Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Welcome carolina! :) CaRWash means Calleigh and Ryan Wolfe addicted shippers. ;)

I always thought Calleigh was talking to Ryan, too. Not just because I ship them but like Nikki said, the way Calleigh talked... I dunno I just assumed it was him. :p

Ahh I love that scene from the CPOTD. "Didn't they sent you home?" "They did." *Ryan gives worried looked* "I'm fine." *Ryan gives pissed off look that she's at lab when she should be at home, resting* :p
Ok. What episode is CPOTD spelled out? Is that from season 5? I don't think I've seen that episode. :( Now I think I'm going to cry. Ok, yeah, not really.

I can't wait until season 5 comes out on DVD, there are so many episodes that I didn't see yet.
Thank God for reruns right? *eating leftovers* I believe Deviant is to air on Tuesday on CBS in the U.S., no?
Some people still don't know how much three lines are...

Happilyhappy, CPOTD is the CaRWash Pic Of The Day, or that picture that I am supposed to post every day :lol: So no episode. Maybe you got confused with COTC which is Curse of the Coffin.

Dani, actually Calleigh was on the phone with someone, whom I think was Ryan, and just as she hung up she got hit by the other car and drove into the canal. We never saw her call for help, I wonder how she did that seeing she didn't bring her cell phone, and even if she did it would've been soaked. I bet Horatio just magically appeared with Eric. :rolleyes:
Hey guys'. I don't watch CSI: Miami (I am trying to get back into it lol)

But, I just thought I'd post this in here..

Everytime I go driving, I see "Carwash" signs, on gas station and stuff. I always... ALWAYS think of Calleigh and Ryan. Well to be more honest, I think of this thread..

But anyway, it always makes me chuckle. :D
OH. Thanks Nikki*Sorry, At least I didn't call you a name way off though, rihgt?*. That would be a great episode, to have Calleigh sick and Horatio sends her home. Instead she stays, and she has to deal with the wrath of Ryan. :lol:
Uh...if you mean me, it's Nikki. But nice try :lol: It's okay. Well...that's what happened really. She had been send home but she didn't, and Ryan was all worried she wasn't going to be okay. I actually wrote a fic...*shuts up* :p

gsrLOVE, that happens to me all the time. We'll pass a carwash and I'll go: CaRWash!! :D And my sis will roll her eyes at me.

Tomorrow I have a speech about CSI and I have to show a bit, and we're going to show a bit of Nailed. (wait, did I already tell that or was that another thread?) Anyway, obviously I'm gonna show them the scene where Ryan gets the nail in his eye, but I'm gonna put it like a little earlier so they can see Ryan on the phone with Cal ;)
carolina, welcome to CaRWash land!
Nikki, thank you for clearing things up for me. And yeah, why wouldn't she calling to Ryan? I believe so.
Oh, by the way, good luck for your speech, I hope it goes well.I am pretty sure it will, as when we love something, we always do a better work...And we always give the best impression. Well, xcept when people think that we are obsessed and crazy :lol: Which happened to me when I presented my project about CSI, but my final mark on the subject was good!!and the project was the only thing in the subject, so I guess the project was also good :) Besides, it was the most enjoying and the easiest project I have ever did!
Well, hope this wasn't too much out of topic...Sorry.
gsrLOVE said:
Hey guys'. I don't watch CSI: Miami (I am trying to get back into it lol)

But, I just thought I'd post this in here..

Everytime I go driving, I see "Carwash" signs, on gas station and stuff. I always... ALWAYS think of Calleigh and Ryan. Well to be more honest, I think of this thread..

But anyway, it always makes me chuckle. :D

I am a "lurker in this thread" but I had to comment on this post. The last few weeks my son keeps telling me he wants to go to the carwash (there is one right by our house that we drive by everyday) and of course I think of this thread immediately! :D
Good luck for your speech Nikki! :)
(but you don't need luck, because I *know* you will be great).

I saw 'Driven' today with a nice CaRWash scene at the end.
It's nice to see that Calleigh tried to cheer Ryan up after his freezing. Ryan was so down (and he's cute when he's down) and confused, I think he didn't know why he freezed up. First, Calleigh wasn't very succesfull with her attempt, but in the end she managed to cheer him up and calm him down.
I think only Calleigh can make him smile after a hard day.

I also want to see a scene where Ryan comforts Calleigh. She said that Ryan would also help her after a hard day and now I want to see it. :p
Thanks Inge, it went pretty okay :) I sneeked a little bit of CaRWash into the part I showed. :p

The end scene of Driven is my favorite scene, because...*CaRWashers hold her mouth covered because they already know*

But for CaRWash...there's bad news. Very bad news. Did anyone read the interview with Adam Rodriguez?

CSI Files: We've heard rumors of a burgeoning romance between Calleigh and Delko. Can you shed any light on that? Rodriguez: I think this is something that has been brewing for a long time. I don't know how far the show is going to take it. Sometimes we get close with something and then it [fizzles]. I don't know how far we're going to go with Calleigh and Delko. We definitely show the building it up through the next episodes. I think it's cool. It's really realistic when it comes to working this job, working a lot of hours and spending the time we do with each other. It's inevitable that romance happens, like the fling with Natalia's character [last season] and the love triangle with Togo's character. [Calleigh and Delko] will start to acknowledge [their feelings] and maybe even fall for each other. I'm excited about it. After doing a show for five years, any sort of new avenue is exciting. I hope they take it there, to an extreme place and really gives us a chance to explore it, but who knows where they're going to take it.
I'm...really sad. :( I wrote Corey Miller an e-mail with the question to ask for clarification, and I made sure that he could read that I was NOT happy with this. We'll see if he replies. I hope he does.

Until then...we have to support each other. So:

CaRWash Pic Of The Day:
(From Nailed)

*tries to type 3 lines this time* Yeah I just read that too. But I used to be a former EC shipper, not a strong one, but was. i tried to read the whole thing, but I'm not a great reader. But I did see something on how....well I'll let you finish reading it.
The girl asked how Ryan might feel about it and Adam said he might have a thing or two to say about it.
I guess we'll see how it all plays out.
Oh Nikki, I understand what you are saying. I also read the interview.
Well, everything points to E/C direction, but hopefully it will be a short storyline, not taken too long. This could even be good for CaRWash. Imagine, Calleigh and Eric actually start having some love interest, and then she realises that is not what she really wants, she realises how much she would prefer to have Ryan there, how much she misses him, and come back to him, completely aware of her feelings and decided to share them with him. And, well, the rest you already can see :rolleyes: Not that I am expecting this in any way, as they wouldn't turn CSI:Miami into a series too much related with personal issues of the characters, that's not exactly the point of it, so they wouldn't give Calleigh two love stories, one after the other, I just hope that something like this would be possible, even not that soon. We have to keep hope. Well, all this to say that I just expect the writers don't take this thing situation too long. It would be really difficult for us, Carwashers
About Driven, I also love the last scene, more than the rest of the episode, for obvious reasons...I guess everyone here likes it, it just shows a lot of what we believe they feel for eachother...
This is so not like me but I'm going to try to be optimistic here...

I know Calleigh and Delko have been getting alot of scenes (too many at once, imo), and Adam said they might realize their true feelings, but nothing is set in stone. Things can change. Maybe they won't have them realize their feelings. You never know.

Ugh, enough of that. Now for the pessimistic...

When Adam said Ryan will have something to say, I obviously want him to be sad or jealous or something, but what I think Adam ment by that was job wise. About how he doesn't think it's good for the lab, I don't know. But for some reason I have a feeling the writers won't have him jealous or upset for those sort of reasons. :rolleyes:

Oh, also...

I don't really understand why the writers are deciding to go HH right now just because for the past two seasons, Calleigh and Ryan have gotten really close, and there hasn't been anything HH wise. It seems sort of random and rushed to me. You know?
So when I read Adam's interview, I got a sick feeling in my stomach. I mean, it's one thing to have hints of other relationships with Calleigh (eg Jake), but to actually have a ship visible and flaunted on the screen like it appears will happen...sad day for us CaRWashers! Before we could still dream about Calleigh and Ryan, but if the whole E/C ends up working, those dreams might be dashed. Don't get me wrong, the idea of an actual ship on Miami is fabulous, but I think I'm gonna have to be sick if I have to watch Calleigh and Eric holding hands and being all romantic together. Will we loose hope as die-hard CaRWash fans over this? I think not! ;)

That said, Miami is notorious for giving us relationships and then yanking them out from under us. (Anyone care to remember what happended to Marisol?) If this E/C thing starts to take off, if being the key word there, I can see it coming down in flames and crashing in a great big fireball. After all, I think Ryan is seriously going to put up a fight if Delko tries to steal his girl! :lol: I think Calleigh will come to her senses and the relationship will fizzle and we can go back to our happy little CaRWash life style!
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