Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Carla strikes again. Hi hun :p You totally misunderstood me too. After 'Ryan & Calleigh #7: "Don't believe everything you hear"', you just can't add anything, cause it's too big to fit. There's a limit to the amount of letters in a thread name, and if you fill in this, it's full.

Need4Speed, those titles are funny, but they don't really have anything to do with CaRWash other than it has their name in it. Personally I think using a quote of them or something is more powerful since it proves something is there. Plus, I think something like 'where the hell is CaRWash' would make people think we've about given up, and we know we haven't :) That, plus what if season 6 is full of CaRWash? We'd be stuck with a title saying 'where the hell is CaRWash, LOL :lol: That's just my opinion though, there might be people who love those titles. I do think they're funny.

Lynny, yeah, I'm not sure if I was a member at the time (I think not), but I was certainly reading cause I remember gnimaerd's sister made it up.

I don't know where Luna is, but my best guess is on vacation. I know she'd be away a lot this summer.

I know Maze gave up on CSI:Miami...but what about CSIWATCHER? And...whom else do we miss?

Everyone check out my new fic for your daily dose of CaRWash! It's angsty, I promise.
Wow, carla, you're finally here again with your extensive beautiful posts! And some amazing icons :) You're here to Carly, cool! *waves*

At this moment I have to confess I am a little confused with all the thread title suggestions. I think I need to see a complete list, but I am always seeing titles I didn't even know existed :confused: Anyway, too bad "Don't believe everything you hear" doesn't fit. I like others too, tough, I'm sure ;) And I agree that we shouldn't put something like "Where the hell is CaRWash?" or anything like that because it really gives the idea that we gave up, as Nikki said. And besides, we can have lots of great moments in season 6 and then it doesn't match. Wait a minute, you said that as well, Nikki?! See, that's why I love you!

Anyway, I'm jealous of carla, right now, because you get to have season 3 episodes that I so need to see because I missed some and badly watched others. I could think about duying the DVD, but how come if they only have season 1 :eek:

Anyway, I do know those scenes, because of clips in a certain website and all that :rolleyes: The scene with the gator is awesome :lol: Calleigh is so freaked out, and I think it's even more special because Calleigh rarely freaks out :p And the "alibi" dialogue :lol: I just love it so much. I remember the first time I saw I couldn't stop laughing/giggling at the way they are so cute together kicking ass in interrogation :p

Oh, and everyone. I have to say this as well. You go read Nikki's fic! It's totally worth it ;)
Dutchie said:
And I'm back! Great to see you've been posting guys, and much love to Katie, Dani and Heather for posting the CPOTD while I was gone. It's good to know that I can count on you!

Cooki, it's fine really. But not posting spoilers without spoiler boxes would be a good idea!

Hestia, of course you're part of the family! As long as you ship CaRWash, you're part of the family! Here, take a chair, they're stalled in the corner. But don't sit on the sofa, that's mine. I get that for being the longest in this thread :p
CSI_Dani said:
Nikki, you're back! *gives out cake to everyone in celebration* I know, I know, I'm like celebrating you coming back in every place :p

Hestia, of course you're part of the group :) There's chairs here? I didn't even know that. Wow, so does that mean I have one somewhere as well? Nice! :lol:

Welcome back Nikki, hope you had fun! You too Carla! Hope the book was wonderful. Thanks Dani and Nikki, I can feel the love... I guess I'll have to stay here a while before I'm deserving of the CaRWash couch. No matter, I've got a little rolling chair with me. It rolls! Neato! :lol:

WolfeWhistle, I don't know what a "Hobby Lobby" is but if you go there to make a shirt, and post the pic online, I guarantee you that most of us would be in awe! I want a shirt like that... do it! Go and make a CaRWash shirt, please! :D

I would read Nikki's fic but I don't want angst. Isn't it bad enough they're apart in the show? Don't be injuring them and making them cry, Nikki... poor Ryan and Calleigh. :( I've only read one CaRWash fic and until I go actively searching for another, that seems to be all I'll read. Anyone have recommendations (preferrably sweet, funny, semi-fluffy, or a combination?)

Many thanks. ;)
yeah i guess you're right. i mean they are funny though. but yeah i guess they wouldn't work too well.

i personaly like this....

Calleigh & Ryan#7: Looks of Love
Nikster: are you sure thats angsty. I mean I know your one of the angsty queens in here, but I'm wondering about you. lol, I'm just kidding, you know I love your fics. You do great carwashes.

Lynny, yeah, I'm not sure if I was a member at the time (I think not), but I was certainly reading cause I remember gnimaerd's sister made it up.

I don't know where Luna is, but my best guess is on vacation. I know she'd be away a lot this summer.

I know Maze gave up on CSI:Miami...but what about CSIWATCHER? And...whom else do we miss

I figured Luna be gone, but I figured she'd stop in though. *sighs* guess we'll lecture her when she comes back :) CSIWATCHER, I think is doing the NY thing now. Maze, that sucks. .. I forgot that one girls name she used to post in here all the time. Its sad that alot of them aren't into carwash or miami anymore. Oh, wheres Vera? Does she still come in here? I know she's moding. and Jess used to ship CaRWash, I think she dropped it for theshipthatmustntbenamed.

*pushes Hestia over to Nikki's fic* Read.

ahh its CSI_Dani!

mjs you cheated, you picked a quote! :lol:
Hestia said:
WolfeWhistle, I don't know what a "Hobby Lobby" is but if you go there to make a shirt, and post the pic online, I guarantee you that most of us would be in awe! I want a shirt like that... do it! Go and make a CaRWash shirt, please! :D

Ah, I forgot that there might be posters who weren't familiar w/ Hobby Lobby (It's basically a big craft store where you can get arts and crafts supplies...including t-shirts & paint... ;))
Anyway, It probably won't be until sometime next week, but I think I'll make one! You all have inspired me to... ;)

Anyway, it seems like the list is getting rather lengthy. I'm starting to lose track of all of them, but whatever we choose, I'm sure it will be perfectly fitting...
well i have a CaRWash shirt ;) and it's just like one you'd get from a store. because my cousin makes shirts and stuff for a living so i give him the pic or saying and he makes a shirt. i have tons of CSI: Miami ones. my three most fav are one with Speed on his ducati and says "I have the need for Speed...Tim Speedle that is" and one that says

*body outline*
If it don't walk we bring out the chalk

and the CaRWash one that has a pic of Calleigh and Ryan and says "Workin' at the CaRWash" on the front. and on the back of that one it says

here are two pics i found

OMFG!!! in this one he's not looking at the evidence! he's looking farther south! :devil:

CaRWash and i love this one it looks like they're almost holding hands.
Hi everyone! Thanks for missing me CSI_Dani! (Big Hugs) I wish I had a good reason for staying away for so long, but I don't...not even a good fanfic to show for it :( And if Nikki isn't sharing the couch, I call the chillow in the corner! ;)

Speaking of fanfics, great job Nikki! I loved it (even if I haven't reviewed) I'm trying to get working on a new fanfic, but I have to finished Unexpected Journey first and that's taking forever! Thanks to all the writers who are keeping the CaRWash love alive; I'm loving all the new fanfics!

Ooo, Need4Speed, ever thought of going into a ebay "business" with your t-shirt making cousin? Cause I think you could make a killing with the CaRWash one alone, especially with this crowd! ;) Let me know if you decide to sell some ever!

Asking me to choose my favorite CaRWash episode is liking asking a mother to choose between her children, I can't do it! I love the simple chemistry these two have together; I think a lot of that is a tribute to what great actors Emily and Jon are. Portraying a realationship that seems that natural has got to be hard to do! Props to Jon and Em!
*hugs back CaRWash_Cutie* Glad you're back.

Asking me to choose my favorite CaRWash episode is liking asking a mother to choose between her children, I can't do it!
True. It's like you can think of one, and then another, and you tie them all in the top of the list. But that's a good sign, right, right? :rolleyes:

Hestia, I'm sorry I can't be of a big help with the fluffy fanfictions. I'm angsty, and besides I don't have all that time to go read fictions all the time...

Well, so I went back to page 19 and tried to get together all the thread titles ideas so far. I might have missed some, so I want you to check if there's something missing, and maybe even giving some more ideas if you have them, so somebody can set up the poll then.
So here it is the list:
Calleigh & Ryan #7: You’re fantastic

Calleigh & Ryan#7: Been Far Away For Far Too Long

Calleigh & Ryan #7: So Hot, It Should Be a Crime- CaRWash

Calleigh & Ryan #7: It's Been A While

Calleigh & Ryan #7: Lets break all the rules

Calleigh & Ryan#7: Looks of Love
It kind of looks smaller than I tought it would, but it's like 4 or 5 of the ideas were left because of various reasons.
I like the Calleigh & Ryan #7: Lets break all the rules and I have another suggestion - Calleigh & Ryan #7: Be Mine, Babe

I love the fotos you post, it reminds me of how beautifuly hot they look together. since here they re-run the S1 Im in a CaRWash withdrawal
Hey everybody! I'm back from my long hectic 2 first days of 10th grade. I love those pics Need4Speed thanx for posting them! :) as for choosing a favorite CaRWash ep that is nearly impossible i can't choose. I'm so happy i've almost seen all the csi miami episodes except "Crime Wave" and "Hell Night" I was so upset that i missed them cuz i was on vacation. Oh but i went and got a new season the other day i already had season 1 and i planned on getting season 2 to get them in order but then i saw season 3 on the shelf and i had to get it soooo much CaRWash!! :)

I have a question. I think i may have missed "Legal" but i'm not sure. what was it about? were there any important CaRWash scenes?
Leagl was basically about this.... An 18-year-old girl is murdered at a hip Miami nightclub and the CSIs must find her killer. Horatio learns that the victim was an investigative aide working for Alcohol Beverage Control and was monitoring underage drinking.

Legal had some good CaRWash moments.

i loved the scene with the Cosmo!!

Lab Tech:...but the drops you saw on her dress: cranberry juice, vodka and some trace of citrus.
Calleigh: if i'm not mistaken, that's a cosmopolitan.
Ryan: total chick drink.
*Glares at Ryan*

and the you took my class thing!!!

Ryan: I took this criminalist seminar, evaluating evidence, the visiting lecturer said that the CSI's job is to think outside the box, sometimes the best tool is the stud attached to your earring she said, those are nice earrings by the way.
Calleigh: *smiles at him* You took my class

and the Alibi scene!!!!

Ryan: *to suspect* Oh, you've got an alibi. *to Calleigh* He's got an alibi.
Calleighh: We love alibis.
Need4Speed said:
well i have a CaRWash shirt ;) and it's just like one you'd get from a store. because my cousin makes shirts and stuff for a living so i give him the pic or saying and he makes a shirt. i have tons of CSI: Miami ones. my three most fav are one with Speed on his ducati and says "I have the need for Speed...Tim Speedle that is" and one that says

*body outline*
If it don't walk we bring out the chalk

and the CaRWash one that has a pic of Calleigh and Ryan and says "Workin' at the CaRWash" on the front. and on the back of that one it says

Very cool! I don't think mine will be fancy with a picture, but I agree, you could make a killing selling those on eBay...

Oh, and I think most of us can agree that Legal is one of the best CaRWash episodes ever...
We got Curse of the Coffin here last night.

Actually watching the laptop burst into flames is so much better than hearing about it.

Now that's hot chemistry :D
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