Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Wow, Katie, it's great that you kept posting the CPOTD :D They are lovely! I understand why you like the first one: Ryan is standing behind her, protecting her, and besides they are with matching colours. Curious enough, they are also wearing matching colours in the other one ;) I love the smile Calleigh is giving him :D

I like your thread titles suggestions. Heather, I don't think Nikki's suggestion was chosen, I just believe that it was just liked by many people, me included. It's still my favorite ;) As CathStokes(should I call you something else?) said, I think we have to make a poll. But I guess we can wait a little more, since we still have 100 posts till the next thread so...we may still have other suggestions. Probably not from me tough, considering I such at thread titles :rolleyes:

CPOTD by Dani

I know this one was posted before, including by me, but I felt like posting it again because I like this scene so much. Because of the movements they make and because they are together and them being together woukd make a good picture automatically anytime :D

Where's CaRWash_Cutie?
CSI_Dani said:
Where are Hestia and Carla? Appear from where you are!
You like me! You really like me! :D So now I can officially think of myself as part of the CaRWash ship family... do I get my own chair or something? :cool:
Well, I can't say where our Posting Queen (Carla) is, but I can do something so it seems as though she's here: it's Long Introspective CaRWashy Post time! (Spoken like The Soup's Super Fantastic Ultrawish time... WolfeWhistle will get it. ;))


Hopefully Nikki is having fun on her vacation and she doesn't forget about the old sweet n' sudsy Miami ship. :lol: But while she's gone, the wonderful CaRWash pics that Dani, Heather, and Katie have been posting are a great visual distraction from lack of spoilers and such.

As for the whole Ryan possibly paired with Natalia, while we can't jump to conclusions, it does seem to be heading in that direction according to Miami writers.
However, I highly doubt they will "pair everyone off". (as suggested by Katie) CSI shows, no matter how melodramatic, don't tend to pair the entire lab; at most they have two couples (and since they have established Horatio and Yelina as well as starting on Calleigh and Eric, any other main character pairings would just be too much.) Now I know I give CSI Miami very little credit – heck I hold CSI NY in higher regard and I don't even watch it!
– however, I can say with virtually great certainty that they won't pair up the whole Miami lab. The day they do that, is the day pigs fly and I stop watching Miami.

Now, on the lighter side: Need4Speed's list rocks! I know we can think of episodes off the top of our heads that would fit each every one of those criteria. That's just how this ship is: these two are a flirting, touching, coordinating, love machine!
And if anyone makes a 'Team CaRWash' shirt I'd wear it while watching CSI Miami; hopefully my CaRWash vibes would influence the show (if guys wear their favorite team's jersey while watching the big game why can't it work for us? :)). Someone patent WolfeWhistle's idea! We'll sell thousands of shirts and use the money to convince *coughbribecough* Emily and Jon to film us a little bit of CaRWash lovin' (rating decided amongst you lovely gals. :devil:)

And to round out this mini Carla-style post (I can already tell this won't be as long as the Poster Queen's usual posts – but it's not for lack of trying!), I still like the thread title: "Don't believe everything you hear." but I'm also digging "It's Been A While". We definitely need a poll soon, perhaps in twenty posts (we have approx. 100 posts left until a new thread). Keep suggesting titles girls! Who knows, maybe a new suggestion will wow us and be the new thread title. And post when you can so we can get to a new thread - I'll try to do my part and post more often.

(I'm part of the CaRWash group! Cool!
*<-- wiggle of glee!*)
Hestia said:
Well, I can't say where our Posting Queen (Carla) is, but I can do something so it seems as though she's here: it's Long Introspective CaRWashy Post time! (Spoken like The Soup's Super Fantastic Ultrawish time... WolfeWhistle will get it. ;))

Yup, I definitely get it... :lol:
*goofy animated version of myself makes peace sign*
(I'm sure you'll understand that last part, too, Hestia...;))

Hestia said:
And if anyone makes a 'Team CaRWash' shirt I'd wear it while watching CSI Miami; hopefully my CaRWash vibes would influence the show (if guys wear their favorite team's jersey while watching the big game why can't it work for us? :)). Someone patent WolfeWhistle's idea! We'll sell thousands of shirts and use the money to convince *coughbribecough* Emily and Jon to film us a little bit of CaRWash lovin' (rating decided amongst you lovely gals. :devil:)

I'm glad you like the idea! I really have the urge to make a trip to Hobby Lobby and make a parents would definitely roll their eyes at me, but I don't care...I'm all for sending good CaRWash vibes towards the TV...and hopefully CBS.

Oh, and what episode is the new picture from? It looks familiar, but I can't place it at the moment.
Good Job Need4Speed I really like your manip :) keep up the good work! as for CaRWash I hope we get some more of that next season hopefully since ryan's not currently in the lab that they get a break from each other so when they do see each other again they'll flirt alot :) and i do think we should have a poll I too like "Don't believe everything you hear" and "It's been a while "
And I'm back! Great to see you've been posting guys, and much love to Katie, Dani and Heather for posting the CPOTD while I was gone. It's good to know that I can count on you!

Cooki, it's fine really. But not posting spoilers without spoiler boxes would be a good idea!

Hestia, of course you're part of the family! As long as you ship CaRWash, you're part of the family! Here, take a chair, they're stalled in the corner. But don't sit on the sofa, that's mine. I get that for being the longest in this thread :p

That's actually scary to think, I'm like the oldest CaRWash poster here...along with Katie I think! Where are all the oldies? Damn I need to find Luna or something.

Hey, only 95 more posts (I think) before a new thread! I tried the 'don't believe everything you hear' title, but if we take that, we can't put -CaRWash behind it...which is kind of important. So I say we go for 'you're fantastic!' and keep 'don't believe everything you hear' as our CaRWash slogan. Is anyone else for 'you're fantastic'?

I just read back and I see there's been more suggestions...can anyone make a list for me with what suggestions were made? Cause I missed some and I wouldn't want people to think I'm the only one here entitled to think of a title ;)
Yay! *huggles Nikki*

Nikki said:
That's actually scary to think, I'm like the oldest CaRWash poster here...along with Katie I think! Where are all the oldies?
... Where are all the old posters? :eek: Come baack!

So I think we should really start a poll. If someone wants the round up the name titles that'd be awesome.

I never thought they'd pair everyone off, I just think it'd be stupid if they did. I think there should be like... one (at the most two), ships in a show. One of them being *cough* CaRWash. :p
sandersidle said:

I never thought they'd pair everyone off, I just think it'd be stupid if they did. I think there should be like... one (at the most two), ships in a show. One of them being *cough* CaRWash. :p

of course one would have to be CaRWash. :) and i like your idea Dutchie of 'you're fantastic'.
Thank you ilovejontogo4evr, (boy there are a lot of names like that) but I have to ask you to, when you post, post more than 3 lines, it's a shipper central rule. Surely there's more to say about CaRWash right? :)

Katie, I feel old. Which is weird considering I'm 16. But I mean old as in long poster. I was actually around when the term 'CaRWash' was introduced. Wow.

So does anyone actually know what all the thread title suggestions are? I just know mine...

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Hollywood Life)


I like the black and white version, but I like this one because it shows they had so much fun during the shoot, LOL. I wouldn't mind a shoot like that! Why does it have to be so small though? :(
Nikki, you're back! *gives out cake to everyone in celebration* I know, I know, I'm like celebrating you coming back in every place :p

Hestia, of course you're part of the group :) There's chairs here? I didn't even know that. Wow, so does that mean I have one somewhere as well? Nice! :lol:

WholfeWhistle, the picture I posted was from the-episode-where-she-puts-his-name-on-the-card-for-Horatio-and-they-copycat-each-other-positions-"Shock" I have no idea why I did this :rolleyes:

Nikki you were here when the term was created? :eek: Wow, that must have been like long ago, when I didn't even dream that there was a place like this or something like shipping :rolleyes: Oh, ain't learning and discovering great? :p Yay for you and Katie being the longest posters in here! But all the others, come back. I never want to be the oldest one in any place, not here at all. Because it kind of imposes some responsability and because I don't want you to leave *hugs* So don't go! Thank you.

Oh, I missed the "Team CaRWash" t-shirst conversation. They should do those :lol:
hey guys!! i live. seriously ;) you can totally blame harry potter for my absence, haha.

i'm kinda hyper today. just to warn you.

so i'm AWOL for a while and everybody starts threatening to take my place, eh? awesome :D i must be the only "queen" ever to be glad at the prospect of a coup :rolleyes: but anyway, i bring gifts! i made a bunch of icons and two R/C graphics over the week, which you can feel free to take a look at (and snag) if you so desire :) and now i shall desist from speaking like the queen of england. wheee...

oh, and welcome to all the newbies!! i hope y'all have a great time here with us. come, grab a chair and make yourselves comfortable :) *turns her rotating chair around a couple times*

all this came about because S3 is finally re-running here and i'm just sooo happy about that! :) i got to watch "under the influence" about a week ago, and besides the obvious moment when they steal glances at each other at the end and flirt (*music of doom* the crush begins... *echo*), there are a couple other moments i love, like when he's processing duke's car and calleigh comes in and he tells her to put her hands in her pockets: her look of shock, and then when he explains you can see that she's really started to respect him as a colleague. and then there's right after he throws his sandwich to the gator and she starts freaking out: it's just so funny the way she starts going "ryan? what is it? what are you doing? what's going on?" i love it because she's all OMG and ryan is totally in control. how cute :D

and THEN two days later "legal" came about... and you know it is my absolute favorite episode EVER. i just love every second of it, they're such a great team, aren't they? even in their different approaches they complement each other (like the infrared blood spatter/transfer scene *points to sig*), and of course, they're just hilarious and completely attuned to each other when interrogating the suspects ("oh, you have an alibi. he has an alibi." "we love alibis." :lol:) they're just fabulous like that ;)

as of the moment we're up to "speed kills." you know something weird i realized a couple days ago? the first complete episode of CSIM i ever saw was "pro per." it's weird because my two fave characters are ryan and speed, and neither was in that episode. how strange is that? but anyway, back to topic, i wanted to ask everybody what's your favorite ryan/calleigh-angled episode? not which scene, but which episode. like for example, mine is "legal" because they worked together so well through the whole episode, and because they had some nice scenes as well. what about you guys?

as for london's question... *puts on thinking glasses* well, i haven't watched enough of vegas lately to say something about that, but for some reason i always felt that shipping in vegas was just not my thing. it felt so dark and dramatic much of the time, i didn't think it was conducive for characters to get together. they did start to get people together, though, and for some reason i still feel it's a bit... off. like it just doesn't belong in vegas. in new york, however, i think the couples are done wonderfully. mac & peyton are so sweet, and then there's little hints of mac/stella here and there, and of course danny/lindsay, which i adore, because we could see they've been flirting and beating around the bush from day one, and gosh, if they did it any longer it would've been too much.

miami's different, though, because the character dynamic changes so often. see, at the beginning we had these established character patterns of behavior. then speedle died, and it threw everything off. the whole dynamic changed. then we started getting new characters, and it was like starting from scratch again. i thought they were building up something with ryan and cal, and then they switched it on us, but as long as they don't become general hospital, it's still salvageable. i wouldn't want them to pair everyone up, but you know what? they might. it's the way things looked in season 4, at least to me. and it might work, who knows; like i said, miami's just different. because H and yelina have their thing since the beginning, and the way the other four have been skirting around each other, TPTB might just pair everyone up and make it work (and it will only work if it's R/C & E/N, of course ;)). i choose to give them the benefit of the doubt, but then again, i'm the bandwagon of optimism in person, so... :D

bottom line: calleigh needs to stop leading eric on ASAP. then things will get back to normal.

ooohhh i would LOVE to have one of those shirts! it would be awesome. i'd wear it all the time and have people asking what the hell "team CaRWash" means :D then i could gush about these two in RL.

as for the thread titles... i like need4speed's "far away" and "it's been a while" suggestions (staind much? yeah, i know the first one you got from nickelback, but there's a staind song with that name as well). it really needs to be something along those likes-- signaling hopefully a R/C comeback in season 6! though i also still really like "don't believe everything you hear." it may sound weird to add "-CaRWash" after it, like nikki said, but what if it's something like ryan/calleigh #7 - "don't believe everything you hear" - CaRWash lives! hmm? that might work.

anyway, *exhales* whoo, that was long. did i break my record? i'll be back to gush after "shootout" and "cop killer" air :)
Carla, i did get the idea for 'It's Been a While' from the song.

and hey i got an idea!! we could use some of the 'Sloganizer' results i got for CaRWash!! here's the list...some of them are actually really naughty if you think about them a certain way :devil:

Go farther with CaRWash
CaRWash is your friend
I'd walk a mile for CaRWash
The wonder has a name: CaRWash
You wouldn't want to miss CaRWash
Halleluja, it's CaRWash (im saving this for the first CaRWash scene of the new season!)
CaRWash is forever
Where the hell is CaRWash?
CaRWash, pure lust.
The CaRWash people
You can't stop CaRWash
Pure CaRWash. Pure Power
The Power of CaRWash
Make the world a better place with CaRWash
CaRWash makes dreams come true
CaRWash. We build smiles
CaRWash never sleeps
Things go better with CaRWash
Nobody does it like CaRWash
There's only one thing in the world I want and that is CaRWash
CaRWash on the outside, tasty on the inside.
Keep going well, keep going CaRWash

i really like the Where the Hell is CaRWash....

Calleigh & Ryan#7: Where the Hell is CaRWash?
Calleigh & Ryan #7: It's Been A While
Calleigh & Ryan#7: Where the Hell is CaRWash?

Definately agree on both of those, its like where the hell are you two damnit, besides making out behind the trees.

... Where are all the old posters? Come baack!

Oh didn't I tell you? We ran away!. Yeah. LOL. I dunno where they all went. Where the hell is Luna?

I was actually around when the term 'CaRWash' was introduced. Wow.

Wow Nikster!
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