Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Good question, DUTCHIE, honestly at this point in their relationship I couldn't see him putting too much judgement on Jake but I do think he cares enough for Calleigh to show a little bit of involvement if he saw that she was going to be hurt by him. He would have some sort of 'warm' conversation w/ her about it like in the end of 'driven' when shes giving him reassurance about his eye. I could see him handling it like that, but for the most part, I think he'd try & stay out of it, Calleigh doesn't like her private life to be everybody's business & I think that Ryan would respect that until necessary.
Ive jut seen 5.01 & 5.02 and those were really cool episodes.

and Ive have finally seen Jake and I dont like him one bit. I cant picture that Calleigh would want to be with someone like that. but maybe there is more to him that shown there though I somehow doubt it

I love how Ryan & Calleigh always seem to match their clothes - in color or in style. its so sweet.

and with all the flirtting and sparks going around I dont understand how can they put them together with anyone but each other, but hey, you cant get everything
I saw episodes 5.01 und 5.02 for the first time. :)
don't know, but I like 'Going Under' more than 'Rio'. They had more scenes together in 'Going Under' and it shows how much Ryan cares about Calleigh.
of course, the dubbing destroyed the Carwash dialogues a little bit. :rolleyes:
for example, the 'Thanks Babe' comment was completely different. Something like, 'It's nice that you care about me'.

I don't think that Ryan likes Jake. Jake is a little bit shady for me. Maybe I think that all undercover agents are like Ray Caine.
Ryan and Eric should team up agains Jake as long as Ryan gets the girl in the end. ;)
carolina said:
and spoke fluent Spanish (which is my weakness)

so I'm just gonna go out on a limbe here and assume that you like Eric? ;) am i correct? cause when he starts speaking spanish or russian I just melt....i have a weakness for any sexy good looking man who speaks fluent in any language that sounds smooth, sexy and arousing when they speak it ;)

oh and before i forget.....

Death Pool has the whole part where Calleigh buys an IPod for Ryan's niece. so sweet. and then there is this whole big confrontation at the end but i don't want to give away too much....
Ooo, good question Nikki!

I think that Ryan has a few issues with Jake, just because Jake has sort of stirred up the lab in the relationship department. Ultimately though, I think Ryan cares enough about Calleigh (whether that care be friendly, brotherly, or romantic) to let her make her own decisions in regard to her heart. If Calleigh decides to choose Jake in the end, Ryan will be a little sad, but because he loves Calleigh he'll let her go. After all, that's what love is all about.

That's me being realistic with TPTB. I wish I could say he'd put up a fight about Jake, but the way TPTB have written him makes me think he'll act as I've mentioned above.
I saw 'Death Pool' last night and i didn't like the scene where Ryan and Calleigh had the fight over the counterfeit money :( I don't like to see them argue lol. But overall I thought it was a really good ep.

As for Ryan liking Jake i haven't seen many eps with Jake in it but i agree with what you guys are saying Ryan doesn't seem to like him or dislike him as far as I know but i assume that if Jake was joining to hurt Calleigh Ryan would step in.
ilovejontogo4evr said:
I saw 'Death Pool' last night and i didn't like the scene where Ryan and Calleigh had the fight over the counterfeit money :( I don't like to see them argue lol. But overall I thought it was a really good ep.

Whoa, I'm quoting you again about the same episode (just not about the sexy walk this time)...weird. ;)

Anyway, I hate seeing them fight, too. I was basically saying to the TV "Don't fight! You know you love eachother!"

I think the writers should drop in on this site from time to time...and make their way to this thread...might give them inspiration... :rolleyes:
i hated the fight scene!!!! but i loved Ryans sexy walk..and you know the part where he looks back...well over in the JT thread they keep saying it would be funny if it was a fangirl yelling how hott he was...well imagine that only instead of a fangirl it could be Calleigh :D
I actually liked that scene a lot because it showed she really cared. (even though we already knew she does). I think it's quite special, because, as in real life, no one who sees each other that often never fights. It's just...bound to happen.

CaRWash Cutie, I feel the exact same way as you. Of course I want Ryan to step up and tell Calleigh that Jake is no good for her and she should back off before she gets hurt...but he won't. He's got his job to think about right now. But that's what fanfiction is for ;)

So, only a few more posts till the new thread. Anyone objecting to me opening it? If I'm online at that time, that is? I've been here for all 6 threads but I've never actually opened one...Luna always seemed to beat me :p
Need4Speed said:
...well over in the JT thread they keep saying it would be funny if it was a fangirl yelling how hott he was...well imagine that only instead of a fangirl it could be Calleigh :D

*sigh* if only...

*goes back to wishfully thinking*
This thread is going by a bit slow... someone needs to bring forth a topic or discussion. I know! I'll stir us up with one of those "prove me wrong" questions.

Picking up on the Death Pool scene: With all the foolish mistakes Ryan has done and all the times Calleigh has been annoyed with him, their friendship seems to be rocky and any chance for a relationship may seem like a distant dream.
These two have argued more often than any other Miami "pairing" (but could it truly be because she cares?)

How would you true-blue CaRWashers respond? Inquiring minds need to know. ;)
Sorry babe, I cant really 'prove you wrong' based on these facts. I don't consider their friendship 'rocky', I think he's gonna have a lot of to prove to her though, work-related I mean. But they care & you can definately see that in them. Realistically them getting involved this season seems impossible only because Calleigh has quite a bit on her plate right now, but by seasons end I still can hold onto the idea that Jake will have already screwed up & that would be over. Then if writers choose...then they could eaily develop them into something more, but there is alot they need to get past right now....that doesn't mean that it can't happen later when they both are playing w/ a clean slate though!!!
I like the thought Hestia. Anyone knows a CaRWasher can find the loop holes and as Queen of the Loopholes :lol: I'm sure I can find some here!

A lot of people (myself included) have speculated that they fight a lot because they are very passionate people and their relationship is, as it were. :devil: I've been thinking about it though, and I've come up with another theory. My roomates and I are all very close, but we do tend to be very...vocal about things we don't like. If one of my roomies ticks me off or is just doing something self destructive, I'm going to confront her about it, and there's always the possibility it will end in yelling. Now this is a fairly rare occurance and we always are laughing together ten minutes after it's over, but occasionally we need to get things off our chests or we'd burst. We can do this and still be friends because we are very close. I trust these girls with my life; they're almost like family.

I think Calleigh and Ryan are a lot like me and my roomies in that they are able to fight because they know the other so intimately they can say what's on their minds and not be frightened of ruining the relationship. They trust each other enough to be able to listen to each other, fight, and then get over it. It's unfortunate TPTB don't want to show us the part where they make up and laugh themselves silly over it! ;) They are 'family' to each other; they have to be with the kind of work they do. Their trust in each other is what makes the relationship work!
I think it's because she cares. cause have you ever noticed that once they stop fighting her tone becomes very a concerned tone and she always askes him if he's ok. and he does too. and remember in Under the Influence when Ryan went behind the gator? she was calling his name in a very scared and concerned tone!!! and in Reoil even thought they were mad at each other when the shooting happened Ryan was screaming Calleigh's name because he thought she got shot but then after that they were back to normal. and you know if it wasn't for Ryan pushing her out of the way she probably would have gotten shot.

It's all because they care!
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