break first? :angel:

Look at... all those spoiler... buttons. *hides*

Nah.. that's good that I see the spoiler... buttons. If it's in this thread then that must mean that somethings going on.

Salean isn't it maddening to be the only person to know what something means when out and about in the real world? Every day at work there are these songs that play, and they remind me of something and I just burst out laughing.. Only, I'm the only one that gets it, so everyone looks at me like I just got a tad bit crazier.

KATIE- What're you doing in here? You are a sight for sore eyes. ;) I love that photo of those two. I love how close to each other they are, like they automatically search for each other, without even realizing it. I do love the look that Calleigh is giving, too. She looks like she might be a little bit peeved about something, and Ryan looks like he's worried that he might have been the cause of her annoyance. :lol: And that's ok for tempting me.. like a good girl I just skip over the buttons *la la la la la la la*
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey everyone! I'm still here, just getting used to the new system. I'm with you Heather , what can I break first? :lol:

I think Nikki will be back sometime next week unless she decides to stay it Italy for ever and always (which I would if i were there!)

As for the CaRWash part of this post, I got a new tidbit which I think y'all will find very interesting:

Supposedly in an upcoming episode Jake has a new flame, and it's not Calleigh. If this is true, then maybe we have some hope for some more cute CaRWashing possibilities. I'm not dissing on the whole CaKe thing, cause I don't mind it, but I am saying that once Berkley's out of the way, Calleigh's knight in fuzzy sweater vests can finally swoop in to sweep her off her feet! ;)

So who knows what's going to happen in the future! Miami always says expect the unexpected! Keep the love alive guys!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Calleigh's knight in fuzzy sweater vests can finally swoop in to sweep her off her feet!
Heh, I just had the funniest mental image of that...
Anyway. Hopefully this will give Ryan his chance. :D *hopes* Some nice comforty scenes would be good. More than good, actually.

I like the idea that we have our own language, Karu_mila! We speak fluent CaRWash... :lol:

HappilyHappy, oh my goodness, I know. I had this very scary dream where a whole load of characters from my various fandoms turned evil and started killing off the entirety of the world... but when I told my friends they showed no sympathy. They just said that I had finally completely lost my marbles... :rolleyes:
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

My call worked! *stows away CaRWash conch*

Hi, everyone, good to see you at the powwow again! Thanks for the tidbit, London... we all needed that. By the way, new episodes in two weeks! And it's the wedding episode! :thumbsup: The promo is a bit discouraging, but then again, TPTB have often misled us until the last minute, only to spring suprises on us. ;)

Of course we have our own language Salean... under-developed as it is... we need more terms and phrases though... ooh, how about a CaRWash translator or dictionary? Who wants to make one?

OK, I know I'm rambling, but it's potentially CaRWash season... that and I'm listening to The Who. :cool:
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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

i saw the commercial for the new epsiode of csi. it showed calliegh in a wedding dress walking up the isle to eric. it seems like they are making a mock wedding to see if the killer strikes at that one. But of all people eroc. i thought everyone was saying ryan and cal were working together. i am really getting tired of this whole eric thing and how they are always putting them two together
.the new thread is awesome
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*confused* Yeah, I thought Ryan and Calleigh were working together. Well, they can still have some cute scenes even so. Maybe not the big obvious scenes like other ships have, but it's all about the cute, subtexty scenes :D And the earring scene should be good *crosses fingers*

Karu_mila - that is so weird, today I was getting the train home from school and I was thinking about the whole 'CaRWash language' thing, and I thought 'it would be really cool if we had our own dictionary'!! Great minds think alike!!!
However, my brain is refusing to work today so I couldn't think of anything to start off with. Anyone else got any ideas?

Edit - New page!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hey y'all! I love the idea of a CaRWash dictionary! We have to include things like Cosmos, fantastic, and gator bait! :D :lol:

Hey, I don't know if you've heard about the Eric/Calleigh wedding maybe for "You May Now Kill the Bride", but I don't think it's really anything to worry about. I noticed that those scenes were in black and white which makes me think that it's a daydream or a reconstruction. No worries, right? ;)

Here's a picture from the upcoming March 24th episode. Notice how Calleigh is in white as they process the altar! ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Love the pic, London! I can't wait for the episode too.

Salean, you actually took my post seriously! Anyways, I'd love to collaborate with you on the CaRWash dictionary. I actually come up with some phrases...

on the clock- period of the day when CaRWash maintains a professional, yet playful conduct... until after hours that is :devil:

babe ©- term of endearment used by Calleigh to address Ryan in Going Under; phrase 'thanks babe' is copyrighted by CaRWash forums, fanfiction and other media

That's all I have so far though... so much for my English minor... I need your input.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

well, the new board is nice, but they should've warned me a bit beforehand. i don't deal well with sudden changes. i came in to post a while ago and everything was so different that i gave up. (can we even have sig banners anymore?) but ooohhh, new pics and ryan looking hot is always a good way to draw me back in ;)

thanks for that pic of the upcoming episode, london! hmm, don't those look like the clothes she wore in "legal"? oh, the coincidences just keep piling up! hopefully this is sign ;)

as for the dictionary, i'll suggest one:

we love alibis = we're onto you, punk :p

i'll keep thinking about some more dictionary entries. this idea is great, you guys :)

the next ep. is coming up soon, then? i'll try to step by here when it does. fingers crossed that we do get some great scenes.

bye, y'all!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

If we weren't working on the dictionary, the forum would hardly get any use... so bring in the suggestions people! *clears out corner cobwebs* carla! It's good to finally meet you... your long posts are somewhat legendary in the CaRWash forum.

Anyways, as for more entries, how about...

cosmopolitan- CaRWash choice of drink as seen in Legal

taking her class- CaRWash creativity; used by Ryan in Legal and inspired by Calleigh

laptop combustion- caution, ship will cause sparks to fly!
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