wow, page 18 already! we're gaining speed, that's great

i've been a bit busy this week, seems like i missed out on all the fun around here!
i made
some more icons during the week, though sadly there's not a lot of ryan/calleigh stuff in that batch. still, maybe some of you would like to take a look.
something funny happened to me yesterday. well, not really
funny funny, it really depends on how you look at it. my family got together for lunch because it was father's day, right? and i always take my ipod with me for these get-togethers because someone's always watching something i don't like on TV-- if i didn't bring it, i would be bored to death. well, my 13-year-old cousin took a hold of it and started listening to some songs. she loves to see which new songs and stuff i uploaded into it since the last time she saw it, she's a bit nosy that way. anyway, she started looking through my videos (harry potter trailers and such, mostly) and found the one ryan/calleigh video i have in there, the one with the song "hush" that i like so much. she started watching it, and suddenly she comes up to me (i didn't even know she had the ipod at the time) and says-- all smiles, might i add-- "i knew it! did those two get together?!" and i just stared at her in surprise

a bit depressing, because i had to tell her they hadn't (YET!

), but i found it really amusing that even my little cousin, who's seen CSIM like ONCE, thought ryan & cal had a thing. now doesn't that make all of you feel good? we're not imagining things, really, we're not
lots of R/C pics posted during the week! awww, i love that scene in "blood in the water," it's so cute! so... everyday, if you catch my meaning. between these two, it's the little things. soon enough they'll be ordering food for each other and stuff. just... domestic. i don't know, i'm not making sense, but that scene makes me feel all WaFFy

as does the last scene of "recoil." it was nice to see them just standing there so comfortably after all the mess they'd been through earlier
nice to see some of you don't hate natalia

i mean, you're all entitled to not like her, it's your call, but i just feel like i have to mention that i don't, just to equilibrate the weight. it's nothing big, really.
as for R/C being similar to greg/sara... i have to say i don't really see it

well, maybe in S3 because ryan was very similar to greg at the beginning... but he changed pretty quickly and i don't think they're that alike now, even by the beginning of season 4. and calleigh & sara have never been similar in my mind. of course, my opinion can be explained by the fact that i haven't watched vegas in a veeery long while, so don't think too much about it
i'm sorry, did i hear something about eric in a hawaiian robe? nah, i probably just hallucinated for a second. i think i'll stick to other topics, like ryan ruling the world, preferrably if he does it in boxer-briefs
a very warm welcome to
caitlin! see, i told you we were a nice bunch

you guys, make her feel at home-- she makes the most awesome graphics! if you don't believe me, take a look at my new sig banner, which i can't stop staring at, myself. *squees* oh, i love that scene. i loooooove it
i, too, think ryan will be already back on the team, as usual, by the time season 6 starts. mostly because i think that particular storyline was just meant for a couple episodes. if it wasn't, people might start thinking horatio's getting soft-- "what do you MEAN it took him half a season to bring back a CSI to his team?! he's horatio caine for god's sake! he's almighty! he so pwns stetler and all those IAB suckers!" (yeah, i took it too far, so sue me

) we don't want that to happen to H. so ryan will be reinstated in a jiffy, i'm sure
and BTW, natalia's not a CSI yet. she's just a trainee (...right? she can't handle a gun yet-- at least up to "death eminent," which is the last episode i've seen in sequential order, nor the last few episodes of the season-- she's not a cop, she's a scientist). and i doubt that was really horatio's doing; i think she was just forced on them by the feds. she couldn't lose her job now that they'd found her out, after all. so i wouldn't really blame TPTB for that, it would've been a bit weird if she'd kept her old job or just left. they'd been prepping her to become a regular, after all.
hestia- yeah, i know, she is a very underappreciated goddess. though i'm more of a muses fan (calliope mainly, i guess), i definitely think hestia's cool.
katie- "the eric/calleigh/jake thing" :lol: you're right, it does sound kinda soapy, doesn't it?
i'm almost 3/4 of the way through "harm for the holidays: misgivings" and oh, that book is so hilarious! ryan & cal always have the best (and strangest) conversations. aliens with ice-cream based extinguishers in "riptide," and now killer snowmen with death rays! gosh, that's just priceless. donn cortez is
such a closet shipper. i wish their conversations could be as light in the actual show.
i'll see you later, guys!

have a good few days and keep up the momentum! i'm aiming for our needing thread #7 very soon!