Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

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Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I'm a bit late in posting but I had to respond:

WolfeWhistle said:
Yay! I suppose this calls for a thread warming party, right? *throws obligatory confetti*
Did someone say confetti?

CSI_Dani said:
Btw, Hestia, I'm not stealing your original smilie thing, I was just playing a little with it. You're the Queen on that one ;)
Yay! I'm finally a queen of something!
And by all means you can play with whatever smilies you'd like. It's fun to see new smilies and this pair deserves all the heart smilies there are.

mjszud said:
HESTIA, :lol: or shall I say 'babe'. Don't freak on that. I didn't mean it like how we all wish Cal meant it towards Ryan. Im a mom & a wife so sometimes those kind of names slip out when I "talk/type" to people. :p
Oh! Okay, I didn't know you were a mom. That's sweet... do your kids/husband watch CSI: Miami/ship CaRWash? :lol:

And to everyone else, glad you're all happy about the new thread. I know I am! And to answer the question posed by the 'resident expert': I certainly hope for some significant moments between these two but in my opinion there will be few and far between... hoping TPTB prove me wrong. :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*takes a moment to pop in*

Hi Guys! Congrats to everyone on the new thread. Sorry its been a while since I've been in this lovely thread (or this entire board for that matter). I've been in LA for the last 7 days, and am having a blast.

*ahem* Sorry, back to topic....

To answer your Question, Nikki: "Are there going to be any significant Carwash moments this season?"

Yes, with the drama that is going on with Ryan and his job status, and his gambling problem, I think that we will see a lot of Ryan and Calleigh moments... especially since the writers use Calleigh as a point of venting for Ryan. When you (or I at least) think about it, Calleigh was his mentor, his partner for most of the cases, and his theraputic chair when he needed comfort (Driven, anyone?) So it makes sense that they would put those two together to help him with his gambling (it is an addiction, and it does take help to get rid of.), and to help him figure out what to do with his job.

Anyways. I'll be back in good ol Milwaukee on Sunday, so I'll most likely be back on here then.
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

oh, shiny new thread! lucky seven, huh? and just in time for the new season, too ;)

i didn't vote for this one, but i still love the title! that scene is my second favorite ryan/calleigh scene ever. aahhhh, the shiny eyes... :)

sorry if i've been MIA, guys-- september's the month when baseball takes over my life. october too. and, for a more realistic excuse, AXN has decided (geniuses, they are :mad:) that instead of airing season 4 of CSIM in their daily schedule, that they would start airing CSINY from the very beginning. so yeah, i'm going through a bit of a miami withdrawal. not good.

is everybody excited about the new season? it's like next week, right? i don't think i'll get it here until way later, like november perhaps (i haven't even seen the promo yet) but you can bet i'll be all over innertube as soon as it premieres in the states. ah, the internet... whatever would i do without it? :p

hmmm, i don't think i had told you about my latest batch of graphics. there's a lot of ryan/calleigh in there, so check it out!

now, to address some of the questions that have popped up (both here and in the last few pages of the previous thread):

nikki asked: what do you guys think ryan would say about jake? would he lay low? step up? like him, hate him?

i don't think he would do anything per se, but i'm sure he wouldn't trust jake as far as he can throw him. and i think he'll have an opinion, and make it known-- if not to calleigh, or jake himself, then to someone. he's had an opinion about her previous boyfriends, after all. it'd be unrealistic to have him completely detached from the situation now.

hestia asked: these two have argued more often than any other miami "pairing" (but could it truly be because she cares?)

well, yeah, it's because she cares, but... not quite. on the one hand, i think ryan's just been put down for too long. i mean, it's been three seasons and at times it still feels like they treat him as "the newbie." even natalia hasn't gotten that treatment, not for as long as he did. so he's been getting very defensive and in his eagerness to do his job and prove himself, he tends to mess up. what's worse, he doesn't really accept he's messed up until it's been thrown in his face (by calleigh, of course).

cal, on the other hand... you know, i don't think she ever really saw him as a newbie. she was expecting to, i'm sure, in "under the influence," but he proved her wrong. he solved the case like a pro, even if it was just his first day. and she started to give him a lecture in "legal" but he proved that wasn't a newbie blunder, but rather a different way of doing things, following his instincts. she's been thinking of him as an equal since season 3, which is more than i can say about eric, and horatio with his "mr. wolfe." what happens then, when he makes these stupid mistakes-- she feels disappointed. she knows he's better than that, she's seen how good he can be and it makes her angry to see him acting this way. that's where the arguments come about.

so yeah, in "death pool 100" she was really pissed, but in "recoil" and "kill switch," you could see that it was mostly disappointment. i think it can only strengthen their friendship, really, if they understand each other's motives.

and then nikki, again: are there gonna be any significant CaRWash moments this season, in your opinion?

uh, no idea. but there better be :devil: wow, cheers for the most useless answer ever :rolleyes: no, seriously, i'm with katie on this one-- while we all love the little flirty moments, i want to see more deep stuff this time 'round... like, "driven"-deep.

dani- i love the animation! so cute.

london- am reading the fic right now, will review.

well, that's about all i can think to say, i'll be back soon, if the play-offs let me :rolleyes: i'm hoping i'll be around for the season premiere. here's to many more ryan/calleigh moments, everyone! :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*tackles carla* Hey we missed you CaRWash buddy! Great to see you around again! I'm completely loving the graphics and such!

Hi to you too Happilyhappy!!! Wow, all the CaRwashers are united again! Why do I have a feeling they'll be coming out of the woodwork come nine days from now? ;)

Nine, I think my brain just flipped out from the excitement of it all! After our long summer of drought, we finally have a fresh new year with endless possibilities. I mean this is Miami after all! One week Calleigh could be sucking face with Jake and the next she and Ryan are holding hands and picking out china! :lol: Okay, maybe not that dramatic, but you get the general spirit of hope!

Well, I'm off to watch some CaRWash epis...Keep the faith guys! CaRWash is forever!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

wooo!! yay!!! New thread! Carla, LOVE the i used one lol. hope you dont mind. Did anyone have a good summer?? Mine sucked...but i had more CaRWash shippy time. And I have converted my sister AGAIN as she decided to have a HipHugger spell again. Im really excited to see how Ryan reacts to Jake. I reckon he doesnt like him anyway, and I really hope Eric bad mouths to Ryan about Jake, that will make him hate him even more!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

HAPPILYHAPPY , I think you nailed it there w/ your post. What sucks though is, like their name, the writers have the power to change things whenever they feel like it. Which I hate... they should at least be consistant w/ the characters & what bonds them (romantic or friendly). But your right, the way they are w/ each other it seems only fitting that Calleigh should be concerned w/ him & to be the one to help him out, or even Horatio, he needs to score back some brownie points w/ him. You would think there would be a trust issue there now. As for Natalia, I know Carwashers are thinking the negative but I love her character & I really don't see it being anything. I think she just generally knows & feels what hes going thru because of her past & right now I see this as a way for TPTB to get those 2 together as a team, & as friends; he was the only one hard on her & this is just them putting them in a "shoes on the other foot" situation giving them a better understanding of each other. Not every character on that show has to have a romantic partner; I think that is what Corey's reply meant when he said their not Greys Anatomy, their not going to pair everyone of their characters up w/ each other. The bottom line is that Calleigh & Ryan have their own special relationship & how they deal w/ each other, romantic or not, I think the PTB have seen their chemistry & how it works between them. They obviously saw it from the beginning in 'under the influence' so I can only hope that they don't screw w/ that. Anyways...bla,bla,bla, ok done.

HESTIA, Yes me & my hub watch all the CSIs together, my fave being Miami, his is Vegas. As for shipping...hes a guy, hes like whatever. He sees whats there & obvious (EDeN, H/Y, Grissom/Sara) but I will say this when I told him about the possible hook up of e/c he litterally looked at me stupid & went "huh??,really???" so did my sister. I just replied "THANK YOU" I rest my case. My kids are little...they don't get to watch. Anyway, thanks for asking...carry on CARWASHERS!!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

CaRWash_Cutie said:
One week Calleigh could be sucking face with Jake and the next she and Ryan are holding hands and picking out china! :lol: Okay, maybe not that dramatic, but you get the general spirit of hope!

Yeah, maybe not that dramatic, but way to be thinking wishfully! ;)

I just wanted to mention that I went by Hobby Lobby yesteray and picked up a t-shirt and some iron on letters...once I get it done, I'll post a picture of my good-karma-vibe-sending-OTP-promoting-CaRWash shirt.

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Heather is the most lucky person on earth. She saw Jonathan Togo in LA. Or somewhere close to it. Whatever: she saw jonathan togo! In his car, for like 3 seconds, but she saw Jonathan Togo! [/ramble]

Carla, Hestia has the emoticons, you animate your posts with your graphics? But then what should I do? Use my fics? :lol:

I read the fic CaRWash Cutie, (OK, what the hell is your name??], and I think it's cute! Can you imagine that we met through my review for 'Unexpected Journey'? You wrote a chapter for me :D I just remembered that.

Yes, with the drama that is going on with Ryan and his job status, and his gambling problem, I think that we will see a lot of Ryan and Calleigh moments... especially since the writers use Calleigh as a point of venting for Ryan. When you (or I at least) think about it, Calleigh was his mentor, his partner for most of the cases, and his theraputic chair when he needed comfort (Driven, anyone?) So it makes sense that they would put those two together to help him with his gambling (it is an addiction, and it does take help to get rid of.), and to help him figure out what to do with his job.
And that's why I love you. And Driven? Oh yes please, give it to me :p Wait, I already have it, LOL. Get back soon, I need another piece :lol:

CaRWash Pic of the...Yeah I don't know what it is anymore.
(From Rush)

Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

*waves to cinegirl*(Vera, right?) Nice to see you around, pop in more often ;)

CaRWash_Cutie, I'll try to read your fiction asap. Some CaRWash love is always needed ;) I should start doing a list of 'to-read' fictions :p

Heather, you extremely lucky girl :eek:, I loved your explanation on how logical it is that they have scenes together, I completely agree and couldn't have said it better :) Calleigh is definitely the one who has been there for him.

The bottom line is that Calleigh & Ryan have their own special relationship & how they deal w/ each other, romantic or not, I think the PTB have seen their chemistry & how it works between them. They obviously saw it from the beginning in 'under the influence' so I can only hope that they don't screw w/ that.
True, mjszud(I have the hardest time speeling your name!), I do think their chemistry is obvious. They have had so many beautiful moments, not just little flirting (though those were great ;)), but also some deeper one, as in Driven or Deviant, and those confirm it for us :)

And yay, the new season is going to start, I can't say I am not all excited to know the storylines and what happens (especially hoping for some good CaRwash moments), but at the same time it's going to be weird to come here and don't really knowing what people are talking about, as no new episodes for me. Argh. Oh well :rolleyes:

Ok, edited because I apparently had a dislexic moment and spelled nicegirl instead of cinegirl before. I am sure you're a nice one though, so I guess it wasnt all that bad :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Ah! My secrets out of the bag. :lol: Yeah, I briefly saw him and for the rest of the day I was in euphoria. Now I am back in town, and in my own room (which I won't lie, I did miss it) and ready for the new season to start!

I'm glad that my explanation of the two came out clear to everyone, because for a moment I felt that I didn't explain myself well enough (my brain was in a different state).

And Nikki I love you too! I'm not kidding, I am going through CSI writing withdrawls and show withdrawls.. I think I'm going to watch a little bit of Driven tomorrow after work and get back into my zone. By the way, I love that scene from Rush. As a matter of fact, I love all of the photos where Ryan and Calleigh look like they are holding hands, or holding each other. It makes wishful thinking feel not so wishful. ;)

Anyway, I'm off to go read some stories as it seems that everyone has been writing lately. ;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

:lol: You make me smile Nikki! Thanks for reading my fic and I'm glad you liked it!!! As for the name thing, I like keeping a certain air of mystery about myself, kinda like Horatio! :D On here my name screen name is CaRWash_Cutie, my pen name on is CSI-girl419 and my name is London. Is that my real name? Guess you'll just have to wonder! :lol: Anyway, yeah, I dedicated that one to you and I hope you like what you are still reading (if you are still reading it that is! ;))

Wow, that was one of the longest random rants of my life! Back to topic! I think you hit on the number one reason I am spoiler free this season CSI_Dani! I too tend to have more hope if I don't know what's coming for our favorite couple! As it stands right now, I think anything can happen and I don't want to be disappointed before the epi even starts. Not that we're going to be disappointed all season mind you! ;)

CaRWash forever!
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Haha, thanks London it is then. I am still reading, but not really reviewing. But reading nonetheless.

I'm not spoiler free for the reason that I simply couldn't even if I wanted to. I'm way too curious.

Heather, send me an e-mail, k? I'm going through RP withdrawels myself :lol:

Dani, Vera is very nice indeed, even though she IS a stalker :p
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

hello, there. Ive just seen Three-way and beside the fact that it was an interesting episode it had this one moment


which yet again shows that CaRWash is picture perfect

Im SF for CSI: NY but I dont mind spoilers on the other shows. not that I read any :)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

I'm so coming aboard this ship. I'm a huge CaRWash fan.
Here is running season 5 now and I just started to watch CSI: Miami few weeks ago. But my love is growing day by day. At the first moment when I saw Calleigh and Ryan together, I instantly thought that these two are so cute together! I've seen only couple of episodes from S5, but I'll certainly keep watching! Unfortunately I've no idea when we can see S6 here, but I'm glad I can enjoy at least S5. And there ARE CaRWash moments. Like somebody said before, there's CaRWash love everywhere. I can see it very well;)
Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

Hi guys, I'm Back! Dutchie has kicked my behind to get back here.

Sorry I haven't been here a while - there hasn't been too much carwashing on TV so I've been down a little bit in the dump (Doesn't help that Heroes has kinda got me all bouncing over Peter/Claire).

Gimme more piccies of them! The more I get to drool over them, the more happier I get.

BTW - I opened a forum for Carwash over at the FanForum - no one really seems to be jumping that bandwagon there *Hint*
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